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Old June 29th, 2006, 04:43 AM

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Default Re: OT: Movies You Have Seen Lately


In general, I'm a huge fan of Sci-Fi movies, I love them no matter how horrible they are, usually.

This one...well I didn't mind it, but even I can see beyond my Sci-Fi bias and see that this movie is not exactly what I'd call good. Someone who isn't like me and doesn't love Sci-Fi would probably not like this movie at all.

That isn't to say it didn't have it's good points; after all, I'd have watched this movie for Milla Jovovich if nothing else Though I must say, she was about the only thing worth seeing in this movie; it was fairly forgettable.

3/10...and that's only because of Jovovich!!
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Old June 30th, 2006, 07:38 PM
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Really not a good movie. Lots of plot holes and I just felt sorry for poor old STIFF Harrison Ford. I would only watch this movie if it were for free, which it was.
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Old July 3rd, 2006, 06:54 PM
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Default Re: OT: Movies You Have Seen Lately

Went and saw Superman Returns the other day. Word of advice: don't take a 5 year old with you when you do. The movie is 2 1/2 hours long, and that's too long for a young child like mine. As far as the movie went, I thought it was great. Thank goodness Singer decided to base this movie only on I & II, instead of just adding to the franchise. I won't give a major surprise away, because I heard it on both the radio and tv before I went & saw it and I don't want to spoil anyone else's entertainment. I thought Kevin Spacey made a great Lex Luthor; I think he even outdid Gene Hackman. Of course the special effects were much better than they were 20+ years ago, and they are impressive. Now we know what it looks like when Superman has to save a falling airplane, as has had to do too many times in the comics. Brandon Routh does look at times like Chris Reeve, but don't let that distract you. He has every bit of a right to be on-screen as his predecessor did. Can't wait for the inevitable sequel. I wonder who'll the bad guy will for that one? I'm hoping it's brainiac, as I don't think we've ever seen him on film (other than the cartoon series).
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Old July 3rd, 2006, 10:51 PM
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Default Re: OT: Movies You Have Seen Lately

Did they have a giant spider? That is all I want to know.
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Old July 4th, 2006, 02:19 AM
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Default Re: OT: Movies You Have Seen Lately

My youngest son just bought the Firefly lst (and only)season cds and the movie Serenity. ah... watched it all in 2 days, even tho I saw some of them before, I was able to watch the entire show from the lst episode to the last and the movie which was the ending. D.... Fox for taking off a darn good series. I do hear that the Sci fi channel and fox are talking about brining it back with the original actors, don't know if thats true or not.. but it would be great IMHO
just some ideas Mac

BEWARE; crochety old geezers play SE4, in between bathroom runs
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Old July 4th, 2006, 03:32 AM
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Default Re: OT: Movies You Have Seen Lately

We interupt this thread for a specail rant by yours truly:

Rumor had it that Josh Weaton (sp) was black listed and his TV shows pulled because he supported the wrong political side of things. Far too many good people have as of recent years, been cast down from the lime light and success of hollywood because they do not subscribe to "certain" ideals of those who run hollywood. Let us just say that the left side of the road has far more power and is willing to use said power to ruin any one who does not support or accept their points of view.

That being said, hollywood is indeed in a state of depression that shows in just about every television show and film produced over the last five years. Dwindling box office revenew and lack luster ratings on just about everything on TV. Instead of giving us the shows and films we want, they feed us political points of view and try and tell us what and how to think. Most people tune that out as it has shown.

Films like Serenity which come along once in a blue moon are indeed jewels that we can never get enough of.

As to reviving Firefly, no can do for seven, now six more years according to the contract that was made in order to produce the film. The film did very poorly at the box office because it was not widely advertised, again black listing at work, and if you have not been able to read between the lines, allow me to elabrate by simply saying one name... Lucas.

Remember what happened to BSG in the lates 70's? Lucas sued them and they opted to end the series because the cost of keeping it going was too great. I can still remember the the ABC summer line up previews and the "Still the one, ABC is still the one" commericals that showed off BSG. Man that show was the most exciting thing I had ever seen on TV and when it debuted on Sunday Sept 17th I was hooked and forever amazed. Lucas had a part in taking that, and most recently Firefly off the air and that is why I am not a big GL fan.

End of rant. We now return you to the previously scheduled thread.
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Old July 4th, 2006, 12:58 PM
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Default Re: OT: Movies You Have Seen Lately

Atrocities said:
As to reviving Firefly, no can do for seven, now six more years according to the contract that was made in order to produce the film. The film did very poorly at the box office because it was not widely advertised, again black listing at work, and if you have not been able to read between the lines, allow me to elabrate by simply saying one name... Lucas.

The film was OVER advertised. The two plus weeks before it was launched, you couldn't turn the TV on without seeing an advertisement for it. The "browncoat" brigade was out if force trying to get folks to see it.

You'll need a bit more proof to show me that Lucas killed this. Considering it was on the Fox network, which is a subsidiary of 20th Century Fox, distributor of Star Wars.

Here's the gross amounts from IMDB:
$40M investment, $25M return domestic (-37.5%)

Compare with episode three.
$113M investment, $380M return domestic (+236%)

You're a stockholder and/or investor in movies. Which one are you going to make?
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Old July 4th, 2006, 01:18 PM
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Default Re: OT: Movies You Have Seen Lately

Atrocities said:
We interupt this thread for a specail rant by yours truly:

Rumor had it that Josh Weaton (sp) was black listed and his TV shows pulled because he supported the wrong political side of things. Far too many good people have as of recent years, been cast down from the lime light and success of hollywood because they do not subscribe to "certain" ideals of those who run hollywood. Let us just say that the left side of the road has far more power and is willing to use said power to ruin any one who does not support or accept their points of view.

That being said, hollywood is indeed in a state of depression that shows in just about every television show and film produced over the last five years. Dwindling box office revenew and lack luster ratings on just about everything on TV. Instead of giving us the shows and films we want, they feed us political points of view and try and tell us what and how to think. Most people tune that out as it has shown.

Films like Serenity which come along once in a blue moon are indeed jewels that we can never get enough of.

As to reviving Firefly, no can do for seven, now six more years according to the contract that was made in order to produce the film. The film did very poorly at the box office because it was not widely advertised, again black listing at work, and if you have not been able to read between the lines, allow me to elabrate by simply saying one name... Lucas.

Remember what happened to BSG in the lates 70's? Lucas sued them and they opted to end the series because the cost of keeping it going was too great. I can still remember the the ABC summer line up previews and the "Still the one, ABC is still the one" commericals that showed off BSG. Man that show was the most exciting thing I had ever seen on TV and when it debuted on Sunday Sept 17th I was hooked and forever amazed. Lucas had a part in taking that, and most recently Firefly off the air and that is why I am not a big GL fan.

End of rant. We now return you to the previously scheduled thread.
Couldn't have said it better. ---- GL ! And the horse he rode in on!
ALLIANCE, n. In international politics, the union of two thieves who have their hands so deeply inserted in each other's pocket that they cannot separately plunder a third. (Ambrose Bierce)
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Old July 5th, 2006, 07:42 PM
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Default Re: OT: Movies You Have Seen Lately

Well, since Lucas gave us Star Wars, I can't be too critical of him, other to say that he reached his pinnacle at SW IV, and maybe there was a reason he didn't direct the other two films in the original trilogy. Whatever he had, he sure lost when he tried directing the other 3 SW films. He should have stayed executive producer and worry about the big things and let someone else direct. Someone who had talent and the SW vision.

I don't know if Lucas actually killed BSG in the 70's, but I do remember him threatening a lawsuit. Too bad the original BSG lasted only 1 season. I would have loved to see what they could have done if they had more episodes to play with. I don't count Galactica 80 as an actual BSG experience, and have tried for 26 years to forget it even existed.
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Old July 5th, 2006, 09:15 PM
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Default Re: OT: Movies You Have Seen Lately

I really wanted to like the Firefly series, with its appealing cast, frequent humor, and underdog characters. But come on, we're hundreds of years in the future, we have FTL travel & artificial gravity, and our heroes earn their living transporting a couple dozen CATTLE from world to world? The government has terraformed numerous "moons" (no doubt at tremendous expense) into excellent replicas of a barren desert with (apparently) Earth gravity and then plants 'em with refugees from a John Wayne western? The ship is propelled at interstellar speeds by a rotating kettle tended by a high school dropout?

The movie, at least, had a bigger budget and more action, but was no more believable than the series, e.g. the interstellar superweapon played by a wisp of a girl that even Truman Capote could *****-slap into next week. I can see how such a quirky show could gather a small, dedicated fan base, but there's no need for conspiracy theories to explain its lack of general appeal.

BTW, rather than trying to pound his round peg into a square sci-fi hole, I've always thought that Wheadon should have set his story in the past, e.g. the late 1700s to early 1800s American coast, Gulf of Mexico, and Caribbean. Reynolds could be an American Tory (i.e. on the losing side of the American war for independence) forced off his land by the victorious Patriots, now earning a semi-legitimate living as a merchant captain, smuggler, and privateer. He could be master of a beat-up sloop named Serenity (after his lost plantation?), he could have the same scruffy crew (including women), and he could get into all the sword fights he wanted (did I mention that the Firefly series included a freakin' sword fight?).
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