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Old October 8th, 2006, 01:23 AM
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Default Weird World of Dom 3 (UnHuman Pretenders/Nations)

I'm new here, but one of the things I like the most about Dom 3 is the creatively unusual pretender types and nations. I thought I'd start a new thread about ideas for new pretender types, nations, and histories, to give the mighty game designers some (really) different perspectives. We know that they can come up with some truly unique and great ideas of what to put into the game, but take it from a gamer and gamerunner who's been roleplaying, DMing, GMing, and designing my own roleplaying games for the past 15+ years (pant, gasp). It's not easy. It *can* be a lot of fun, though...so, that's the purpose of this thread. Please use this to post ideas which are DIFFERENT. The unhumanoid is encouraged, and if you're evoking humanoid pretenders or nations, please give them unusual histories plus lots of details as to why they are different from elves, klackons, centaurs, klingons, hippies, etc. P.S. They should still fit into a fantasy world generally and have ideally the Dom "feel" specifically. If the ideas a really good, maybe Johan and Kristoffer will put them in a later patch? Ofcourse, I have no control over this, so don't explitive at me if they don't.
THAT SAID(legal note): all ideas in this thread should be considered the property of the above creators of Dominions 3, and posting to this thread admits compliance with all the forum rules and waives any ownership of ideas posted, via copyright laws, negating any and all legal loopholes which would entitle the author of the post to any and all legal action towards me, the creators of Dom 3, this forum, Shrapnel Games, or anyone (or any entity or group of entities)else alive, dead, undead, unliving, or otherwise.

P.S. And Yes, I know that Dom 3's been out for less than a week, and there's a ton of wonderful new things to explore and do, but, all that considered, creative thinking is a good thing, in my opinion, so why not encourage it while we're all in the first spring blush of enthusiasm?
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Old October 8th, 2006, 12:25 PM

Tortanick Tortanick is offline
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Default Re: Weird World of Dom 3 (UnHuman Pretenders/Natio

I've been doing this myself, but I just modified a few nations in the middle and late era, nothing brand new:

Here is one of mine:

C'tus: the first two ages of C'tus are merged into one age (the early age). Desert Tombs takes the middle age. In the third age C'tus leave their ancestral lands, fleeing the growth of the desert and merge with pythum


As the dead legions of Ermor grew in power the Therugs of Pythum lead a campaign against their unholy neighbour, unsuccessful they left Pythum with no army and no leadership. Fortunately legions of migrating Lizardmen were settling in Pythum's vast swamps, with them they brought order, government and most importantly powerful sauromancers skilled in the ways of death to combat the threat of Ermor.

With the fall of the church the people of Pythum-C'tus turned to following the teachings of the C'tus priests, and interestingly year on year the humans resemble their lizard friends a little more, this is considered a good thing, not only are the lizardmen physically superour but they brought you stability, safety and even you're religion you'd be happy to see you're baby as one of them. And its about time another species one uped the humans!

The C'tus's carnivorous slaves (forgot the name) were let lose, the migration was hard enough even without trying to bring them along.

Because both the two nations have had recent population falls (migration & war respectively) the army is lacking in normal troops, what ones it dose have consist of lighter ex-huam skimishers and lizardmen who took the heavy legion model, then realised that as they are stonger than humans they can carry more heaver weapons & armour. However Pythum-C'tus' real power comes from its incredible magical order. Enough Therugs were too old, scholarly or plain cowards to join the war, they kocked heads with the powerful Sauromancers of C'tus to produce one of the most powerful magical orders ever.

National spells are different, the swamps of Pythum don't have all the beings once summoned by C'tus, and the Therugs have lost the knowledge needed to summon some types of angels, however by combining their knowledge new summons were created.

E.G. Death + angel summoning = Grim Reaper esque Angels of Death. They won't touch living or demonic units but will stop at nothing to send the undead back to the afterlife.

Hydra's are still around, as always.

Its great fun, I'd love to see what you came up with
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Old October 8th, 2006, 12:55 PM
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Default Re: Weird World of Dom 3 (UnHuman Pretenders/Natio

Here is something I've thought up.


Inside the earth, beyond the caverns where the Pale Ones are realms so alien they could be places beyond the Spheres. They are vast realms of strange life, the blue-litten K’n-yan, red-litten Yoth, and finally the black, lightless N'kai.

No scholar knows how long N'kai has existed and it existed only in manuscripts of Lore Masters who had been driven insane by their dark knowledge.

But now N'Kai has bubbled through vast caverns into the surface world. N'Kai is Hunger Without Thought, an oozing legion of fungal and slimy monsters. They creep forth at night.

Human cultists of the Oozing Legion appear first. They gather strange cults together in preparation of the invasion of the eldritch horrors. Next, small villages vanish and people speak of dark monsters haunting the lands. The cultists of N'Kai poison food and water with the foul Rot of N'Kai which swiftly turns humans into rotten slaves of their inhuman masters.

And soon the lands have turned desolate, populated only by decaying, soulless servants of N'Kai and even more alien monsters that have come from the depths...

The inhabitants of N'Kai include oozes of varying colour with purple ones being the most inteligent ones, Yuggs, creatures that resemble large flatworms, the vaguely humanoid myconids and other fungal creatures, Formless Spawns, creatures most closely connected to the horrifying god that created the underground life, and Shoggots, amorphous servants of some even more sinister, ancient god.

N'Kai also have various semi-undead creatures under it's control. Some of the creatures from the lightless realm spew pollen that drive creatures that contact it insane. And as time passes the pollen starts to grow in the hosts body, turning it into a pained, mindless servant of N'Kai. The fungis can also create fungal Manikins of sorts.

The human cultists of N'Kai start off Diseased when recruited and they turn into amorphous, mutated horrors when they die.

The priests of N'Kai can Assimilate Population by spreading the Rot of N'Kai. This is similiar to Reanimation and is conducted by it's priests but it always consumes living humans to make various terrifying creatures out of them.

Shoggots which can assume a large humanoid form for spellcasting or a vast slimy form for melee combat and Formless Minds, vast mutated oozes with crystalline and resinous formations popping out of them lead N'Kai. The Formless Minds dominionsummon various Formless Spawn.

N'Kai has Death, Nature, Water and some Astral magic.

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Old October 8th, 2006, 12:57 PM
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Default Re: Weird World of Dom 3 (UnHuman Pretenders/Natio

That could actually be a Serpent Cult nation that worked really, really well.

Also, I wonder if you've seen the "Lizard Auxiliare" unit of EA Ermor. All kinds of creatures were recruited to the legions in those times...
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Old October 8th, 2006, 01:12 PM

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Default Re: Weird World of Dom 3 (UnHuman Pretenders/Natio

Suprisingly I only thought of serpent cult in retrospect, (excluding subconsious). I chose Pythum mainly because it has lots of swamps. Worked like a charm though.

A big step away from the humaniseation of the late ages.
Less Death than Tomb Kings.
More magic than either Toob Kings or Emerald Empire

My three goals for my changes to the late ages.

Nerfix: I wouldn't use Agartha for that. The whole point of Agartha is trying to cling onto the past. You cut ties with it compleatly. Just make it a new nation that spent the last two ages under the earth burrowing upwards.
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Old October 8th, 2006, 01:58 PM
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Default Re: Weird World of Dom 3 (UnHuman Pretenders/Natio

I just said that N'Kai lies far, far beyond the watery caves of Agartha. N'Kai is a new nation.

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Old October 8th, 2006, 02:33 PM

Fate Fate is offline
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Default Re: Weird World of Dom 3 (UnHuman Pretenders/Natio

Ok, I will begin with a disclaimer. One, I like national troops, so these may seem a tad powerful. Two, the early era version of this nation is a rather crude interpretation, and I will be happy to hear alternative ideas.


This nation contains some humanoids, but is built on the back of machines. The early era is inspired by totem poles (see disclaimer above), followed by automatons, followed by gunpowder! Some of the later units might "eat" resources instead of (or on top of) supplies.


This is a nation of some humans who worship the totems.

There are some human units, mostly with light armor (should the heavy armor be wood, skin, or bone? historical referrence needed here). They have good defense (11 - 14), precision (10 - 13), survivals, standards (totems), and stealth. Good, but expensive units. Gold is primary resource.

The key feature is the totem poles. These have low (1 - 2) map movement, NO APs, and magical attributes. There are some totem units. An incomplete list (of the recruitable ones) is:


--15 G, 4 R Militia (better name?) > spear? Bow? All survivals - wasteland.

--25 G, 11 R Warrior > spear (or other melee?) stealth, all survival - waste.

--25 G, 12 R Warrior > Bow + melee (spear? dagger?), stealth, all survival - waste.

--30 G, 15 R Heavy Warrior > Bow? Melee (spear? dagger?), armour for prot 13+, all survival - waste (no stealth).

--20 G, 15 R Totem > standard +10, high stats, but susceptible to fire and has no armor or weapons. It is also blind and sacred (this carries for all totems).

--40 G, 15 R Black Totem > stealth, fear +0, patrol+2.

--50 G, 20 R Bird Totem > can fly, calls 1 - 3 birds at the beginning of the battle, standard + (5-10), mountain survival.

--50 G, 20 R Fish Totem > Amphibious, calls 1 - 3 fish, standard + (5 - 10), swamp survival.

--50 G, 20 RWolf(?) Totem > Summon 2 - 4 wolves, standard + (5 - 10), forest survival.

--60 G, 10 R Light Totem > Righteous light - 5+ AP non-strength damage. MR negates, x2 (or 3) bonus vs undead. Standard+ (5 - 10)

--40 G, 25 R Petrified Totem > Siege/Repair+3, standard + (5 - 10).


--20 G, 5 R Scout > Stealth + 10, 15 leadership, all survivals - wasteland (?), bow?.

--25 G, 10 R Chief (better name?) > leadership 40, Standard?.

--35 G, 10 R "Better Chief" (better name?) > leadership 80 - 120, Standard?.

--60 G, 1 R Shaman (or would priest be better?) > 1H1N 0.1?AEW, 10 LD (stealth?).

--150 - 250 G, 20 R Storm Totem > 2A, Lightning bolt, flies and can bring 20 size points with it. Blind, fire vulnerable, sacred, only 3 misc slots (this carries for all the totem commanders).

--150 - 250 G, 20 R Rain Totem > 2W, Slime, amphibious and can bring 20 size points with it.

--250 - 350 G, 30 R(capitol only) Stone Totem > 2E, its "weapon" is marble warriors at no gem cost and no gem/path fatigue reduction (still 100 fatigue).

--200 - 300 G, 20 R(capital only) Protector Totem > 2N2H, heals, reinvig + (1 - 2).

--400 - 450 G, 20 R(capitol only) Mother Totem > 1S1N 2.1?(AEWN), auto-casts Fanaticism, standard + (10 - 20).

Ok, that was alot. I will edit this for more in a bit.
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Old October 17th, 2006, 06:35 PM
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Default Re: Weird World of Dom 3 (UnHuman Pretenders/Natio

Since I started this thread, I figured I ought to post an idea to it. My idea is for a Late Era Lovecraftian nation based on the Great Race of Yith.
Yithians are an insectoid race, in my version flesh-eating scarab beetles (aka The Mummy)-who have been possessed by time-traveling spirits. They have access to time related national spells (able to speed themselves up, slow enemies down, age enemies/reverse their own age) and "body-hop" a spell which causes the caster to leave their body on physical contact and enter an enemy's body, if their victim fails to save. When they body-hop, they leave behind a mindless, soul-less husk. If the husk-body is destroyed, so is the Yithian spirit, and the unit they formerly possessed reverts to it's original owner, gaining the "mindless" and "feebleminded" afflictions for the rest of the battle. If the body they currently possess is destroyed, they simply return to their original body. After the battle, the host's original spirit finds it's way back to it's body.
The Yithian's main units are weak, consisting of mindless swarms of flesh-eating scarabs, but the best combat units, although very expensive, would be extremely strong with superior protection and special abilities, like a warrior leader with 4 arms (Coleopterous Captain), each of which can wield a weapon, trampling war-beetle which spits a stream of poisonous fire (stole it from Starship Troopers), and well-armored Yithian Flyers who can produce stink-bombs. Instead of priests, they have Yithian Savants (a race of insectoid-philosophers whom the Yithian spirits possessed milennia ago)with 1 astral magic and 2 priest levels, and Yithian Caretakers-actual Yithians, immobile and somewhat resembling an elephant's foot, they are capitol-only. They have 3 astral and the best research of any recruitable leader. The Caretakers serve as magicians and have 3 astral and enhanced research.
Troops: Scarab Swarm (mindless, susceptible to fire, resistant (50%) to cold, poisonous), Death Scarabs (mindless, undead, susceptible to fire, resistant (50%) to cold, drain life) Yithian Carapace (mindless, susceptible to fire, resistant (50%) to cold, poison bite, 4 claw attacks, good protection, good defense, good strength.

National summons are creatures the Yithians have brought from the past or the future and include a wrinkled brown ogre with a gigantic head called the Great-Headed who has good fighting ability and can cause insanity as a gaze attack. Great-Headed costs earth and astral gems and can be fully equipped, except for it's head.
The Deep Plastid, a formless blind alien creature who destroys armor on contact, drains life, and has very high hitpoints, fire resistance, cold resistance, lightning resistance, and protection, but very low defense, and although it has physical attacks on the battlefield (1 pseudopod per round), is immobile. It would also require a ton of astral gems. It could be equipped with 1 misc item but has no magic and relatively low MR.
The Coneod Construct is an undead Yithian summoned from the depths of time. It has a skill level of 1 in each magic field except blood (Yithians have no blood-magic, since killing and sacrificing perfectly good bodies goes against their physiology), but is immobile, with no physical attack, and a vulnerable body.
Star-Lotus, a mindless, immobile plant-creature with 3 tentacle attacks per round and a poisonous bite. The tentacles do fire damage and also render victims immobile unless they save. The Star-Lotus does lots of area heat damage, also. Costs fire and nature gems.
A more powerful version of the spell summons 5 Star-Lotus at a time.
The Lotus Master, an etherial flying Yithian with fire and astral magic, but no physical attack, who, upon being wounded, transforms into a Star-Lotus. The Lotus Master, once transformed, is immobile and ground-based. Star-Lotus and the Lotus-Master are vulnerable to frost. Costs fire, nature, and astral gems.
A more powerful version of the spell summons 3 Lotus Masters at a time.

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Old November 23rd, 2006, 07:12 AM
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Default Re: Weird World of Dom 3 (UnHuman Pretenders/Natio

I decided to resurrect this post just because I love Lovecraftian themes, not to mention Underdark/Myconid weirdness...I was just wondering, Nerfix, if you've done or have any plans to do a mod with your N'kai theme? If so, that's wonderful news. If not, I'd like to add it to a list of Lovecraftian mods I want to do, with your permission. They'll include your N'kai nation, atleast one Aboleth offshoot nation (Cthonids), possibly a nation based on the Gnome Kingdom in Eric Flint's Diamonds are Forever, the Great Old Ones (blood-magic crossbreeders in Early Age), possibly Star Vampires (flying etherial lifedraining immortals, just so vampires don't totally go down the toilet, and I've got some ideas about how to balance them out) and the Great Race of Yith (powerful time-traveling magic users in Late Era). I should be able to get all the specifics down for each nation this winter, maybe even before Christmas, but graphics ofcourse will probably take much longer. If it's an idea you're just going to toss, otherwise, would you mind if I had a go of using/tweaking/slicing-and-dicing it? Your ideas are great, and I'd rather ask permission than steal them, and I can promise that I'll do my best to keep it great.

P.S. If anyone wants to continue posting to this thread, please feel free, I hate to see it die ignominiously since it's purpose is promoting creativity. Yes, I know it's proper place is probably in the Dom 3 Mods forum, but I'd rather have it here where casual passers-by can enter their ideas too. Thanks.
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Old November 23rd, 2006, 08:49 AM
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Default Re: Weird World of Dom 3 (UnHuman Pretenders/Natio

Well, I don't have any solid plans as of now but I can provide what I have for you. Feel free to do it yourself.

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