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Old October 8th, 2006, 05:01 AM
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Default Re: OT: Season 3 BSG

Does anyone know the two eps are called ? "Occupation" and ?
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Old October 8th, 2006, 05:15 AM
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Default Re: OT: Season 3 BSG

I have one question.

If the cylons are now imortal, ie they are killed they simply download to a new body and go on, then what happesn to a cylon human hybrid child if it dies or is killed? Does it download to a new body? What body would it download too?
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Old October 8th, 2006, 05:24 AM
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Default Re: OT: Season 3 BSG

You know what the current story line reminds me of? How the US wiped out the american indians in the mid to late 1800's. They numbered in the millions and we all but exterminated them. We forced them from their lands, made them nomadic tribes, and when they finally settled down we swooped in and made them surrender. Eventually the call for blood was lessoned to the desire to "cage" what few of them remained.

We did this not because we were evil, but because we believed that God wanted us to win in order to build a nation. God guided our leaders of the time just as much as ambition and greed had. Perhaps this story line, albeit somewhat convaluted and too anchored in current events for my tastes, might in some way pay off for the overall story line of the series. Then again it could just be a bad idea in which the writers have locked themselves into and cannot seem to find a clever way out of.

It reminds me of the old Buck Rogers series, the one Glen Larson produced. It was on the air for a year, then off then it came back again but it wasn't the same. In stead of being earth based they change the story line so that they were now out in a space ship looking for the lost tribes of humanity or something. IT failed too last a full season.

Before that we had BSG 1978 and then two years later BSG 1980. Both were BSG but the second series just didn't have it.

In both of these examples the writers tried to save the series by changing what the series was about. Imagine if Lucas did that... oh wait he did. Bad example.

What I am trying to say is, they had a solid premis for a series and then they changed it. Why they changed it I don't know. But they did change it and now its not the same. I would say that I want them to go back too their roots but I know that won't happen. I am sure that in a few dozen episodes things will turn out fine and we will all be amazed by how well they pulled it off, but in the intrum, I am finding the journey a bit too dry and dusty to see the path clearly.
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Old October 8th, 2006, 06:07 AM
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Default Re: OT: Season 3 BSG

Transcript of the scene on colonial one, where the cylons are discussing why they are there:

Preacher: "Let's review why we're here, shall we? We're supposed to bring the word of 'god' to the people, right? To save humanity from damnation, by bringing the love of 'god' to these poor [unitelligible] people."
Six: "We're here because the majority of the Cylon felt that the slaughter of mankind had been a mistake."
Boomer: "We're here to find a new way to live in peace, as god wants us to live."
Preacher: "And it's been a fun ride so far, but I want to clarify our objectives. If we're bringing the word of god, then it follows that we should employ any means necessary to do so -- any means. Yes. Fear is a key article of faith, as I understand it, so perhaps it's time to instill a little more fear into the people's hearts and minds."
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Old October 8th, 2006, 06:23 AM
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Default Re: OT: Season 3 BSG

Sounds hauntingly familar doesn't it?
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Old October 8th, 2006, 07:20 AM
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Default Re: OT: Season 3 BSG

Randallw said:
looks to me like one them has.

Now THAT was very clever....
Run if you like, you'll only die tired....

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Old October 8th, 2006, 07:22 AM
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Default Re: OT: Season 3 BSG

Captain Kwok said:
I think they need to introduce more flying motorcycles into the current series - and perhaps kids with extraordinary strengths and abilities.
Kwok, I may just have to hurt, no... seriously MAIM, you for that comment...
Run if you like, you'll only die tired....

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Old October 8th, 2006, 10:40 AM
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Default Re: OT: Season 3 BSG

What I am trying to say is, they had a solid premis for a series and then they changed it. Why they changed it I don't know. But they did change it and now its not the same. I would say that I want them to go back too their roots but I know that won't happen.
Spoilers about the direction of the series.
The New Caprica arc only last five or so episodes, then it's back to the hunt for earth.

The next episode is called "Exodus Part 1".


I suppose the question you have to ask yourself is, if this was not called battlestar galactica but a spin off series called "Resistence" or something, would you still sit down, watch and enjoy it? If the answer is "no", then fair enough. If the answer is yes, then does it matter? Good television is good television as far as I'm concerned.

"Occupation" and ?
"Why the blazes didn't we utilise the abandoned Martian War Machines to retain Empire? I demand immediate resignations."
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Old October 8th, 2006, 11:42 AM

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Default Re: OT: Season 3 BSG

What "Highly Trained military force? The Galactica was gonna be decommissioned at the start of the show. The ship had a FEW OLD vets (many rusty as hell), who's usefulness to society had made the military a pariah. Remember the Twelve Colonies, were for the most-pat a bunch of Peace-nics. Imaginge the cut-backs the Military had to endure, since the previous Cylon war had ended. The ship was not even full. It had a small core of OLD vets and a bunch of kids transfered on in the last year or two so that it could be Decommissioned with style. "Who needs warships, we're not at war", was the philosophy of the day ... Till the mushroom clouds came.

And in least that respect ... If you look closely, both the original and this version, both shared the same message. "The military is not god, but don't let it wither and die when times are good(and peaceful), because things can change fast.

P.S. - can anyone imagine what Iraq II war would have been like if U.S. had its 1960's sized Military instead if its small one it had since the end of the 1980's ??? (of course, the US economy would have collapsed like the USSR did if it had attempted to maintain its 'Cold War' sized military.)

Added note - Although not entirely pleased with the Rockball story arc, I still think it's one of the better shows currently on TV, Maybe others would prefer 'DEAL or no DEAL', or yet another LA Law clone, (And if you do, Hooray for you, since TV is for the most part just the modern day equivelent of roman Gladitorial Games - "Bread and Circuses". Thats another O.T. thread, eh ?) The only problem of this current story arc with it's Iraq war parallels is that the audience who watches this show, for the most part, is intelligent enough to have already understood that there are more than just the GOOD-Guys side in the war. 'NBG' shows what it's like to be thrust into the situation of being on the other side. And maybe ask the question, 'what makes a person believe that being a Suicide bomber is a viable and acceptable thing. Especially when INNOCENTS will die as collateral damage. Unfortunately, the people who need to see and possibly understand this, usually watch much easier TV to digest for the most part.
I'm thinking I'll be Washy today, I'm pretty sure I was Wishy Yesterday.
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Old October 8th, 2006, 04:31 PM

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Default Re: OT: Season 3 BSG

Hear hear.
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