First thanks to all for all the nice comments. Those really motivate even more to continue writing the AAR

Unfortunately i had not enough time yet today so i will answer first the unanswered comments and will write the update today night instead

Oversway said:
Whats wrong with the earth mother? She's not so bad...
Are you going to test the new unit limits in this game, or keep it smaller?
Nothing is wrong with the earth mother, i only do not like her green skin and her drawing in general. So i normally avoid using her out of aesthetic reasons. She is the only pretender i find unaesthetic

I am not sure if i may comment on the unit limit sorry

Normally even on the glory of gods map it should not be a problem though, so much i think i can say

Ballbarian said:
Strange. I can pull the links from the source and view the pictures on imageshack, but I can't see them in your post. Not having that problem in any other post that I know of. Am I the only one? 
Browser: Firefox
Can you maybe post a screenshot?
It looks as if you have problems with the thumbnails, but i am not sure which problem exactly. For me and some people i asked the screenshots seem to work fine. But if you attach a screenshot how the chapter looks for you i think we can hopefully solve the problem

ioticus said:
On the Design Dominion screen shot shouldn't it list Productivity 3 as giving resources +30%?
You are correct, it only shows it as 30%. If you take sloth 3 it shows -30% though.
okiN said:
Wow, this promises to be one hell of a brawl. Looking forward to more.

. And now that the AI builds new castles and with more supply than in dom2 and lots of other changes that slightly strengthen national troops and slightly nerf SCs and Mages expect some 1000 troop battles
PashaDawg said:
Hi Boron:
I did not see Machaka or Pythium on the list of nations. Is that just because you cannot play all late era nations in one game (i.e., there are more than 18 of 'em)?
Thanks again for th AAR.
Glad to see that you are interested in Dominions 3. Though QM has converted me into a blitz fanatic (and a classic longterm game disliker) i am really looking forward to play a longterm Dominions 3 game with you. Aku probably buys Dominions 3 too, so maybe we can get a nostalgia MP game going. Can't await to read your unique comments about the MP then

Dominions 3 has about 60 nations. Nations have now a history, so some nations are present in all 3 eras with different units. Each era has about 20 nations. So the late era game is with all late era nations.
As Kristoffer said with a mod it is no problem to play a game with all 60 nations. But to my great surprise, i could not believe first that i will like the era system i really like the era system. This way Dominions got a history

Some nations are in one era only because they got annilihated at the end of the era. Some nations are present in all 3 eras but have declined in late era.
The sea nations are an example for that.
Oceania is in early and mid era, in late era it does not exist anymore because Ryleh annilihated them. Ryleh is the only nation that starts in the sea in late era. Atlantis still exists, but Ryleh has defeated Atlantis too, so Atlantis was forced to leave the sea and splitted into 2 cultures. The smaller one now lives in the Mictlan rain forests and provides their best mages, the larger one forms late era Atlantis which was inspired by the Innuit

Nerfix said:
I have a question...what's Middle Era Ulm like?
That map looks gorgeous. Let's hope you have good luck with those sites. Can't wait to see all the new summons.
And I can't put to words how much I apreciate pictures. Preeettyyy pictureeees~
Middle Era Ulm has not changed very much, it is basically base Ulm from Dominions 2 with some slight changes

Middle Era in general is very close to Dominions 2. There are of course the new nations too, but most of the other nations are very similiar to dominions 2, though all of them have gotten some changes.
In early and late era though there are many new nations and the known ones from dom2 have gotten big changes

So middle era reminds on Dominions 2 whereas early and late era feel very new and add most new content

Glad that you like the pictures, many will follow
