Nerfix said:
I would have liked if Invulnerability would have for example nullified the effects of Quickness or lowered MR or such because many SC's are going to be poison immune anyway...
Quickness got changed a bit too.
It now only doubles melee attacks, but no longer is useful for mages. Mages only can cast 1 spell/turn even with quickness.
There are now also some new SC counters.
One really nasty one, especially for SC gods, is horror mark.
Horror mark is Thaumaturgy 1, 2 astral to cast.
Horror marks stack now. If you horror mark an enemy pretender 10 times or so, then the chance is extremely high that already in the next turn he will get attacked by a horror. And there are some cute new unique horrors

In one blitz game QM and me both took SC gods and both had astral nations. Simultaneously we had the same idea and horror marked the enemy god.
My god was immediately horror attacked on the very next turn, QMs god 1 turn later.
Our gods got easily slaughered.
And when i called back my god he was still horror marked, so he got killed again the turn i called him back

Those horrors are really nasty, they have i think a good chance to beat a fully equipped AQ and the like too.
Also there are now a couple of nations who can cast gifts from heaven ... .
Maverni's druids are especially noteworthy.
They are 2e2s, 2 100% randoms that can be wesn and an additional 10% random that can also be wesn.
So with summon ep any of their druids can cast gifts from heaven, and you have a very good chance that your druids get a nature pick, so they can also do eagle eyes for "sniper" GoHs

Also remember the new random system. Most nations are good in 2-4 paths and have high difficulties getting access to the other 4-6 paths.
So your gem income is lower than dom2 normally, and you are longer limited to those items you can forge (unless you trade).
AQs and the like are still scary, but they are imho no longer as good as in Dom2. Also they are now unique, so you cannot mass produce them anymore via wish.