Is there a dominion penalty for unawakened pretenders? If so, is it possible to dominion rush a sleeping pretender early on? I enjoyed dominion only victories in DII and was wondering if the awake/unawake option could be linked to this.
Awakened Pretender adds to dominion spread (you can see it if you click on temple). How much he adds depends on the strength of dominion multiplied by 3. Those pretenders that still need to awaken or be called back after they died don't add anything to dominion (0 value).
Hmm, interesting. A good set of scales, a nation with cheap temples and an agressive push could make the Awakened Pretender have a big dominion advantage over the sleepers. Does anyone see the three different ages providing a clear advanatge to a dominion based strategy?
If you are pursuing a dominion based strategy you would definitely want your pretender awake from the start. In an very early war, if you pushed your dominion strongly against a sleeping pretender you would have a decent advantage. But of course this is only vs the AI - human players are extremely difficult to dominion kill without bringing them to the point where you have defeated them militarily anyway.