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Old October 9th, 2006, 10:57 AM
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Default Re: Bug thread

Blood Rite description still says vampires are almost impossible to hit without magic weapons.

In the Cradle of Dominion map, provinces 120 and 167 should be tagged as water provinces
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Old October 9th, 2006, 11:27 AM

Tichy Tichy is offline
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Default Re: Bug thread

If you hire away a mercenary by outbidding a nation they're working for, sometimes they show up with a build order. (i.e. they're building a fortification before you tell them to do anything)

I assume this has something to do with not clearing the orders they have from their previous employer?

I've seen it twice, only forts, not lab or temple orders.
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Old October 9th, 2006, 11:49 AM
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Default Re: Bug thread

Morskie Oko - the name is used for sea province.
It's common knowledge in Poland that Morskie Oko (Sea's Eye) is in mountains. The very name alludes to the fact that the lake suppedly (according to legend) has connection with sea.

Jelenia Góra is used as water province
This is very annoying for anyone knowing polish language, because:
1) Góra means mountain.(noun)
2) Jelenia means Deer. (adjective)
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Old October 9th, 2006, 12:30 PM

Bladess Bladess is offline
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Default Re: Bug thread

1) Scout 6 provences from my capital watchs a foe attack an independent defender. The next turn the scout has teleported to the provence adjacent to my capital (Demo game)

2) I am guarding my commanders with 5 troops in one squad with guard orders. Several times (but not every time) after loading a saved game, the 5 troops are in different squads and only one has the guard order. (minor)

3) I have been building temples in all my secure provences. After about 40 turns, I noticed that 2 provences near my capital no longer have temples. Thinking they may have been destroyed by enemy action somehow, I move a priest in and for 3 turns I spend money and buuld temples and it never appears the next turn.

4) I build a fort, for about 15 turns it works fine. Then I cannot build troops there anymore. I have money, the fort has resources. I schedule the troops, but then the next turn the troops are still schedules but not built.
I tried overbuilding, underbuilding, only building one troop ect. No luck. (4 other forts work fine in the same game) The problem started after i captured a foes nearby capital??

5) One crash to desktop while processing a turn. Reloading the game and the same turn worked fine.

3) and 4) are in the same game, could it be some kind of saved game corruption? (Map Aran) Can send savedgame if needed.
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Old October 9th, 2006, 12:41 PM
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Default Re: Bug thread

Bladess said:
4) I build a fort, for about 15 turns it works fine. Then I cannot build troops there anymore. I have money, the fort has resources. I schedule the troops, but then the next turn the troops are still schedules but not built.
I tried overbuilding, underbuilding, only building one troop ect. No luck. (4 other forts work fine in the same game) The problem started after i captured a foes nearby capital??
Was unrest over 100 in that province?
I'm in the IDF. (So any new reply by me is a very rare event.)
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Old October 9th, 2006, 02:32 PM
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Default Re: Bug thread

missing refresh

When i get the research completed message and then click on show research, after that click on a school and scroll down the list (bug happens only if i scroll down) then go back to the messages window it is not refreshed (just empty, but the scroll bar is where it was in the research menu).
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Old October 9th, 2006, 02:35 PM
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Default Re: Bug thread

[img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Bug.gif[/img] A costal mountain province had the Triton poptype in a random map. Savegame avaitable.

I noticed I could recruit Tritons in one mountain province In conquered from Mictlan!

I think this was fixed prerelease, but didn't make it into the release version. If problem appears after the first patch report again.

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Old October 9th, 2006, 03:12 PM

Bladess Bladess is offline
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Default Re: Bug thread

Was unrest over 100 in that province?

Yep 217 unrest, solved that problem, thanks
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Old October 9th, 2006, 04:37 PM

StellarRat StellarRat is offline
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Default Re: Bug thread

If you generate a new map for a multiplayer game and you give the game the same name as a previously created game the map doesn't get re-sent to the client's PC. The client will use the map that is in their maps folder for OLD game with the same name. The server side player, however, will be running the new map. Obviously, this causes problems since the players are seeing different maps for the same game. The only way to fix this is to have the clients delete the save game folder for the game and delete old map from the maps folder (or create all new games with unique names.)

One other small problem with multiplayer: When my friends firewall was not set up correctly, we got a message saying "Bad neighbor" and some Swedish stuff when we tried to play the first turn. I think this should say "Cannot communicate with client" or something more meaningful.

Other than this bug I have played three games online without any problems. The multiplayer system seems to work well.
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Old October 9th, 2006, 05:54 PM

Darkrhyno18 Darkrhyno18 is offline
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Default Re: Bug thread

Playing EA Bandar Log when a Guru commander dies it says something along the lines of "[name] has come aas close to his god as possible..."

The "aas" should be "as"

very minor bug.

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