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Old May 1st, 2006, 02:56 PM

repeat2341 repeat2341 is offline
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Default Too short

I just bought this game because of the promising demo - you can be a freighter, a pirate, a hero! The reality is pretty disappointing to me - the number of races, ship types, things to do, items and upgrades is really pretty tiny. The largest map is easily covered in half an hour; there's nothing to trade, no way/reason to stay in after the half hour. Even the battles are more or less automated and present no spectacle with the slow impulse speed. I feel ripped off - the graphics are cool (especially the folding effect), the sound is cool, but the gameplay and replay value aren't. For 6 dollars more, I could have had EV Nova. I'm sure there's no refund forthcomming, and I want to encourage the developers, but I'm inclined to post on MacUpdate and Versiontracker about this game. Maybe for $15 I wouldn't feel like I just got my teeth knocked in

Please let me know if there are improvements planned to the main game - I can't imagine the mods doing much of anything to improve on such a small map size and gaming experience.

Wanted more for $25,
Old May 1st, 2006, 03:22 PM

jab2565 jab2565 is offline
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Default Re: Too short

I have to agree with you somewhat. Hopefully they can release some kind of content pak with alot of new stuff. Or at least a high score table you can access thru the game. As right now once you've seen all the events part of what makes the game appealing goes away. And yeah EV nova rocked, I played the demo of it and if I had the money at the time I would have bought it right there
Old May 1st, 2006, 07:06 PM
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Default Re: Too short

As far as more content goes, be sure to check out the mods and tools that are beginning to appear. Watch for announcements here on this forum, and at the Infinite Space Federation site.

We also make announcements about mods on the Digital Eel news page, like The Mizendar Galaxy, a recent redux of a popular SAIS mod released for Weird Worlds.

Infinite Space Federation forums

Infinite Space Federation

Digital Eel

It's possible that we might release extra content in the future. These would likely be ship mods and the like available as quick downloadables. But we do have other games to make (!), so we'll have to see how things go. (No promises at this time.)

I'd love to see a completely decked-out total conversion happen. I've heard some amazing ideas from some people. But again, we'll have to see what appears. After all, complex mods take time to make and test. Weird Worlds was born 6-7 months ago. Let's talk again at the end of the year.

pfreak, there are high score lists in the game for each map size. When you first start playing, you'll see one every time you play the game as you fill them up, and you can invoke the high score lists from the main menu as well.

As for the game itself, I can understand some of your points, guys. It may be that you just don't like the style of game it is? It's like a boardgame really. An "animated boardgame" with realtime combat is what I call it.

On size, Weird Worlds, like SAIS, is in the category called "beer & pretzel" games (or "pop & potato chips" if you prefer). All I mean by that is that it is not designed to be as complex as a full blown wargame for lots of reasons. Keep in mind though that you'll be paying $35 to $50 for the bigger games.

SAIS costs $15, which is almost ridiculously cheap (but we believe that cheap need not automatically mean that a game stinks!). Weird Worlds is two or three times the game (SAIS) in terms of the overall presentation -still, we did not feel that we could charge any more than $25 for it. That price seemed about right, you know?

Strange Adventures In Infinite Space

I was just thinking that if Weird Worlds was an actual boardgame (which would be so cool --and a perfect fit) its retail price would probably be in the $50 to $75 range. Ouch!

On combat, SAIS and Weird Worlds feature combat ala Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan. It's naval style combat, really, and obviously not a shoot 'em up.

Ships usually appear facing each other in combat, though a long way away from each other. While some battles can be fought head on there will be many situations when that strategy will not work. Some of them are obvious, like when there are multiple groups of different adversaries in battle at the same time. Some are more typical, like when the weapons, systems, hulls and hardpoints you and your adversary posses really matter or differ, or when you are surrounded. Some situations are unpredictable and surprising, like when enemy ships can teleport or are cloaked, etc.

As far as variety, there are around 125-130 ship systems, drives & thrusters, weapons, treasures, artifacts and lifeforms available in the game. 9 alien races. 30 or so different ship types (I forget! lol). Intelligently randomized maps in three sizes. A combat simulator, just for fun and combat practice. Rare and super-rare events, two of which are "save the galaxy" type events/quests that may appear only once in every ten to twenty game sessions. Etc. Lots of stuff, not as much as Dominions 3 (!) , but again, this is a "beer & pretzel game"-sized game.

I hope this helps. Thanks SO much for your comments (and keep them coming). What you do is help us make more pleasing games in the future!
Old May 1st, 2006, 10:14 PM

jab2565 jab2565 is offline
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Default Re: Too short

I enjoy the game, as something I can load up when I got time to kill it's perfect, but I think a game like this would be perfect for monthly or every other month updates. Even if it's just one or two events, just adding more would greatly improve the game. Also when I said high score table I meant something you can upload scores thru the game and compare scores with other players.
Old May 2nd, 2006, 05:36 AM
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Default Re: Too short

Hrm... As it is the game is most fun at the small and medium map sizes in my opinion. You can increase the map size in a mod if you want, but it just gets tedious after a while. I don't like tedious, so I'm not going to make anything intentionally so...
Old May 2nd, 2006, 10:50 AM

CautiousChaos CautiousChaos is offline
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Default Re: Too short

I can understand the sentiment about the game being long -- but from a different angle. In a way, I think it is complimentary. There's great stuff in WW and some folks just don't want the game to end. I personally have found WW much (much!) better than SAIS and like everything the game has to offer. There's really not much that I would want to fundamentally change. Besides, the mods that have come out recently have been astounding and offer extra variety for those times when I want something just a little different.

Good work!
Old May 2nd, 2006, 12:56 PM

jab2565 jab2565 is offline
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Default Re: Too short

I think the problem might be on my end. I really enjoy the space epic games. Like nova and Star control 2, so when I play a game like that, I like to play for the long haul.
Old May 2nd, 2006, 10:59 PM

ZylonBane ZylonBane is offline
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Default Re: Too short

Every review I've read for WW has made it very clear that it's designed so you can play an entire game in a few minutes. If you expected more than that it's your fault, not the developers.
Old June 6th, 2006, 01:58 AM

ProtoClown ProtoClown is offline
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Default Re: Too short

Actually, the most encouraging thing about this whole thread is the fact the game rep actually took the time to respond in detail to the original poster's concerns. You just don't see that every day. While I too wish for a longer game experience, the high level of polish on the game, the excellent support, and the active community all keep me from regretting my purchase.


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