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Old July 26th, 2006, 08:07 PM
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Default Improving Independents

Some issues I hope are addressed with Dominions_3 for the independents:

1) Allow independents to patrol castles and break sieges.
#patrol and #break siege would give more options for map makers.

2) Allow assassin independents to remain hidden and then assassinate enemy commanders which have recently moved into the province. I recommend adding #hidden and #assassinate.

3) Create an option during game setup where fleeing independents retreat into neighboring independent provinces. Since it's an option the previous method will still be available as well.

4) Create a new #random_move which instructs this group of independent to randomly travel into another nearby province owned by independents. Another new option for map makers.
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Old July 31st, 2006, 03:28 AM
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Default Re: Improving Independents

and what happenes if human independence moves into lizard independence? that would be totally unrealistic of course. you'd need to establish independence as a bunch of CPU players almost.
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Old August 1st, 2006, 05:21 PM
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Default Re: Improving Independents

Argitoth said:
and what happenes if human independence moves into lizard independence? that would be totally unrealistic of course. you'd need to establish independence as a bunch of CPU players almost.
Yes it would be possible for lizards, humans and undead to all share one province with this option. Since it's just an option I'm sure gamers and map makers would enjoy the feature. If the developers have time they could work towards a more realistic independent fleeing.
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Old August 2nd, 2006, 04:46 AM

SafeKeeper SafeKeeper is offline
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Default Re: Improving Independents

I, for one, have wanted more "active" and inter-active independents for quite a while now.

I think there should also be some diplomacy and limited fighting between them, and maybe they could even move into player-controlled provinces if they're a particularly violent breed or if you give them enough of a reason to.

and what happenes if human independence moves into lizard independence?
They've signed a peace treaty due to the existance of a common foe [you]. Hah.

Seriously, though, if there was a diplomacy system implemented for them, with some natural bonuses and penalties to different races, it could work really good. Some independent provinces allowed fleeing neighbours to enter, others didn't.

you'd need to establish independence as a bunch of CPU players almost.
Which I wouldn't mind at all, although most of this will probably have to wait til Dominions IV.
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Old August 2nd, 2006, 06:08 AM

Folket Folket is offline
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Default Re: Improving Independents

Well, I have nothing against the option but I doubt I would play with it since it makes no sense.

Independents are just people defending there homes against an occupier. Why would they ever want to move away and leave their home and family without protection? If they would move all pop should move with them.

To make all indipendet weak AI makes more sense. They would rebuild ( and/or build) armies and perhaps even a strong independent would conquer some weaker provinces (or start with several provinces). But prio one for them would be homeland security. But since they are not under the divine influense of a god they will probably be eaten sooner or later.
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Old August 2nd, 2006, 07:50 AM
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Default Re: Improving Independents

Maybe make it so an independant province automatically recruits as much PD as its income allows it?
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Old August 2nd, 2006, 09:03 AM
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Default Re: Improving Independents

Folket said:

Independents are just people defending there homes against an occupier. Why would they ever want to move away and leave their home and family without protection? If they would move all pop should move with them.

Random events produce independants that are much more than that. Barbarian bands, marauding knights, adventurers...
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Old August 2nd, 2006, 09:08 AM

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Default Re: Improving Independents

True, but I was not refering to them. That a barbarian horde would run rampage and plunder as many of your provinces as possible seems rational. I would really like that to be implemented. That would make the barbarian horde and other events an urgent issue.
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Old August 2nd, 2006, 07:25 PM
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Default Re: Improving Independents

Folket said:
Independents are just people defending there homes against an occupier. Why would they ever want to move away and leave their home and family without protection?
They flee in battle... leaving their homes and family without protection thus leaving the pregnant wives and children behind. As a result a new province defense matching that of the nation which invaded is created and it's only natural for the existing population to mate with the new military males unless it's ERMOR of course. When facing a greatly more powerful army or SC it's only natural for some of the independents to run away as within history.

Folket said:
If they would move all pop should move with them.

A single healthy male can travel much much further and survive much much longer on his own compared with bringing his wife and young children with him.
For example try crossing a desert or mountain range on foot by yourself... and then try the journey with 4 children.
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Old August 2nd, 2006, 08:52 PM

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Default Re: Improving Independents

I'd be more worried about the non-humans than Ermor. Well, BE Ermor that is.
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