A bunch of 1.08 bugs. Several are dupes but it can't hurt to re-iterate them.
Oh and I agree that the interface needs work. There are far too many places where its not intuitive.
Note: A couple of days ago I sent an email to malfdor with a whole bunch more bugs. A couple of these reference bugs in that e-mail
Anyhow, the bugs
1) - I was being attacked by a non-treatied player. 5 Frigates attacking my undefended world. Using strategic view.
Problem is that both my planet AND the enemies 5 ships were all in the "defenders" column together.
Note: A different planet was attacked by a different player, but in that case both parties were in their correct columns.
2) - I recieved a treaty proposal from the AI that had:
Share Resupply
Share Commucations
It had a few other elements, but these two were broken because they didn't actually have any of their sub-elements selected. i.e. They did not specify whether it would affect both empires, or one specifically. They were blank, both in the "view" and when replying with a counter-offer and altering the treaty elements.
I later recieved a different treaty proposal which had the element "mutual defence aid" checked but with a blank sub-section. This is odd because the MDA clause only has one sub-section. :?
I did manage to agree to a treaty with the non-existant clauses and the game didn't crash, so that's something.
3) Pathfinding bug - Although this is also a mapping issue. "Seeing all systems" is off, and I have not traded any mapping data with any other races. Basically I have to explore the "old fashioned" way.

There are two systems which are connected. Except that neither system has been fully explored and I cannot yet see the warp points which are connecting them in EITHER system. The problem is twofold:
a) On my galaxy map it is clearly showing that the two systems are known to be linked together.
b) I have a ship plotting its course through this unexplored warp-point and coming out at the other unexplored warp-link. The pathfinding line goes into the red (unexplored) area in one system, stops, and then pops up in the next system in another red area.
4) - For some reason it's not possible to adjust the width of columns in listings. I.e. on the colonies list it would be nice to be able to change the widths so that you could make the ones that are too large (like planet name) smaller.
5) - On a related note - Why doesn't it remember your custom layouts between games? It doesn't remember your empire options between games either. In fact it remembers damn little (nothing to be exact).
6) - Why do I have to give my treaties names? At least against the AI this is pointless and just results in me constantly forgetting and having to spend an extra 10 seconds editing my treaty proposals.
7) - I received several anomalous event logs pertaining to research. Namely I recieved the following 4:
New Tech Level
Tech 1 - Energy streaming
Tech 1 - Torpedo weapons
Tech 1 - Smaller weapons
Tech 1 - Shield damaging weapons
The problem was that this was after researching contra terrene engines lvl 4.
I suspect these are because my ally is sharing his research with me. So why don't the messages say they are courtesy of my allies? Its confusing seeing messages about research you've not conduced (initially I thought it was another bug).
8) - Anyhow there is still a bug proper there. Because I get those messages EVERY TURN. I'm pretty sure its because I don't have the necessary pre-requisites (i.e. "Military Theory" for torps). Them being given every single turn is just silly.
9) - In my e-mail I reported a bug about a ship going forwards and backwards repeatedly forever, turn after turn.
Well that's happened again (twice). But now I think I know the cause. I gave the ship orders to go to another system. This involved it passing through a hex that it later (as in when it came into sensor range) found out was occupied by an enemy ship. For some reason rather than just stopping (or re-pathing around), it decides to go back and forth indefinately, even after the ship that was in the way has gone.
10) - why does the paused strategic combat screen have a framerate of 12fps (about the same as when its unpaused!)? On average I'm getting abut 30, but the strategic combat screen doesn't include any 3d stuff at all that I can see.
And when I open the ship-report panel that shows a ships components, it plummets down to 4fps!!! -
Note - In tactical if I open the ship report panel, the frame rate plummets to 4fps too.
11) - I somehow managed to get the cheat-code entry text to come up. But now I can't get rid of it. not escape, not return (both pressed repeatedly), not random bashing on the keyboard, it simply won't go away. As such I now can't use keyboard shortcuts until I restart the game or maybe just end the turn. Nope, even when I end a turn it's still there on the new turn!!!! HOW DO I GET RID OF IT? In the end I had to re-load the game. Not good.
12) - If I research 6 levels of something in one turn (i.e. "Starship Resupply" lvls 1 to 6), why do I get six messages telling me that I've completed these six levels of tech, PLUS I get six messages telling me that a new facility (Resupply 1-6) has just been developed. Wouldn't it be neater to only show the top level that was researched (i.e. lvl 6)? Especially in relation to the facility seeing as you can't actually use the lower level ones.
13) - The game doesn't seem to want to let me load my pre-saved empires when creating a new game. I get: "This empire cannot be added because it has used more racial points than are allowed."
Problem is, its not. This has happened to both my saved empires, and they are both using 3,000racial points.
But even when I set the racial point count to 5,000 for the game it still won't let me load those empires.
The weird thing, is that if I load up a saved game type which has 3,000 Racial points set, it will let me use those pre-saved empires.
14) - When I load an empire from file and go to edit it, it gives me 476,000 technology points to use. Which is wrong because I've never used tech-points (always leave it off). When I create a new empire manually this number is at 0.
The really really bad thing is that you can then use those 476,000 TP in a game where the rules say you should have 0 (I just tested it). Obivously this gives you an unfair advantage.
15) - I played a game where I had turned off inteligence. There are two bugs here:
a) I was able to research intelligence stuff still.
b) The AI not only researched intelligence things but also built them!
16) - I wanted a weapon platform. I auto-designed it and it had several supply pods and ordanance storage pods. But I couldn't manually add those pods to it. Similarly it came with a medical bay (why?) but its not available on the component list for me to add manually. The filter is set to "show all components".
Hmnm, 16 bugs. Not bad.