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Old November 10th, 2006, 11:40 PM

Sheap Sheap is offline
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Default Re: Blessed Nations

The peace-loving aboleths of R'lyeh wish nothing more than to gracefully wave the tentacles in their deep, dark realm of joy and happiness.

-- Sheap-Niggurath
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Old November 11th, 2006, 09:31 PM

FrankTrollman FrankTrollman is offline
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Default Re: MP: Newbie Game EA (Open)

Tien Chi is the middle kingdom, the celestial empire which stands at the apex of the world. It is the center, and the barbarian realms which surround it are simply pale reflections of the glory which is known as Tien Chi.

We have made entreaties to Arcocephale to accept a fair border between our nations: the so-called "golden era" taking place in the North where the barbarians live, and the clestial empire of Tien Chi staying at the center around which the world moves. However, Arcocephale has remained silent. If they do not respond to our missives and continue to build hordes of barbarians along our borders, we will be forced to consider this an acceptance of world without end. We have seen the power of your magic and we laugh.

If Arcocephale does not agree to terms, we shall be forced to march upon their capitol and burn the temples of Arcocephale to the ground. Our armies on the border have proven in battle that they want for nothing in their ability to destroy the armies of Arcocephale, and they shall continue to do so.

On a lighter note, we also note that Pangea has adopted a much more reasonable position. The animal spirits of the Pan are perfectly capable of cavorting harmlessly in the forests beyond the Middle Kingdom forever. Naked, and to the limits of their experiences content, the Pan may continue to do as they have done for generations to come. We have nothing that they need, and they have nothing that we want. Surely there is no cause for strife between our kingdoms.

It is for this reason that the celestial masters, in their immense wisdom, propose a border with Pangaea to last a thousand years:

We cede a line of provinces to the Pan: 111, 113, 112. Anything south of that may rightfully be considered the territory of the Age of Revelry.

The Great Catsby has Spoken
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Old November 12th, 2006, 07:51 PM

AdrianP AdrianP is offline
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Default No!!!

Ugh, a random event just wiped out all my sages.A random event in the form of a horde of indie knights! I just knew I should have set all my sages to retreat but kept forgetting to do so.
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Old November 12th, 2006, 09:12 PM

FrankTrollman FrankTrollman is offline
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Default Ha Ha Ha!

We just saw our battle reports from the attempted preemptive invasion by Arcocephale. And while it is unfortunate that Joepa managed to limp away from the field of battle, we are just going to have to console ourselves with he mountain of Windrider corpses.

You should have bargained, Joepa. Now we will hunt your limping god to the ends of the Earth and burn all of his worshippers.

The Great Catsby has Spoken.
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Old November 12th, 2006, 09:42 PM
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Default Re: Ha Ha Ha!

To the peoples of Neifelheim,

A battle to the south of the Kingdom of Pangaea was fought, and it is worth noting that this battle has made us a stronger kingdom although many centaur were lost. The battle prowess of the giants is simply incredible, and although their numbers were drastically depleted, we will not be invading the old Ermor lands again. These wounded Giants will be allowed to return home to their Mountain Kingdom if they can find a way through the surrounding Vanheim lands. This Decision has been made by the Centaur Cohort of Pangaea, and the Pan will not go against us on this for they respect our decisions most of all in times of war.

Amphious, Heirophant and Cohort leader.

To the peoples of Ermor,

We welcome you freely into our lands to the north. Know that you will be treated with the same respect as any Pan or Satyr. As such, you are expected to live by the same laws as our native born people.

With all sincerity, we hope that the peoples of Ermor are able to live the rest of their many days out in peace amongst our forests, delivered from the hardships of a lopsided war.

To Tien Chi,

Wisdom is rarely found amongst humankind this day and age. When our Pan came to the borders of our two great nations to investigate your intentions, know that they could see wisdom upon the faces of your wizards even with a glance. It was well known to us before your leader even announced aimable relations that Pangaea and Tien Chi would be able to forge a peace, even though our peoples share different values.
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Old November 12th, 2006, 11:02 PM
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Default Defeated

Kailasa is going down...

I was at war with Helheim (and losing) and last turn I was attacked by Ulm
In just 1 turn I lost 3 provinces, my pretender and almost all my commanders
I guess this is it... I would lose against Helheim anyway, but having to face also Ulm is too much.
But it was really fun, and I learned a lot .
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Old November 12th, 2006, 11:39 PM

AdrianP AdrianP is offline
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Default Re: Defeated

We Ulm will honor the beasts of Kailasa by transforming their lands into the world's largest safari park.

After all, the idea of monkey-men having self-government was ludicrous to begin with, it's better this way.
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Old November 12th, 2006, 11:44 PM
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Default Re: Defeated

AdrianP said:
We Ulm will honor the beasts of Kailasa by transforming their lands into the world's largest safari park.

After all, the idea of monkey-men having self-government was ludicrous to begin with, it's better this way.
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Old November 13th, 2006, 12:04 AM

Lion69 Lion69 is offline
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Default Re: Defeated

The mindles beasts of Tien Chi, those slimy devils, will rue the day they broke JoePa's knee.

Death to Tien Chi and all they stand for
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Old November 13th, 2006, 12:05 AM

Stryke11 Stryke11 is offline
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Default Final Correspondence Smuggled out of Ermor.

To Centurion Marcus Decimus Carulus,

Ave, cousin, as the walls of Eldregate crumble, our sentries were amazed to see what appeared to be an army coming to the aid of this hollow and battered city. Cries of joy as the beseigers were crushed against our walls were replaced with horror as we noted that our saviors were the armies of Neifelheim, who last we thought were allies of those who besieged us. It appears that the giant-Vanir alliance is weak, unless of course those Vanir who were besieging the city were going against the orders of their leaders to cede the land to the giants. Nevertheless, a stray arrow took out the captain of the guard and I am left alone to guard what is left of the city with what is left of our troops. I am no fighting man, but the men respect me as, though a patrician, I choose to die for my city rather than flee as so many others have. It feels suprisingly freeing not to have a god with whom to take orders from, nor the frantic worry of self-preservation. I have heard the Panii accepted you and the rest of my family into their lands, and I hope you can build a new life there. Thank you for delivering them across the border. Their nation my be strange by our standards, but from what I know they have good hearts, seek merriment, and have shown kindness to our people in our darkest hour. I finish what remains of the vintage wine I unearthed in the empty citadel, and it tastes sweeter than one would think. That is so strange; you were the soldier, and I was the one who sought a life of whimsy and merriment, and now how our roles are reversed. Take care of yourself, and what remains of our family. You shant hear from me again, I'm afraid.

--Senator Gaius Julius Carulus, Last Senator of Ermor, Final Defender of the Walls of Eldregate and the Temple of the Holy Shroud, City Prefect, and, until recently, Master of Revelry and the Games.
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