
October 6th, 2006, 10:18 AM
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Re: Dominions 3 Now Shipping!
Oh lolz. Well, Dominions series has got idiotic reviews before. I trust you heard of the one where the guy though Dominions was an RPG...

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October 6th, 2006, 10:39 AM
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Re: Dominions 3 Now Shipping!
Daynarr said:
Well, if you saw some of reports from local gaming sites you would really get angry. A guy there was spitting all over Dom3 before even demo came out because, catch this, he didn't like jokes in Dom3 advertising. Bad humor he says. They couple days later he posts that demo came out for turn based RTS Dom3.
I say that there should really be IQ test for ppl who post news and do reviews. Oh, and no drugs and alcohol test too.
Dominions 3. Wallpapers & Logos
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October 6th, 2006, 01:13 PM
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Re: Dominions 3 Now Shipping!
Agrajag said:
And I just recieved confirmation my copy shipped 
Maybe it will be the second copy in Israel 
Actually, I wouldnt be too surprised if it was. After linking to the demo on gamer.co.il, a popular gaming website, my responses were: "I saw the screenshots, the demo isn't worth downloading" and "The tutorial is useless, I have no idea what I'm doing. Also, I've lost 6 knight* battalions to 2 archer ones, WTF?"
*-If they were actualy knights, I would find that almost impossible to happen, I suppose he meant some other unit. Remember this is just a translation from hebrew.
*crossing fingers* for your copy to arrive quickly.
And I'm not surprised by those comments as dom-II got its fair share of those as well.

October 6th, 2006, 01:44 PM
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Re: Dominions 3 Now Shipping!
There's only a few online game review sites I ever pay attention to. You tend to find most of them on the net are full of aspiring game journo's who failed to actually get into print, and phrases such as turn based rts show you why...

October 6th, 2006, 04:59 PM
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Re: Dominions 3 Now Shipping!
Yesterday I installed the demo, because I thought I'd still have a few weeks' wait ahead of me - mailed on Tuesday to Germany via Global Priority Mail.
Well, the game arrived today. I paid only 5$ for delivery, but the stamps on the envelope amounted to about twice that amount. Great service! Thank you very much!
My first impressions are from the demo and the handbook:
My 12-year-old watched me play the tutorial and now is really excited about the game, although it is not in German! I am glad that hotseat is an option.
As for the handbook, I can't remember one this good. Ever. And I play strategy games since the days of the C64. Previously I had only dabbled a bit with the Dom2 demo, given up mainly in awe of the huge map and the vast amount of micromanagement necessary. Therefore I know very little about how Dominions actually works. But now, reading the manual, it is as if all the pieces are falling into place and everything becomes crystal clear. I'm probably too optimistic here, but you get my meaning ;-)

October 7th, 2006, 05:54 AM
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Re: Dominions 3 Now Shipping!
For those in the UK, just to let you know that my copy arrived in the mail today, with no problems from Customs or requests for VAT.
I originally ordered on 26th Sep.

October 8th, 2006, 12:03 AM
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Re: Dominions 3 Now Shipping!
Woohoo! I just got mine today  I like manual alot (it is really big!)
The amount of information I am going to have to wade through is incredible(I mean, 100+ of those 299 pages are charts). I don't see how anyone has time for anything else! 

October 9th, 2006, 02:40 AM
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Re: Dominions 3 Now Shipping!
Hey guys. Really looking foward to the game.
I had a question about shipping.
My order shipped on October 5th (Thursday) via USPS Priority.
I live in the Midwest. Any idea when the game could arrive, taking into account there is a postal holiday on Monday? 

October 9th, 2006, 04:21 AM
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Re: Dominions 3 Now Shipping!
samuraigg said:
Hey guys. Really looking foward to the game.
I had a question about shipping.
My order shipped on October 5th (Thursday) via USPS Priority.
I live in the Midwest. Any idea when the game could arrive, taking into account there is a postal holiday on Monday?
This link was posted earlier:
It should provide something of answer.

October 9th, 2006, 04:36 AM
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Re: Dominions 3 Now Shipping!
Cool! I didn't see that earlier, where was it posted?
Oh, and 4-6 days for me *sob*
I'm in the IDF. (So any new reply by me is a very rare event.)
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