
November 27th, 2005, 04:59 PM
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Re: Abysia CB 5.0 AAR
Note: This update is really quick, because the actual posting of my last update was delayed by almost 7 hours when the Shrapnel server was down/busy last night. Events proceed apace.
TURNS 101-110
On the western continent, Owleye’s Retreat (province #206) is driving me crazy. Even though I haven't been able to afford an Acashic Record, I have searched all gem types to 9, and Holy to 3 and there’s nothing there! I could check Holy to 4 by building an Anathemant Dragon for the purpose, but it seems a bit of a long shot. All special sites on this map were supposed to have something…SOMETHING!
In the east, I try to establish my dominion, build Temples, sacrifice, research, and weep over the half dozen totally depopulated provinces I have won at bitter cost. The Prince of Death has made my new lands a desert. (I console myself with the other dozen provinces I took from him that are merely damaged to some degree.)
On the east continent south of the mountains, I burn out an independent group of Trogs in the south central desert. This province is the best site for a southern desert fort, and I will need an advanced outpost against Ulm's encroachment.
I sent in 10 Abysian Heavy Infantry and 8 Crossbowmen, backed by a Salamander priest. I won only because I had the foresight to pack a few Fire gems. The Trogs hacked up the infantry, and would have overrun me with ease, except the priest summoned a Fire Elemental, which routed them off. I start building the fort. This turn I reach Thaumaturgy 6.
My oceanic adventures mostly fail. A unit and a half of Ichtyids from the Fish Fort in the north perish at the hands of the Triton Guards—I sent them in about two turns too early. My Sea Trolls and Gibur the Water Mage merc attack an Independent in the south sea provinces (where I am trying to prevent Man from sealing me off--most Sea provinces are still independent). The Trolls prevail, but Gibur dies. *Ouch!* The surviving 12 Trolls are too weak to break out into the main ocean, so they hold, at once victorious and frustrated.
I recruit another Water Mage at the Azure Academy, but as soon as he steps into a coastal province, new Trogs attack and kill both him and the Salamander priest pacifying the area! I hate Trogs!!
The very first Oceania provinces I took just begin to produce units on turn 106. I send my replacement Water mage into the battle to kill the Trogs and, while I won, I left the mage too close to my Abysian leader and he fried! And my other unit commander picked up a Lycanthropos Amulet!! (I won’t repeat exactly what I said, but I think it freaked out the neighbors.)
On the eve of war with Man, I finally get into the water in the north, but Man takes an independent province and seals off my sea expansion in the south.
I actually had put together a large surplus of Nature gems,so I have put up both the Gift of Health and Wild Hunt global spells as part of my war prep. First victim of the latter was Aenos the Prophet, an Emerald Lord of Pythium. Not my first choice, but he should have stayed out of the woods.
Next turn, I kill a Serpent Lord in the same province—why do I have the rotten feeling that this spell hits Forests in ascending province number order? If so, this was not a good choice—it really helps Ulm against Pythium, just when I’m about to go to war against Man.
Otherwise, I prepare carefully. I could attack Man on turn 109, but I hold because there is a tournament—maybe Man will send a powerful hero and lose it.
I finally get a look at the small island “Jaw-Breaker.” Somebody has a sense of humor…

November 28th, 2005, 03:07 AM
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Re: Abysia CB 5.0 AAR
TURN 110-112
Owlseye, the fourth special site, my obsession: OK, I built the Dragon, and he found nothing. I built a Mound Fiend to check for Unholy sites… nothing. I finally divert enough Astral gems to cast the @#$%&! Acashic Record… NOTHING!
(The Cone is not the only thing smouldering in my capital now!)
Furious, I attack Man.
First priority is to clear the forces of Man from the ocean provinces off my coast, which will greatly simplify my homeland defense.
Second priority is to take Man’s border provinces, most of which have by now changed to my dominion.
I have used my gem supply for items prepping for war; the only global I really want to see at this time is Strands of Arcane Power (after all, the Pretender is strong in Astral magic), although it may be more efficient play to go for Gaia’s Bounty and expand the blood hunts. I might just punt the Wild Hunt once GB becomes available.
Total Income end of turn 110: 2,819 gold, gem income: 37F/6A/11W/18E/19S/24D/23N + 51B this turn. I can see I must be careful to build a Lab in every province I hunt. I had two hunters this turn that released slaves because they were full. Focus, idiot!
Turns out, Caelum has been driven totally into the sea. He holds three Sea provinces and maybe a lake. He has to have a priest or Prophet also, because apparently he can still call his god.
For provinces, I dominate. Man and Ulm at 45%, Man is on steep decline, Ulm spiking up; Pythium 15%; Caelum 5%.
For income, I lead; Man 90%; Ulm about 50%, sharp spike up; Pythium and Caelum 10%, with Pythium strongly down.
For gem income, I dominate. Man and Ulm tie at 35%; Pythium 5%, Caelum flatlined.
For research, Man leads; I'm at 90% and losing ground; Caelum flatlined at 45%; Pythium 25%; Ulm 20% and accelerating.
For dominion, I tie Ulm. Caelum is auguring in* at 25%. Man is at 20%; Pythium is approaching dominion snuff at 5%.
(*You've heard of "crash and burn"? "Augur in" is the next level of intensity.)
For armies, Man leads by a wide margin, but is starting to spike down. Ulm 50%; I’m 35%; Pythium and Caelum 10%.
The graphs urge me to hurry and grab as much of Man as I can, before Pythium goes under…
…but I miscalculate badly…again. While I was building infrastructure, gem hunting, Arch Devil buffing, and so on, I let my mage- and troop-building lapse. In the meantime, it looks like Man has put every halfpence into cheap troops for the last 50 turns!
Man has materialized an army of 580, and another of 390 right on my border! These are all junk troops, plus a few summons (disproportionately many Cold Drakes), but seemingly impervious to waves of Lesser Horrors and intense concentrations of Fires from Afar.
They overrun a large army of mine led by the Spectral Mage merc with no difficulty at all, destroying him utterly. This distracts me so much I forget to renew the mercs again (Perceville is gone for good, but I manage to rehire *smudge*—Couatl? without incident).
I am still two levels out from Greater Horrors, and find I don’t have a lot of army-killing magic to hand at this point. I hold the oceans for now, but if I can’t keep my troop-building sites on the west continent, he’ll force his way into my east continent core.
And I thought C'tis was trouble!

November 30th, 2005, 02:06 AM
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Re: Abysia CB 5.0 AAR
TURNS 113-115
By this time, the turns are taking about 45 minutes to an hour or more each, and I keep losing track of where I am. (I’m not even sure without checking this record exactly which AI positions I’m currently at war with!) I’m starting to suffer from severe burnout on this game, just a time when I have to rally back and keep fighting.
The huge number of Man troops is daunting. I really think the only thing that can save me now is if all those Man troops are actually starving and becoming diseased; otherwise, this is likely to end badly.
If I thought the AI didn’t need supplies, I’d just call it here. Last turn, I could see 1,900 Man troops (combined intelligence reports) before my scouts started dying. Not many of them left now. For me, a west continent army of 60-70 is about as big as it gets. (But reading in the Forum about the AI’s problem with supplies keeps me slogging on.)
I crank research and start building troops as fast as I can. I summon Fire Snakes in the west continent forts. My best play is quality against quantity, I think. I’ll give up non-fort provinces here to concentrate on surviving the sieges to come. It’s going to get ugly, but I think I can prevail as long as I can keep him off the east continent.
I’m scrambling for Greater Horrors, the Haunted Forest Global, the Earth Attack ritual; anything to slow up and cripple the armies of Man. One Couatl has been sniping with Mind Hunt for the last few turns. Four kills, but no visible effect on the advance of Man.
I manage to pump out the Ghost Armada, but it hits Ulm (lowest numbered enemy coastal province—not sure if it’s a pattern or just abominable luck). The Armada is wiped out in its first attack. Crud. I won’t be doing that again. Sea Trolls are much more cost effective for me now. I commit my buffed shapeshifter to the water campaign after giving him a Ring of Water Walking.
I have three Demonbreds and an Arch Devil summoning devils now. I have to keep a wary eye on my Blood Slave level. I wouldn't want to gain the ability to Send Greater Horrors and then not have enough Blood Slaves to actually use them. Arch Devils are hideously expensive for me, but I try to summon one whenever I can get enough Slaves accumulated--a slow process. I have two majorly buffed Arch Devil commanders now, plus one summoning devils, plus one researching and producing Fire gems. Although I have been using Apprentices for blood hunting, I have discovered that the Demonbred are somewhat more efficient, so I have been building Demonbred hunters rather than more Apprentices.
TURNS 116-120
Man’s large armies break up to take provinces. Great news! I hit the smaller forces in a series of sharp counterattacks. I have invaded his east coast from the sea, found big armies, and am marching south along his east coast away from them, burning Temples. I crush Man’s counter-invasion of the sea south of the west continent, and I mass amphibious forces to begin seriously raiding this coast. However, I’ve lost both my Sea Troll Kings and my shapeshifter with the Ring of Water Walking.
I have met Sir Perceville in the employ of Man and killed him—I got his cursed armor back, a Priest got to it. (The Manticore gave Perceville the artifact armor as a gift when he was bought...er, loyal. The Manticore is foolishly generous at times, but I try to ignore it as long as it doesn't interfere with the game too much.)
I don’t want to think about all the magic Man has taken off my dead Leaders the last few turns--it's just too depressing. Next turn, Man hires the Couatl mercenary away from me. I now have a single merc, Mamor the White Wizard, who is tucked away in a forest lab somewhere north of the C'tis capital.
To the far west, a large force of Caelum aquatics has appeared in an ocean province—I ignore them. Ulm is quiet—or maybe he is still crushing Pythium—my scouts on the south continent are dead again.
I equipped my chief assassin with Armor of Virtue (I really lose it about 3 AM). He attacked an Avalon Warden and, well, it’s a long walk back to the front from the capital…
Other than that, we seesaw. Man is in the oceans, I’m on his coast. Vice versa and back again. He is deep-probing me with Blackhawks and Impress Soul spells, I am buying back the Couatl merc turn 120. I get to Blood 8 and Greater Horrors, so Man may be in trouble.
Scores (turn 120):
For provinces, I dominate; Ulm 50%; Man 40%; Pythium and Caelum at 5%.
For income, I lead, Man 65%; Ulm about 50%; Caelum 7%, Pythium 0%.
For gem income, I dominate; Ulm at 40%; Man at 30%; Caelum about 3%; Pythium 0%.
For research, Man leads; I'm next at 75%; Pythium 20%; Ulm 15%.
For dominion, I lead; Ulm about 90%; Man 12%; Caelum 10%; Pythium 1%.
For armies, Man leads; Ulm 90%; I’m 70%; Caelum 15%; Pythium 1%.
I was thinking of knocking on Caelum’s door, but looks like I’m going have a big pain in the south in 2-3 turns. I will try to hold off Ulm and take out Man fast if it happens. Now that I have Blood 8 and Greater Horrors, I am going to burn my way up the Alteration track to Level 8 and Crumble.
Treasury (turn 120): 1,217; gems 37F/8A/16W/18E/21S/22D/26N + 61B this turn. Schools: Conj 8, Alt 1, Evo 8, Cons 8, Ench 8, Thaum 7, Blo 8.
I will prevail!

December 1st, 2005, 07:10 AM
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Re: Abysia CB 5.0 AAR
TURN 121-125
Crud! The capital lab burned down. The Fires from Afar, Horrors, Mind Hunts, and Philosopher’s Stone are all offline this turn. Everybody who can blood-hunts while the Lab is rebuilt. Pythium dies now (turn 121), worse luck. I will need to deal with Ulm, soon.
I’ve been kicked decisively out of Man’s coastal provinces with the loss of 4 Leaders and 116 troops! I can’t afford these losses to the sea forces. I spend much time rallying the fragments on my coast and sending them back to the deeps. Local commanders report the situation at sea is…“fluid.”
I've started a Druid casting Beckoning, and he is killing 30-40 of Man's troops a turn with it. This is really helping me thin out his armies massed in Forest provinces. On the other hand, in spite of brief visits north, the Wild Hunt has stayed pretty much on the southern continent; a real bust of a global in this game.
Greater Horrors prove to be fun, but it’s too easy to go overboard and run out of Blood Slaves. So far my results are that they generally disrupt the enemy somewhat, but unless I’m lucky enough to actually hit near a command group, they haven’t been causing general routing. They certainly aren't proving as effective against Man hordes as the Lesser Horrors were against the C'tis Ghouls. After trying this a few times, I’m thinking that one Horror per 100 enemy troops is the best ratio to send...and I do send, and send, and ...need more slaves.
Ulm declares war turn 123. I have been fighting to establish my dominion in the desert area, but aside from my southern fort, it has been really hard to change the local dominion, even though I have been building Temples in most provinces, flooding the area with cheap priests and using Blood Sacrifices lavishly. Ulm strongly holds the fertile provinces south of the desert lands, and has been massing troops there.
On the west continent, by the end of turn 125, I own just about everything on the north and east of the mountain line. I will probably extend to the old Caelum capital (located on the west coast of the west continent, second coastal province south from top) by the time I get Crumble. I plan to use that to take that fort, then wheel down, clearing everything west of the river line. We’ll see how it works out. By this time, I have one Devil pack (11-14, led by an Arch Devil) operating on the west continent, one just arriving, and a third almost built at the capital.
I’ve been using Raven Feast to clean up the big battlefields. As a source of Death gems, it’s been a bit of a disappointment (like I have much use for Death gems, anyway), but I figure it's less potential Death magic for the enemy, so why not?
Treasury (turn 125): 1,217; gems 38F/11A/20W/21E/22S/26D/26N + 82B this turn. Schools: Conj 8, Alt 6, Evo 8, Cons 8, Ench 8, Thaum 7, Blo 8.

December 3rd, 2005, 04:06 PM
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Re: Abysia CB 5.0 AAR
TURN 126-130
Bogus turned up again a few turns back, but I finally moved a force against him on turn 126. I scored Precious, Greenstone Armor, and a Horror Helm.
On the south continent, the Wild Hunt took out a Harbinger from Ulm, and the Ivory Tower special site repelled an Ulm attack (this is the special site on the north coast of the south continent west of my big city there).
On the west continent, I am attacking through both passes toward the old Caelum capital, but it will take a few turns to actually get there. In the east half of the west continent, huge Man forces mass south of the river line; I give ground, retreating through the Fens, while harassing him with magic.
The seas are still in turmoil, with me holding most of them, but Man launching attacks from shore. On the east continent, Ulm continues through the desert, I prepare with summons (Summer Lions) and harass with magic. I want to suck him in one more desert province, so he’ll be in supply trouble no matter what happens.
(Later.) I have success on the west continent northwest. The Caelum capital (owned by Man) is under siege and I may have enough blocking forces south and east to keep the relief forces from Man out. I have taken most of the east coast of the west continent, though I doubt I can hold it. There is one major Man troop block threatening my river line in the center. However, I do feel very much in control of the situation on this continent. If I was not at war with Ulm, I think I would be close to wrapping up Man now.
On the east continent in the desert, Ulm and I are still fighting over my forward defense line. Ulm has taken the easternmost Mountain province near my desert fort, but with luck, next turn I should bag his lot there. However, Ulm has at least twice as many troops approaching. The question is whether I can grind them up faster than Ulm can throw them at me.
And the Manticore has been Feebleminded for the second time this game! Wah!
I remember too late it’s been awhile since last score report (maybe next time).

December 3rd, 2005, 04:17 PM
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Re: Abysia CB 5.0 AAR
TURN 131-135
I’m losing ground to Ulm on dominion; I need more temples. Man is crumbling. I finally take the Caelum fortress, just before Caelum’s Pretender attacks! After a turn of my summoning, however, the Caelum Pretender can no longer damage the walls, so I’ll just leave it at that until I finish with Man.
I have been having a lot of fun with Arch Devil thugs scripted for Fire Shield, Attack One Turn, Fire Eruption, Attack One Turn, Fire Eruption, Attack Archers. It has certainly done a number on Man; in combination with a squad of 15-18 Devils, I’ve been taking out groups of 65-100 with no losses. With three of these killer packs operating, it’s no wonder Man is on the ropes.
My toehold city on the southern continent (near the Ivory Tower) is besieged. I need to do something before the Ulm Engineers show up. I had grabbed the Ivory Tower just after Pythium fell. It has Illusionists, so I’ve been building some and looking for more Air sites.
I have fended off three Ulm attempts to grab this site so far, and stupidly killed off one of my illusionists by giving him Retreat orders. (I was going to Cloud Trapeze him into danger, which the retreat would take him out of, but then changed my mind and forgot to fix his orders. When Ulm attacked, he fled the field immediately, taking a long run off a short pier. *sigh* Airhead...)
I bring up some aquatic troops and break the siege. If I expand and take the small group of provinces here, I cut Ulm in half on the north shore of the south continent.
Scores (turn 135):
For provinces, I dominate; Ulm 40%; Man 7%; Caelum 3%.
For income, I dominate, Ulm 35%; Man 13%; Caelum 5%.
For gem income, I dominate; Ulm at 30%; Man at 10%; Caelum 0%.
For research, Man leads; I’m at 90%; Caelum 30%; Ulm 20%.
For dominion, I lead; Ulm 95%; Man 3%; Caelum 3%.
For armies, I lead; Ulm 80%; Man 20%; Caelum 15%.
I pretty much own the Hall of Fame. Aside from Ulm’s prophet, Hildegarde, all the living heroes are mine. Caelum’s Pretender has knocked Orion out of first place (and died seven times!). C’tis’s Pretender is also still on the list, with six deaths. Everything else is mine.
My top hero is the Druid Vanno, who racked up 313 kills with the Beckon spell, then Gargagon the 10F wizard, who just put in the Ruby Eye last turn; then my Prophet, Cron, 2F5H (holy).
Treasury: 2,221 gold; gem income 38F/14A/28W/25E/24S/29D/28N + 67B this turn. Schools: Conj 8, Alt 8, Evo 8, Cons 8, Ench 8, Thaum 7, Blo 8.

December 4th, 2005, 06:06 PM
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Re: Abysia CB 5.0 AAR
TURN 136-140
The whole western continent has fallen, except some forts and two wooded provinces down near the henge in the southwest quadrant. But I have strong forces there, and it’s just a mopping up operation at this point.
I can’t stand waiting. I attack Caelum’s Pretender just to get rid of it. Why should I give Caelum the 55 gold tax income every turn?
I steadily grind down my other foes. I take one of Man forts (south coast, Hervewood), and put another coastal fort under siege. The second fort turns out to be his capital. It's very tough; aquatic troop assaults bounce twice here with murderous losses. However, in a few turns, my fort assault group will arrive from the west, and that will finish things. I use a Doom Horror to break up Caelum’s big aquatic force and walk into his Sea provinces virtually unopposed.
On the eastern continent, I have counterattacked Ulm and taken the entire continent. (I actually got the southeast corner, a wooded province, with Impress Soul, followed by a Druid [via Faerie Trod], who built a Lab, summoned Dryads, built a Temple, and generally made a nuisance of himself.)
I take the island between the east and south continents with aquatic troops, and these provinces become the anvil on which I smash Ulm’s last forces on the eastern continent. I then push on across the island to the fertile south continent coastal provinces of Ulm.
Along the north shore of the southern continent, I expand my holdings westward—there is still an independent province between Ulm and me to the east, so I leave it alone. I use aquatic forces to hit the coast east of that, however, and I will run as far into his interior from there as I can, burning Temples all the way. A force of Devils arrives from the north.
On turn 138, the Manticore finally recovers his wits (at least that’s what we tell the faithful) and pops off the Arcane Nexus global spell (drat, I got this spell and the Strands of Arcane Power global confused—only noticed the difference when I started getting Astral power instead of magic sites—comes of playing too late at night).
In the north sector of the west continent, Caelum has been holding onto a lake. I clean it out with a Doom Horror and discover his Prophet. Unless he hid another priest underwater off the west coast, this should end the god callbacks.
On turn 140, Caelum is snuffed, after being killed eight times. Man is reduced to two small field forces and a besieged fort. I am making inroads on the southern continent: many temples destroyed, a fort (capital?) under siege (Ashdown, northeast quadrant southeast of a henge special site).
Ulm counterattacks onto my eastern continent (I missed a connecting route between ports—sloppy), but his forces are contained and will probably be driven back this turn. My combat-thinned forces in the southeast area of the southern continent have gone about as far as they can, but the northern force on this continent continues to chew up Ulm's backfield.
In the western half of the south continent, I cross a river line and start building a fort as a base for expansion here. Ulm has enough local troops to block and maybe counterattack here. I decide to finish Man before pushing further on this front.
By this time, I’m building a Demonbred and Sanguine Rod every turn in my capital to expand Blood production. The Philosopher’s Stone has been long built, and I’m burning a significant number of gems to supplement my income for end-of-turn Temple building. Also, except for one Mound Fiend casting Leprosy each turn, I’m converting most of my Death gem income to Astral.
Incidentally, an Income vs. Treasury note. Until turn 50 or so, my army costs topped out around 310 gold (not counting mercs). From that point, it has slowly grown to about half the Income figure, or a little more. Total income in the late game now is in the 5,600-5,700 range, upkeep around 2,700-2,800.
Just for fun, I cast Gift of Reason on a Summer Lion. I’d like to raise a unit of Summer Lions, led by a Summer Lion. Unfortunately, Summer Lion Commanders can’t command magical creatures, and they only have two misc magic slots, so there’s no way I can use a Crown of Command to work around this. (Hmmm, it would be nice to have an Amulet of Arcane Authority that enables command of 10 magical creatures; enough for a raiding force, for example.)
Scores (turn 140):
For provinces, I dominate; Ulm 25%; Man 2%.
For income, I dominate; Ulm 20%; Man 3%.
For gem income, I dominate; Ulm at 23%; Man at 0%.
For research, Man leads; I trail at 95%; Ulm 20%.
For dominion, I lead; Ulm 90%; Man 3%.
For armies, I dominate; Ulm 50%; Man 5%.
(Note: I have been using the word "dominate" when I lead and the next highest score is 50% or less.)
Hall of Fame: No change. I hold six positions with living heroes. Ulm still has the prophet, Hildegarde. Two dead Pretenders and dead Orion round out the field.
Treasury: 3,170; gems 40F/20A/30W/26E/26S/34D/32N + 79B this turn. Schools: Conj 8, Alt 8, Evo 8, Cons 8, Ench 9, Thaum 7, Blo 8. Currently researching Evo 9 at 285 RP per turn (usually 299, but I’m doing some special forging and wizard movement this turn); completion in two turns.

December 5th, 2005, 01:26 PM
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Re: Abysia CB 5.0 AAR
TURN 141-145
Something unusual. For most of the game, I have been unthinkingly pooling Blood Slaves each turn, then manually doling them out one at a time to temple priests for blood sacrifice.
This last turn, I went totally manual, collecting and assigning Blood Slaves by hand. When I processed the turn, all Priests with Blood Sacrifice orders from the previous turn had, on average, been automatically assigned three Blood Slaves each (even though I expected the previous turn’s allotment of one slave to have been reduced to zero). Wow...
There’s no question that Blood Slave assignment is a little fiddly, but apparently it fiddles both ways (at least in the Concept Balance mod). Immediate pooling each turn isn’t necessarily the best move, as I had reflexively assumed--that would disrupt the automatic assignment of the optimal (?) number of Blood Slaves to sacrificing priests. Another new thing discovered in this game.
On the west continent, turn 143, Man dies as I take his last Fortified City. Next turn his Pretender (Green Dragon) comes back to the capital, and besieges it, and is destroyed.
On the south continent, my minion, the arch devil Furcas, flies blindly into an Ulm province far to the southwest. Defeated, he is banished to the Abyss and his devils are destroyed (he wasn’t really stupid, he was just played that way).
Two turns later, the pocket lich Carcator, carried by Furcas, is found in the possession of a minor Ulm infantry commander who is slain by an Earth Elemental (love that Earth Attack ritual spell, Evocation 8).
Another Earth Elemental locates the Ulm Prophet Hildegarde in a fortified city, but she slays it with six mighty blows. I give up Blood research in favor of Alteration—I wonder if you can Wish for population? If the game goes another half dozen turns, I may find out.
East continent, the Manticore pops off the Strands of Arcane Power (the twit finally got it right this time). This is my sixth global spell. Oddly enough, this blows away the Arcane Nexus. I really expected it to replace the Wild Hunt, which was cast at minimal gem cost; the Arcane Nexus was cast at a substantial premium. Oh well...who knows what really goes on in the black box of AI operations--incidentally, Arcane Nexus was the last global cast before the Strands of Arcane Power.
I meet another milestone turn 145, all of my land PD is at 10+ and all of my Citadels are at 25 PD. I have been in the course of this game developing a personal discipline for solo play that gives magic sites a 15 PD minimum, and increases high-income province PD by 5 per 25 gold (so 10 PD up to 25 gold, 15 PD to 50, 20 PD to 75, 25 PD to 100 gold, and so on. I use disciplines of this type to create administrative "drag" that increases the challenge level of a solo game (such disciplines are unnecessary for multiplayer games, IMO).
Gold income: 6,407. Treasury: 3,935; gem income 44F/20A/36W/35E/40S/38D/38N + 108B this turn. The huge increase here is because the Strands of Arcane Power global has been turning up 3-4 sites per round on average. However, it doesn’t flag or identify them, which means I have to go to the Province screen and try to figure out which site listings are new.
This turn (#145), I get to pick the three new sites out of 201 listed sites. This is busy-work, and it is annoying. It’s not so bad if the sites are all vanilla, but really cool stuff can be buried for turns and turns.
Schools: Conj 8, Alt 8, Evo 9, Cons 8, Ench 9, Thaum 7, Blo 8. Currently researching Alt 9 at 313 RP per turn; completion in four turns.
I have become bored with Ulm; the question of Wishing for population consumes me. I find the 0 population provinces left by C'tis irk me and mightily offend my sense of divine order. All my remote casters are directed to turn their efforts to research Alteration. Revised count: 481 RP per turn, completion in 3 turns. I also order 13 more Temples to be built on turn 145, which will bring my Temple count to 141. I burn off most of my Fire and Earth gems to do this, but it’s all rather moot at this point.
However, I have now discovered THE QUESTION. Stay tuned.

December 6th, 2005, 11:20 AM
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Re: Abysia CB 5.0 AAR
TURN 146-147
The west continent, east continent, and oceans are mine. All that remains is the final conquest of the south continent. Aside from two forts under siege, Ulm has been pushed west of the central river. I have used the Faery Trodding Druid and sea forces to open a new front in the southwest corner of the continent. I have erected a new fort in a wooded province several provinces inland to consolidate my gains, and have started squeezing the surviving Ulm field forces from this side.
Hildegarde, guarded by a Crusher, has fallen to my Devil hordes, and on the far west coast, the Ulm hero Ratik has perished as well. The only thing of interest left in this war is to get my Manticore to the old C’tis capital (population 0), and see if a Wish will give me some population here.
A surprise reversal on a castle assault—Abysian forces destroyed by the Ulm Pretender (an Oracle) holed up with a pile of Clockwork Horrors and six (!) Crushers. Its Blade Wind is truly impressive (and I tried to clean him out with about 20 Sea Trolls, a few fanatics, and two Angels—not). Well, at least he isn’t going anywhere.
Note: The capital is in fact the fort just southeast of the henge special site in the northeast quarter of the south continent. I have enough troops nearby to bottle him up, but I will wait for the massed Devil horde to launch a final assault.
Turn 148 may be the next to last turn. Ulm has four Temples left unprotected by forts, and I will raze all of them next turn. All his forts are open to assault (though the capital is strong beyond the abilities of my local forces there).
Forgot to pay the Couatl merc again (that’s the fourth or fifth time now—one of these days it isn’t coming back).
Recalled Furcas and equipped him with a Hell Sword, Chain Mail of Displacement, Flame Helmet, Chi Shoes, Ring of Regeneration, Ring of the Warrior, and sent him out with 21 Devils. My Hound of War has returned.
Somewhere along the line I have summoned a Heliophagus and ordered it to the front. There was a time when I would have considered that a significant milestone--it is interesting how impending ascension changes your perspective. Such a powerful creature reduced to an insignificant, half-forgotten footnote to a successful campaign. Ironic.
The Warlock Demogorgon is now 3F/2A/2W/4E/4S/3D/4N/4B. Even though he was scheduled to empower Air this turn, things change. The Manticore spotted the Crown of Overmight on the available item list--and insisted. This, despite the fact the item is cumbersome and will screw up his flying and defense, and cost him an Astral level until he can empower. But…what the Manticore wants, the Manticore gets (the twit). We may even see if people “flocking” in can cause immigration into a dead province (I don’t think so—more likely it has the same dominion effect as the Juggernaut, if anything—I’ll check the documentation after I’m done with the game).
Just for the record, I set up the Wish with a single key word “population.” We’ll see what develops. The caster is in a fort in a province with no population at all.
Income: 7,064; Treasury: 8,667. Gem Income: 49F/21A/40W/39E/40S/40D/41N + 102B this turn. Even though this is late game, it seems like an awful lot of magic for a low-magic map.
I can hardly wait for the results of the great experiment.

December 7th, 2005, 12:33 PM
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Re: Abysia CB 5.0 AAR
TURN 148
OK, Wish message: “A bunch of people just showed up in Minto Strait.” That's one of my Sea provinces. Current population 7,140. I have no idea what the previous population was, could the Wish have added as much as 5K?
I’m going to try the Wish again and see if I can target the effect in North Galenwood. Hold everything...there’s also a weird battle report: Six Ulm woodsmen showed up in Minto Strait (underwater!?) with no leader, didn’t down, and routed as soon as the battle started. Coincidence? Or what?
Another weirdness, if I was managing the province like I usually do, the Unrest last turn would have been under 10, but the current reading is 103. I don’t know whether this is part of an anomaly, or whether the province is just recovering from one of those “several hundred” Unrest points I tend to end up with when taking aquatic provinces.
I raze four temples and initiate two assaults. Only the Ulm capital survives to await the arrival of the Devils. I’m not tracking cash anymore—with 9,740 gold unspent this turn, and an income of 7,219, there’s no point. The Wish is the only thing of interest. I try again, wording: “population in North Galenwood.” I also do minor administrative stuff like some builds and troop movements, but only one thing seems important now.
I wonder what will happen.
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