
November 16th, 2006, 06:04 PM
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What Race Should I Play ????!?
I have played the giants, but want to try something else. I am interested in:
1. Recruiting Dragons -- any races get to do this?
2. Rainbow Mages -- Any suggestions here?

November 16th, 2006, 06:31 PM
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Re: What Race Should I Play ????!?
No nations have anything really like "dragons" as national units, I believe. If you want some, you'll have to summon them.
Wyverns are a lowish level Conjuration, requiring Air 2.
Iron Dragons are a level 9 Construction, requiring Earth (3? 4?), and, of course, much stronger. Those are the summons most dragon-like that I can think of.
As for rainbow mages... if you're thinking about your pretender, any nation can play with the human or human-like, weak as hell, low-path pretenders - so any nation can make a rainbow pretender.
If you're thinking of national mages... I have to admit, I haven't tried enough nations to know. Doesn't Tien Chi have national mages with many elemental paths?

November 16th, 2006, 06:37 PM
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Re: What Race Should I Play ????!?
I suggest a race that abuses question marks, and pollutes forums with short-lived 1question threads instead of using existing topics.
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November 16th, 2006, 06:44 PM
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Re: What Race Should I Play ????!?
EA Tien Chi has 3 mages which collectively are guaranteed to have at least 1 in every path of magic except Blood.

November 16th, 2006, 06:57 PM
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Re: What Race Should I Play ????!?
May I suggest Ma man?
Their Amphitere is a lvl 3 summons. It is a flying serpent almost the size of a elephant and has a poisonous breath weapon.
You can choose a dragon as a pretender. As for rainbow just don't waste slots on air or nature and you will do well. Crones are air 2 and nature 3 with 2 randoms. Might I suggest the Sage master?

November 16th, 2006, 07:09 PM
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Re: What Race Should I Play ????!?
LA Jomon isn't quite as broad as EA Tien Chi, because you don't get death, but it's easier to get decent path levels. EA Tien Chi is fantastic for site searching but it can be a bit hard to use all those gems without some serious empowerment - the only 3's you see are decrepit because of old age.
Dragons, apart from pretenders, aren't so easy to come by. No race has national dragons, or even dragonesque summons. Wyverns are a weak substitute and not a great use of air gems either. The normal dragon spells occur fairly late - I have never needed a level 9 spell; my SP games with <10 AIs are always effectively over first.

November 16th, 2006, 07:19 PM
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Re: What Race Should I Play ????!?
About the closest you'll get to recruiting dragons would probably be MA Mictlan, (I think it's them) which can recruit Couatls. Not very close at all in the end. As for Rainbow mages, I'll second EA Tien Chi. If you meant a pretender, try EA or MA Abysia, LA Patala, or another race that has a preferred heat/cold scale. The extra points really help.
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November 16th, 2006, 07:44 PM
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Re: What Race Should I Play ????!?
recruit dragons - Nope. Ctis(try it in early Age) and Arcoscephale (Middle age only) can cast Summon Sirrush at conjuration5 which is fairly dragon-like. Any nation can cast Summon Tarrasque at conjuratio9, but you might need to take Nature6 on your pretender. The Tarrasque is not flying and fast, but a really big, fat, slow, poisonous and regenerating monster.

November 16th, 2006, 08:06 PM
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Re: What Race Should I Play ????!?
LA Agartha can recruit Cave Knights riding Cave Drakes. They don't fly, but they're pretty tough, and when the Knight dies you still have the Drake.
Arcoscephale has Mystics in all ages. They're nice mages, giving you access to Astral and eventually all Water and Earth, and Fire 2 but they can't forge a booster themselves. Arcos also has some Nature.

November 16th, 2006, 08:37 PM
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Re: What Race Should I Play ????!?
B0rsuk said:
I suggest a race that abuses question marks, and pollutes forums with short-lived 1question threads instead of using existing topics.
Hahahah, Borsuk. I am in complete agreement with you.
If rsolow were to play any race, I would most suggest the race:
As that would be most fitting to his playstyle.
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