
October 25th, 2006, 03:35 PM
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Re: 1.08 bugs.
Spoo said:
Hit ` (the ~ key)
Heh. That was probably the only key I managed to miss in my random bashings try to get rid of it. Thanks.
dmm said:
This is being done on purpose. In the original demo, you could get rid of all the default techs, which gave you lots of racial points to spend on other stuff. Then when you started the game, you had all the default techs anyway. So a change was made to prevent this, which results in the behavior you are seeing.
That doesn't make sense. I have spent exactly 3,000 racial points (the ones it gave me) so why won't it let me load this previous Empire?
dizzy said:
When I select my colony ship and hit the resupply at the nearest base button, it will move toward the allied race's planet, but it stops short of moving into that hex so it doesnt resupply.
I didn't think you needed to actually go to the planet itself to resupply, I thought it was provided system wide. That's what the manual says (just looked) and the in-game text under "system modifiers" in the top left.

October 25th, 2006, 04:28 PM
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Re: 1.08 bugs.
16 bugs in my last one. Let's see how many this time shall we?
17) What is the trigger for combat finishing? Because its certainly not obvious. I know it ends at 5 mins, but I've had it end at 20 seconds when both parties were running away from each other too.
Anyhow, the bug is that several times combat has concluded prematurely. I think it was because one of the ships ran away whilst the others stayed to fight.
So I'm squaring up to kill the ship thats headed straight for me and then BAM. "Combat finished"!
18) I've got my game set to "team play". I.e. all the AI's are supposed to ally themselves against me. Gee, that doesn't work. EVERY TURN (give or take) I have them BEGGING me to accept this treaty or that. If I accept they'll go and declare war on me two turns down the road.
19) I sent the AI a treaty. It was a nice simple affair and it had exactly one clause - I would give the AI ALL of my technology. That's it. One clause.
The AI refused!!!!!!???
(note: I did this because the AI is so incredably retarded it's still only got light cruisers whilst I'm running around with lvl 10 dreadnaughts).
20) I autogenerated a Boarding ship. It has no weapons. Fine. So why does it have insane amounts of ordanance storage?
21) I have tech 18 Master computers. Why does the auto-generate insist of using my tech 1 crew / living / bridge stuff?
22) Whats the difference between a cargo transport and a troop carrier? They're identical when using auto-generate.
23) Select a weapon mount. Say a massive mount. Now if you right click any component (even one that can't use a mount) to get its detailed info up, it will tell you that it's structure and mass are triple what they should be. Though when you actually put said component onto the ship it'll be fine.
24) Inspite of #19 I did eventually get a research sharing treaty with the AI where the AI got my current research.
Anyhow, we agreed to the treaty and it definately took force, I recieved all of his tech (which consisted of tech 1 in things I'd never bothered with), and I recieved a message saying that I'd sent a huge list of tech to him.
So next turn I go to look at the scores, problem is his tech level is STILL down where it was. No spike on the graph showing his rapid ascent of the tech tree. Nothing.
Now I'm going to have to come up with another way to try to give the AI lots of tech. :?
25) I've turned on the "colony ship" minister. I decide to build a whole flottila of colony ships at a load of planets and have "all new ships go under minister control". But nothing happened. My colony ships just sat around. They had the ministerial icon next to them, but they did nothing. This inspite of the fact there were tons of worlds to colonise, many breathable.
26) I recieved a combat report stating that the enemies' starting forces consisted of large numbers of ships. These ships included lots of small drones + fighters that were classed as "100% damaged - Normal". How do you get a 100% damaged vehicle at the START of combat?
27) I recieved several combat reports. For "starting forces" they didn't have anything written down under the "status" column - the other columns were fine. The finished forces status column was fine. It didn't show the status for the ships of either side.
28) When you go to the Empire Comparisons screen, there are the three options "Score, Victor conditions, Graphs". The little blue dot doesn't actually show up next to whichever of them is selected when you first enter the screen.
29) Why does the "recon satellite" have more than one "basic sesnors"? They aren't cumulative. And why does the AI build so many? One around each planet is more than sufficient. Four around the same planet is overkill
30) My research is off the chart. And I mean that quite literally (see the attachment). I've got 1,096 tech levels and the chart seems to only be graphing up to 1,000.
31) Sort of related to the above - When a score reaches 8 digits (i.e. 10 mil + ) the left-most character goes over the border.
That'll do for now. I don't think I'll bother reporting any more. Between this lot plus my initial email as well as a few I've not documented I figure that's about 50 bugs.
I think it's pretty obvious this game should have been in beta testing for a few more months - I guess they rushed it out to meet chistmas. Oh well, just have to wait for all the patches. :?

October 25th, 2006, 04:47 PM
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Re: 1.08 bugs.
How's this one:
After moving a task force on top of my planet that has a resupply base, a fighter group inside the task force was not resupplied with ordinance. I had to remove the ftr group from the task force, move it off and back unto the planet before it resupplied. I then added it back to the task force.
THEN, the next turn I send the task force off to kill an enemy ship group. I notice one of the two ftr groups in my task force flee from combat. I check them and they had zero ordinance...
I reload the saved game from before I ended the last turn and it appears that somehow the turn break steals their ordinance. In order to get it full, I have to detach them from the task force, move them off and on the planet.
fracking ridiculous.

October 25th, 2006, 05:38 PM
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Re: 1.08 bugs.
More problems with ftrs. After gasing up as above, I send them out to kill 2 lowly enemy colony ships.
What do my ships do? Some flee the others sit there.
In this screenshot, it appears that the enemy colony ships are in the defenders slot with me, or I'm there with them. Isnt someone supposed to be in the other side?
Same thing happens when I attack planets. The planet and my ships are on the either the attacker or defender sides, not both. Is this a bug? Or are we supposed to be on the same side? Is this why i cant kill enemy ships and planets?
Edit: And after fruitless attmpts at attack, I discover one of the ftr groups now has no ordinance. How is that possible? No one fired a shot.

October 25th, 2006, 07:56 PM
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Re: 1.08 bugs.
Dizzy said:
In this screenshot, it appears that the enemy colony ships are in the defenders slot with me, or I'm there with them. Isnt someone supposed to be in the other side?
Same thing happens when I attack planets. The planet and my ships are on the either the attacker or defender sides, not both. Is this a bug? Or are we supposed to be on the same side? Is this why i cant kill enemy ships and planets?
Edit: And after fruitless attmpts at attack, I discover one of the ftr groups now has no ordinance. How is that possible? No one fired a shot.
I've had attacking ships in the same column as a defending planet. They still attacked the planet and levelled it.
On the matter of no ordinance - I thought that was a commonly known bug. I've been attacked plenty of times by the AI only to have him instantly run away because of no ordanance.
Thinking about all these bugs I've come across, I realise that there are still sizable areas of the game I've not even bothered to touch: fighters, starbases, troops, etc (nothing except starships for me), intelligence, ministers, planetary combat. It really is a very complex (and good if you ignore the bugs) game. Just unfortunate it didn't get the testing it deserved.

October 25th, 2006, 08:06 PM
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Re: 1.08 bugs.
Granted it needs *alot* more patches, but with the history of SE IV I'm more than willing to give Malfador benefit of the doubt, especially with the great modders here working on the game too. And even with all these faults, I'm still having fun with SE V.
Raapys: you don't happen to have the +25% spaceyard racial trait, do you? Its being added twice at the moment.
I do have it. However, my best planet has 3100'ish construction rate, and a planetary construction facility has 2k original construction rate at level 1, while ship space yard only has 1k orginal. Yet both my construction ships have 4900 rate? O_O Something's very fishy there.
Also, isn't that trait only supposed to work for *planetary* construction yards? To my knowledge it actually says '25% Planetary construction bonus' or some such.

October 25th, 2006, 09:08 PM
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Re: 1.08 bugs.
Has anybody else, after trying to conquer a planet with a few troops and a bunch of fighters (because the troops can't navigate to save their lives and mostly spin around in circles) had more ground combat occuring at "Fighter Group <number>", consiting of an empty city surrounded by blackness? I'm tryign to figure out what's going on here. It wasn't a big deal before, since I was getting attacked by one milita fighter, which my fighters (which I _think_ were actually on the planet just conquered) killed it off easily, but the latest time I tried, it was on a planet without a resupply depot, so my drained fighters got slowly picked apart by this lone milita fighter over several turns.

October 25th, 2006, 09:21 PM
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Re: 1.08 bugs.
If you have a non-aggression treaty with an empire, and you enter a sector with both the allied empire and a third empire, your ships and the allied empires ships will still attack each other.
"Why the blazes didn't we utilise the abandoned Martian War Machines to retain Empire? I demand immediate resignations."

October 26th, 2006, 12:27 AM
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Re: 1.08 bugs.
Are you sure it wasn't one of the "we won't fight in neutral territory" ones?
The "peace, but we'll kick your *** if you invade our space" treaties are very nice.
Things you want:

October 26th, 2006, 09:18 AM
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Re: 1.08 bugs.
Yes, quite sure. It was a Non-agression (Colonise each other systems). Also, it was neutral space.
They had a couple of lovely rock-oxygen planets in their space, and I had a big gas carbon dioxide gas giant I wasn't using. Yeah. \m/
"Why the blazes didn't we utilise the abandoned Martian War Machines to retain Empire? I demand immediate resignations."
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