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Old May 18th, 2006, 09:34 AM

SaintCloister SaintCloister is offline
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Default Re: 10 questions from the devs.

1) What are your favorite features/items/etc. in the game?

The Plasma Coil Cloaker, the multi-missile launcher and the molybdenum node cannon.

2) What are your least favorite features/items/etc. in the game?

Limited possibilities in the Quest scripting language
Can't program add-ons in more flexible languages like, say, c++
I can barely ever attack any decent-sized urluqai fleet without losing at least one or three ships. It annoys me to have such dirty tactics standing in the way of the expansion of my empire.

3) Which map size do you prefer?

The bigger the better.

4) Which player ship do you prefer?

The Frigate.

5) Do you think the bosses (Kawangi, Primordius, Vent Mother, Deep Hunter, Garthan carrier) are too easy, too hard or just right?

Depends. You have to be lucky to be able to beat the worst of them. Sudden exploding stars are very bad news in a ww game, and spells low odds of survival. But so long as the reward meets the challenge, there's no such thing as 'too hard' unless it's impossible.

6) When you play Weird Worlds do you "play it safe" or do you play risky?

I don't take unneccesary risks. Unless i'm bored.

7) When you play Weird Worlds, do you "roleplay" it?

Nope. But i do play it with vigor.

8) Do you keep a Weird Worlds shortcut on your desktop?

Nopes. It's in a folder on my desktop, though.

9) Who is your favorite Weird Worlds character?

The ones i add through modding

10) Do you own/play Strange Adventures in Infinite Space?

Old August 16th, 2006, 04:40 PM
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Default Re: 10 questions from the devs.

Not sure if this is still relavent, and I haven't played all the difficulty levels yet but...

1) What are your favorite features/items/etc. in the game?

The easy to learn tough to master aspect of exploring. You basically jump in and off you go, no real complicated rules or tricky subscreens to navigate or tedious stats to grind, read what an item does, then just drag and drop cargo and items where you want them, simply brilliant. My favorite items are the "uber" items, specifically finding them, it's like finding treasure. Top of the list would be the "wish-granting" bauble, the hyper drive, and the gong. Also Ilike the 1 credit weenie items, it gives me something to trade with at swap meets.

2) What are your least favorite features/items/etc. in the game?

Well, it's not so much that the stuff in the game irks me it's just small things I wish I could do. For example in the combat sim It would be nice to be able to customize the ships with items i've found in the game. It looks like when i put a ship in my fleet it's just the stock ships, some of which greatly outclass others.

Second, I would like to see a weapon or device that lets me board, capture and plunder/scuttle enemy ships in the combat screen, kinda like how you can board derilicts if you "gong" them. The pirate ship should come with this item stock and maybe have a better item available to find(like how the science vessel starts with scanners). Maybe a device which paralizes weapons and engines for a short period of time, and an ability to board certain ships if their shields are down instead of just ramming them(have it be a third option in the attack/ram buttons). After I capture a ship it could be part of my flotila, any parts that weren't dammaged in combat are salvage and you can scuttle or repair it and keep it.

Third, some of the weapons area bit unclear on their exact power, range and use, a readout like that in space emires would be cool. Something that displays rate of fire, range, type(beam, balistic, seeker ect)

My least favorite item is the Melodium Conograp, not that it isn't cool, traps and surprises are fun, I just dump this as soon as i find it....

3) Which map size do you prefer?

Medium has a good size to it, big enough to explore, and find lots of goodies. It's just right. Small maps are kinda short, good for quicky games, and I do like the large maps when I have time.

4) Which player ship do you prefer?

The science ship due to it's scanner. Also it seems like I can make it super powered once I get all the top tier items and friendly ships, before that even the terran frigate will get it's but kicked so retreating is the best tactic no matter what really in the early game. It has a huge cargo bay too. However now that I'm figuring out that reatreating from hostiles is best until you either get the diplomatic items or big guns, I'm finding that the other 2 ships just as fun and the scanner kind of unnescessary.

5) Do you think the bosses (Kawangi, Primordius, Vent Mother, Deep Hunter, Garthan carrier) are too easy, too hard or just right?

Just challenging enough without making it impossible, however if you're lucky with finding treasure some can get a bit easy.

6) When you play Weird Worlds do you "play it safe" or do you play risky?

Well when I was figuring the game out I always charge in with guns blazing, and occasionally I underestemate the vent mothers and the exact extent of a black hole's gravitational pull, especially when it's between me and glory and i'm running late...

7) When you play Weird Worlds, do you "roleplay" it?

To the extent the game allows role play yes, I tend to stick to the mission. A few more multiple choice scenarios like the bauble guy would be fun, maybe you could find artifacts or trade information from other races, then use that to engage in a "conversation" with the race(answering multiple choice or typing 1 word or brief phrase answers like in starship titantic), or perhaps have a simple alien language or "code" you can speak to them in(like the robot race's) which requires some kind of cipher item to learn.

8) Do you keep a Weird Worlds shortcut on your desktop?


9) Who is your favorite Weird Worlds character?

In order: George and Margie from the manual, Ripcord, The Zorg, The gargathan, the slug guys, and the klakar

10) Do you own/play Strange Adventures in Infinite Space?

Not yet no.....
Old September 15th, 2006, 06:57 PM

JeremyNSL JeremyNSL is offline
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Default Re: 10 questions from the devs.

- - - - - - - - - -

1) What are your favorite features/items/etc. in the game?

The Damocles/Primordius endgame!!
Particle Vortex Cannon
Toy Robot (I freaked when it **edited**)
Sardion Optimizer

2) What are your least favorite features/items/etc. in the game?

All the missles except the Multi-Missle seem really ineffective.
Chromium Gong: this thing is just too cheap. Especially against the Tchorak.
Ship speed isn't enough of a factor. ie. if you get the Reactionless Thruster it isn't very helpful.

3) Which map size do you prefer?
Medium. Its playable in 15-20 minutes but still very fun.

4) Which player ship do you prefer?
Military. Its easier to complete the endgames with

5) Do you think the bosses (Kawangi, Primordius, Vent Mother, Deep Hunter, Garthan carrier) are too easy, too hard or just right?
Kawangi: very hard. Perhaps too hard
Primordius: Just right. With a loaded military ship, a small flotilla of wingmen and Damocles its just possible to destroy it.
Vent Mother: Too easy - especially with the Chromium Gong. Maybe if it shot twice the amount of missles?
Deep Hunter: Too easy. Very thin armor. I think the Urulaqui need a capital ship of some kind.
Garthan Carrier: Too easy. The fighters are easy kills and close in the Carrier is quite weak. Actually I'd be more afraid of the Corvettes because they are so adept at ramming.

6) When you play Weird Worlds do you "play it safe" or do you play risky?

Depends. If I find the Hyperdrive I play it safe. If not, I'm reckless.
7) When you play Weird Worlds, do you "roleplay" it?

Don't know what you mean.
8) Do you keep a Weird Worlds shortcut on your desktop?

9) Who is your favorite Weird Worlds character?

The Zorg.
10) Do you own/play Strange Adventures in Infinite Space?

I did play it.
- - - - - - - - - -
Old October 23rd, 2006, 12:05 PM
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Default Re: 10 questions from the devs.

Ripcord O'Reilly said:
Got time to answer a few quick questions? Cool if you do and ty from the Digital Eel gang!

1) What are your favorite features/items/etc. in the game?

2) What are your least favorite features/items/etc. in the game?

3) Which map size do you prefer?

4) Which player ship do you prefer?

5) Do you think the bosses (Kawangi, Primordius, Vent Mother, Deep Hunter, Garthan carrier) are too easy, too hard or just right?

6) When you play Weird Worlds do you "play it safe" or do you play risky?

7) When you play Weird Worlds, do you "roleplay" it?

8) Do you keep a Weird Worlds shortcut on your desktop?

9) Who is your favorite Weird Worlds character?

10) Do you own/play Strange Adventures in Infinite Space?

- Rippy
Here's my 2 cents:

1)I like the obscure creatures, such as the Crystal Fish. I wish the other creatures did more weird "stuff", even if it wasn't always something VERY useful, perhaps something event-oriented.

2)I feel ambivalent towards the invasion of the nova-creature as well as the hyperdrive, the latter makes the game too easy for me. Also, the Gong seems way too overpowered, I think using it should give a %-chance that it gets destroyed.

3) I prefer medium map sizes, since the large one seems, again, "too easy" (almost guaranteed to find a hyperdrive, it seems).

4)I like all 3! But the military one seems most attractive simply because of more slots. Would be different if you didnt get more cargo room when you hired other mercs -- then the science or pirate ships would be more attractive.

5)Some bosses' toughness are negated by the hyperdrive or the "folding" merc Zorg: if you have the Gong, you can just keep going back and nailing them one by one.

6) I usually play it risky, since I can always just start again....!

7) I dont roleplay it, although it would be fun -- the games are just too short for RP!

8) No shortcut

9)I don't see too many "characters", but I havent played that long.... Would like to see more!

10) I do not have SAIIS.

thanks for making a fun game...!
Old November 29th, 2006, 07:11 PM
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Default Re: 10 questions from the devs.

1) The variety of content and the constant variation between games. The fact that the game mechanics (combat, UI, navigation, etc) are slick and well designed is also integral to why the game is so good. The interaction between items and events (like mirroring the Kawangi into the Vacuum bomb or a black hole) is also a blast.
2) The imbalanced items. Once you pick up the cloak, the gong or the mantle, you're pretty much invincible and a lot of the tension drains away. The neutronium railgun is also too strong against missile weapons- it's usually best to keep the two you start with over most 3 or 4 star weapons.
3) The large map. It's got the most space to explore gives you the best chance to enjoy conquering the galaxy (that's how I usually play it )
4) The military frigate.
5) I think the bosses mostly too easy, but in most cases it's due to the fact that they're vulnerable to a particular very common weapon type. Neutronium railguns make fighting tchorak, garthans, and primordius a breeze, for instance. I'd enjoy the solitary bosses more if they were on a level with the Kawangi.
6) I play it risky. It's more enjoyable to do the risky combats than ones that are shoe-ins.
7) Not really.
8) Yes.
9) Babulon.
10) No. I bought the game after enjoying the demo.
Old November 30th, 2006, 12:11 PM
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Default Re: 10 questions from the devs.

1) What are your favorite features/items/etc. in the game?
I particularly love the random encounters that make you feel like you've discovered something new on an alien world. I still love the combination of graphics and sound for the quicksilver sea. I'd love it if there were more of these, and if the graphics were just a little larger.

2) What are your least favorite features/items/etc. in the game?
Although I love the particle vortex cannon and hyperdrive, they do seem to make the game almost too easy once acquired.

3) Which map size do you prefer?
Medium. Small is too short, and large gives you too many good items, thus making the game get easier as time goes on.

4) Which player ship do you prefer?
Science vessel. I'm just a nerd at heart. Also, it gives the feeling of "boldy going where . . ."

5) Do you think the bosses (Kawangi, Primordius, Vent Mother, Deep Hunter, Garthan carrier) are too easy, too hard or just right?
I love the Primordius mission. Got to admit that I've not yet managed to stop the Kawangi. The others are damned tough, but definitely beatable. (especially with the gong!)

6) When you play Weird Worlds do you "play it safe" or do you play risky?
Safe, most of the time, but I occasionally just 'go for it'. Usually regret it too.

7) When you play Weird Worlds, do you "roleplay" it?
A little - in my head only though.

8) Do you keep a Weird Worlds shortcut on your desktop?
Hell yes! It takes pride of place in the centre Mac OS X dock.

9) Who is your favorite Weird Worlds character?
Hmm . . . Not Esmerelda, that's for sure. Maybe the Zorg guys.

10) Do you own/play Strange Adventures in Infinite Space?
Had a demo of it that I played a little, but this came out shortly after I discovered it.

Thanks for a wonderful game. Who needs Solitaire/Minesweeper anymore.
Old December 5th, 2006, 01:03 AM

Zogu Zogu is offline
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Default Re: 10 questions from the devs.

1) What are your favorite features/items/etc. in the game?

I really love the game and thus, it is hard to define exactly which feature makes it so fun to play.

I like the fact that each game is different. Also, the fact that a game takes you less than 30-40 minutes.

The Klakar are nice. They act both as helpers, traders, bank vault. One thing though: When calling them with the beacon, it should take a few days from the counter (it shouldn't be instantaneous).

Although I haven't played many mods, the fact that the game is moddable is definitively a positive point. It is also a challenge to my own creativity.

I like the "Esmeralda factor". Sometimes you have to develop a strategy so that your precious loot is not in danger of being stolen. A nice thing would be that after she has stolen something, it would be possible to find Esmeralda on the map (in "her" ship) and fight her to get your stuff back.

Some weapons are funny to play with, for instance the Micrometeorite gun. I'd like to see more variety though; for instance, weapons with recoil/inertia, a goo gun (which slows down the enemy ship), etc.

2) What are your least favorite features/items/etc. in the game?

Currently, most star drives are too pedestrian in nebulas. What if some of them gave a speed of 2 or 3 at least? There should be more variety in drives.

I liked it in SAIS when it took some extra time to capture a life form. This funny feature is missing from WW. By the way, some of the expensive loot/items/lifeforms should slowly damage your ship's hull (for instance, huge violent beasts or radioactive jewels) -- the player would then want to resell the stuff as soon as possible!

Combat is sometimes disappointing; it is slow and limited.

I tried to mod the game so that thrusters are 2x as fast and weapons fire 2x as slowly, but it didn't make combats funnier. It would be fun to have faster and more agile ships, but it would require major changes in the way combats work.

Ships collide way too often in combat; maybe the shields should have a repealing effect, at least some of them. It would prevent some of the accidental collisions.

When we encounter a fleet 'round a planet, the "bonus item" should float in space in a cargo (ie, the enemy fleet would defend it). It would then add some new dimensions in the game: blowing up the cargo by mistake, running away with it (cloaked or with a fast ship), etc.

It would be nice to encouter some low-profile baddies between stars (nebulas should be infested with pirates and creatures). And no hyperdrive please!!!! I don't like it.

3) Which map size do you prefer?

Medium. I never ever play the small map; most quest are unplayable on it. Maybe there should be special quests only for the small map?

4) Which player ship do you prefer?

I love the 3 of them. The one I play the most often is the Frigate, though. At first I would only play the Corvette, but as I got more confident in the game, I started having fun with all ships. With the Science ship, it is important to build a fleet with some firepower; I often give a Zorg ship the status of "flagship".

I have to say, though: the Terran fighter (Ripcord O'Reilley) should be a real fighter, and have no star drive. It is too limited to be considered a real ship. And how 'bout having a Terrain carrier? You find it (on the map), you keep it!!!

5) Do you think the bosses (Kawangi, Primordius, Vent Mother, Deep Hunter, Garthan carrier) are too easy, too hard or just right?

Primordius: Too easy to defeat if you have the Furies (Chromium Gong). Maybe the Furies should be slightly scaled down, so that they give only 50% of the damage required to destroy Primordius. Also, Furies should be single-use (or have a limited number of uses, each time getting weaker). Idea for the furies: each time you use them, there is a chance that after destroying the enemy they "materialize" as a ship and attack you back!

Vent Mother: Holy moly! This is a major foe, even with the PVC in hand. Although you can have your way with tremendous firepower, 2 Neptunian Railguns and some mobility.

Garthan Carrier: I don't really like the Garthan in combat. Their fighters are weak (although they can pack a punch if you're weak too). Their carriers are boring. I like their attitude though.

Kawangi: Too strong in combat (unless there is some trick I don't know). If I don't find the LVC, the Furies or the Mirror soon enough, it's the end of the game. Their single undefeatable ship with 2 mighty weapons is just too much. Maybe the ship should be an undefeatable carrier. If you defeat all its fighters, it runs away & escapes from the galaxy.

Deep Hunter: Some Urluquai fleets are currently very hard to cope with, especially with their initial "surrounding" configuration. One thing that would help would be to be able to change the initial orientation of the player's ships. When meeting Urluquai, I'd like to have my ships placed back-to-back (and not all facing up with some Urluquai frying my ***).

Tan-Ru: The fleet with 2 red Tan-Ru populates my nightmares. There should be no more than one of these kick-*** fleets in any map.

6) When you play Weird Worlds do you "play it safe" or do you play risky?

I take risks. That's why a big Urluquai fleet usually kick my sorry *** at some point.

7) When you play Weird Worlds, do you "roleplay" it?

No. Although there are some nice roleplaying features in it (like being able to name planets), I don't see the point. Maybe all the stars should be nameless at the beginning of the game. The player would then have to name the stars without a fleet (ie, not owned by aliens).

Also, the % of the map that has been either explored (or conquered) for Glory should have some emphasis. The player should choose a flag at the beginning of the game; the flag would then be shown beside the systems that have been "claimed" or "conquered" for Glory.

The roleplaying aspect should be explored. There could be a "journal", which would fill automatically, at each game.

The only "roleplay effect" I have is an adrenaline shot when I see a star exploding at the start of the Kawangi game. Then, I am totally stressed out and run around the map in a frenzy. Good times.

8) Do you keep a Weird Worlds shortcut on your desktop?

Absolutely. I play the game at least 3-4 times a week (I usually play 3-4 games each time).

9) Who is your favorite Weird Worlds character?

I don't know. The game doesn't offer much character development. Maybe the ambassadors should have their say in some situations (for instance, a Celatian would refuse to be present in combats)?

10) Do you own/play Strange Adventures in Infinite Space?

I own it, but I don't play it anymore.
Old December 5th, 2006, 01:04 AM

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Default Re: 10 questions from the devs.

Oh, and I forgot. There are too many types of Time Capsules!!!
Old December 5th, 2006, 01:10 AM

Zogu Zogu is offline
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Default Re: 10 questions from the devs.

The Bauble should be worth a HUGE sum of $$$ when it hasn't been broken. So the player would have to ponder the pros and cons of using it.

Same thing for the Mantle. It should be in its "original wrappings" and in "mint condition". If you use it, it loses much of its resell value.
Old December 5th, 2006, 06:17 AM

Jamiri Jamiri is offline
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Default Re: 10 questions from the devs.

Zogu said:
The Bauble should be worth a HUGE sum of $$$ when it hasn't been broken. So the player would have to ponder the pros and cons of using it.

Same thing for the Mantle. It should be in its "original wrappings" and in "mint condition". If you use it, it loses much of its resell value.
Love those ideas! The Xerox Sphere in the SAIS mod "The Urluquai Crusade" was a modification of the Timeless Bauble that was based on this prinicple. In addition to that, there was also a fake Xerox Sphere (the modification of the Melodium Chronograph) which, if used, caused the player to lose a full year of playing time. Those two things made the player really think before smashing it.


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