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Old October 4th, 2006, 03:38 PM

Major_SNAFU Major_SNAFU is offline
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Default Re: Growing concern - but optimistic

Hi Arthur,

But that is not my point. My point is that you should be able to build somthing on the ground (troop or unit) and something in the air (ship) and improve infrastructure all at the same time.

Having to do it in serial fashion makes things drag out...

I was really hoping for this in SEV
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Old October 4th, 2006, 05:20 PM

Barnacle Bill Barnacle Bill is offline
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Default Re: Growing concern - but optimistic

arthurtuxedo said:
In SE5 it does mean something, so it makes sense that MM restricted territorial claims to territory you actually have a legitimate claim on.

But exploration gives you a legitimate claim on it! You know, the old plant the flag and "I claim this land for the King of Bling" routine?

As currently programmed, the net in-game effect is that I still don't dare agree to treaties letting the squatters past my warships until I've got a colony in every system within what I consider my borders (or at least every one with a planet in it). I have to reserve the right to kill any colony ships I catch on my turf, or glass any colonies founded by ones that slip through. That limits the utility of the diplomatic system vs one where my legitimate claims would be honored by my treaty partners.
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Old October 4th, 2006, 05:23 PM

wrongshui wrongshui is offline
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Default Re: Growing concern - but optimistic

It'd be nice if the space yard was.. a massive.. yard.. in space.. and had its own queue, seperate from the planet.
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Old October 4th, 2006, 08:03 PM
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Default Re: Growing concern - but optimistic

wrongshui said:
It'd be nice if the space yard was.. a massive.. yard.. in space.. and had its own queue, seperate from the planet.

You mean like a space station with a space yard component added to it?
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Old October 4th, 2006, 08:20 PM

wrongshui wrongshui is offline
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Default Re: Growing concern - but optimistic

I'm thinking something massive, with a planet SY construction rate, something too big to stick on a ship or starbase.
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Old October 4th, 2006, 08:30 PM

Phoenix-D Phoenix-D is offline
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Default Re: Growing concern - but optimistic

Doable; an example follows. The values can be tweaked to taste, but what this does is make a 1,000kt unit that can be built, then sent into orbit, where it stays. The only thing it can carry is a single Space Yard component, and in combat it looks like a space station. I haven't tested it since the demo won't allow it, but it should work.

This goes into VehicleUnitTypes.txt (note the line maximum in space- this restricts the player from building a horde of these things):

Vehicle Unit Type Name := Space Yard
Unit Texture Start X := 0.50
Unit Texture Start Y := 0.50
Unit Texture End X := 1.00
Unit Texture End Y := 1.00
Maximum In Space Per Player Per Sector := 1
Number Of Unit Capabilities := 13
Unit Capability 1 Type := Can Communicate
Unit Capability 2 Type := Can Be Scrapped
Unit Capability 3 Type := Can Self-Destruct
Unit Capability 4 Type := Can Be Fired On And Destroyed By Owner
Unit Capability 5 Type := Can Be Launched Into Space
Unit Capability 6 Type := Has Spaceyard Capability
Unit Capability 7 Type := Has Facing
Unit Capability 8 Type := Can Obscure Sectors
Unit Capability 9 Type := Can Be Deconstructed And Analyzed
Unit Capability 10 Type := Can Be Transferred While In Cargo
Unit Capability 11 Type := Cannot Move And Tracks Target
Unit Capability 12 Type := Can Be Mothballed
Unit Capability 13 Type := Can Be UnMothballed

This goes into VehicleTypes.txt:

Name := Space Yard
Short Name := Space Yard
Description :=
Code := SY
Vehicle Type := Space Yard
Maximum Level := 10
Tonnage Space Formula := 1000
Tonnage Structure Formula := 1000
Cost Minerals Formula := 500
Cost Organics Formula := 125
Cost Radioactives Formula := 125
Engines Per Move := 0
Maximum Model Size := 20.0
Vehicle TopDown Picture Index := 10
Vehicle Portrait Primary := [%EmpireName%]_Portrait_Spacestation.bmp
Vehicle Portrait Alternate := [%EmpireName%]_Portrait_Spacestation.bmp
Vehicle Portrait Default := [%EmpireName%]_Portrait_Spacestation.bmp
Vehicle Large Portrait Primary := [%EmpireName%]_LargePortrait_Spacestation.jpg
Vehicle Large Portrait Alternate := [%EmpireName%]_LargePortrait_Spacestation.jpg
Vehicle Large Portrait Default := [%EmpireName%]_LargePortrait_Spacestation.jpg
Vehicle Inv Portrait Primary := [%EmpireName%]_InvPortrait_Spacestation.jpg
Vehicle Inv Portrait Alternate := [%EmpireName%]_InvPortrait_Spacestation.jpg
Vehicle Inv Portrait Default := [%EmpireName%]_InvPortrait_Spacestation.jpg
Vehicle Inv Configuration Layout Primary := [%EmpireName%] Spacestation Layout
Vehicle Inv Configuration Layout Alternate := [%EmpireName%] Spacestation Layout
Vehicle Inv Configuration Layout Default := [%EmpireName%] Spacestation Layout
Vehicle XFile Class Name Primary := [%EmpireName%] Spacestation
Vehicle XFile Class Name Alternate := [%EmpireName%] Spacestation
Vehicle XFile Class Name Default := [%EmpireName%] Spacestation
Vehicle Texture Start X := 0.25
Vehicle Texture Start Y := 0.75
Vehicle Texture End X := 0.50
Vehicle Texture End Y := 1.00
Space Combat Maximum Speed Per Movement Point := 0.0
Space Combat Turn Rate Base := 0.0008
Space Combat Turn Rate Decrease Per kT := 0.0000005
Space Combat Turn Rate Minimum := 0.0001
Space Combat Acceleration Rate Base := 0.0
Space Combat Acceleration Rate Decrease Per kT := 0.0
Space Combat Acceleration Rate Minimum := 0.0
Space Combat Deceleration Rate Base := 0.0
Space Combat Deceleration Rate Decrease Per kT := 0.0
Space Combat Deceleration Rate Minimum := 0.0
Space Combat Banks When Changing Height := FALSE
Ground Combat Maximum Speed Per Movement Point := 0.0
Ground Combat Turn Rate Base := 0.0
Ground Combat Turn Rate Decrease Per kT := 0.0
Ground Combat Turn Rate Minimum := 0.0
Ground Combat Acceleration Rate Base := 0.0
Ground Combat Acceleration Rate Decrease Per kT := 0.0
Ground Combat Acceleration Rate Minimum := 0.0
Ground Combat Deceleration Rate Base := 0.0
Ground Combat Deceleration Rate Decrease Per kT := 0.0
Ground Combat Deceleration Rate Minimum := 0.0
Ground Combat Banks When Changing Height := FALSE
Number Of Abilities := 2
Ability 1 Type := Combat To Hit Defense
Ability 1 Description := Large size makes base [%Amount1%]% easier to hit in combat.
Ability 1 Scope := Space Object
Ability 1 Range Formula := 0
Ability 1 Amount 1 Formula := -20 + ([%Level%] - 1)
Ability 1 Amount 2 Formula := 0
Ability 2 Type := Ship Maintenance Cost Modifier
Ability 2 Description := Reduced wear and tear allow for a decrease in maintenance cost of [%Amount1%]%.
Ability 2 Scope := Space Object
Ability 2 Range Formula := 0
Ability 2 Amount 1 Formula := -50
Ability 2 Amount 2 Formula := 0
Number Of Requirements := 2
Requirements Evaluation Availability := 1
Requirements Evaluation Allows Placement := 2
Requirements Evaluation Allows Usage := TRUE
Requirement 1 Description := Empire must have at least tech level 1 in Ship Base Construction.
Requirement 1 Formula := Get_Empire_Tech_Level("Base Construction") >= (1 + ([%Level%] - 1))
Requirement 2 Description := This vehicle cannot have any movement.
Requirement 2 Formula := Get_Design_Ability_Component_Count("Movement Standard") <= 0

And this goes into Components.txt:

Name := Space Yard
Description := Ship construction component which can work on one ship at a time.
Picture Number := 8
Maximum Level := 21
Tonnage Space Taken Formula := 400
Tonnage Structure Formula := 1000
Cost Minerals Formula := 200 + (([%Level%] - 1) * 2)
Cost Organics Formula := 0
Cost Radioactives Formula := 500 + (([%Level%] - 1) * 5)
Supply Amount Used Formula := 0
Ordnance Amount Used Formula := 0
Can Be Placed On Vehicle Types := Space Yard
Can Be Placed In Ship Sections := Inner Hull, Outer Hull
Component Type List := Technological
General Group := Construction
Custom Group := 0
Number Of Requirements := 1
Requirements Evaluation Availability := AND
Requirements Evaluation Allows Placement := TRUE
Requirements Evaluation Allows Usage := TRUE
Requirement 1 Description := Empire must have at least tech level 10 in Space Yards.
Requirement 1 Formula := Get_Empire_Tech_Level("Space Yards") >= (10 + ([%Level%] - 1))
Number Of Abilities := 6
Ability 1 Type := Space Yard
Ability 1 Description := Can construct with [%Amount2%] minerals per turn.
Ability 1 Scope := Space Object
Ability 1 Range Formula := 0
Ability 1 Amount 1 Formula := 1
Ability 1 Amount 2 Formula := 1000 + (([%Level%] - 1) * 100)
Ability 2 Type := Space Yard
Ability 2 Description := Can construct with [%Amount2%] organics per turn.
Ability 2 Scope := Space Object
Ability 2 Range Formula := 0
Ability 2 Amount 1 Formula := 2
Ability 2 Amount 2 Formula := 2000 + (([%Level%] - 1) * 100)
Ability 3 Type := Space Yard
Ability 3 Description := Can construct with [%Amount2%] radioactives per turn.
Ability 3 Scope := Space Object
Ability 3 Range Formula := 0
Ability 3 Amount 1 Formula := 3
Ability 3 Amount 2 Formula := 2000 + (([%Level%] - 1) * 100)
Ability 4 Type := Tonnage Repair Ship
Ability 4 Description := Can repair [%Amount1%]kT of ship tonnage per turn.
Ability 4 Scope := Space Object
Ability 4 Range Formula := 0
Ability 4 Amount 1 Formula := 200 + (([%Level%] - 1) * 20)
Ability 4 Amount 2 Formula := 0
Ability 5 Type := Tonnage Repair Unit
Ability 5 Description := Can repair [%Amount1%]kT of unit tonnage per turn.
Ability 5 Scope := Space Object
Ability 5 Range Formula := 0
Ability 5 Amount 1 Formula := 60 + (([%Level%] - 1) * 20)
Ability 5 Amount 2 Formula := 0
Ability 6 Type := Tonnage Repair Facility
Ability 6 Description := Can repair [%Amount1%]kT of facility tonnage per turn.
Ability 6 Scope := Space Object
Ability 6 Range Formula := 0
Ability 6 Amount 1 Formula := 150 + (([%Level%] - 1) * 20)
Ability 6 Amount 2 Formula := 0
Weapon Type := None


I am not senile. I just talk to myself because the rest of you don't provide adequate conversation.
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Old October 4th, 2006, 08:52 PM

Major_SNAFU Major_SNAFU is offline
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Default Re: Growing concern - but optimistic


That is just great!

Now we just need a mod that give each home planet one of these off the bat (unless the race chooses to not have space-realted tech at the beginning).


I'm pasting these to a text file for future use!
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Old October 4th, 2006, 09:31 PM

Phoenix-D Phoenix-D is offline
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Default Re: Growing concern - but optimistic

You might want to tweak the values and such- I didn't mess with it that much.

HWs can't have these off the bat, as they're units. They'll also take up 1000kt of space, so unless the planet has that much room you won't be able to build them.

EDIT: Oh, and you'll need to edit the weapons as well; right now nothing can shoot at this since its a different unit type that none of the weapons have in their targeting lists.

I am not senile. I just talk to myself because the rest of you don't provide adequate conversation.
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Old October 5th, 2006, 08:27 AM

Raapys Raapys is offline
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Default Re: Growing concern - but optimistic

What's the Can Communicate ability?
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Old October 5th, 2006, 08:58 AM

wrongshui wrongshui is offline
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Default Re: Growing concern - but optimistic

Thanks for that Phoenix-D, im toying round with an idea for a mod and orbital shipyards were something I was after.
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