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Old December 7th, 2006, 10:28 AM

Raapys Raapys is offline
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Default Re: A new Modding challenge!

Someone should give Aaron a tip about the editor!
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Old December 7th, 2006, 11:08 AM
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Default Re: A new Modding challenge!

Raapys said:
Someone should give Aaron a tip about the editor!
Editor? I think you have the wrong thread.
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Old December 7th, 2006, 01:07 PM
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Default Re: A new Modding challenge!

Suicide Junkie said:
If you want missiles with a chance to miss, why not use slow bolts?

Or directed torpedoes, if you want the chance to miss to be based on geometry, velocity and the weapon's turn rate.
And this is why I love these theoretical conversations...You learn ways to use things you may already be aware of, but really not sure how to use...
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Old December 7th, 2006, 01:13 PM

Phoenix-D Phoenix-D is offline
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Default Re: A new Modding challenge!

Torpedos are just seekers by another name, so it can. And if the turn rate is low enough they can miss. It isn't effected by ECM at all, though.

I am not senile. I just talk to myself because the rest of you don't provide adequate conversation.
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Old December 7th, 2006, 01:16 PM
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Default Re: A new Modding challenge!

Define miss...if it can still turn, and still has movement left, and is fast enough, it might just hunt down the target...
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Old December 7th, 2006, 01:20 PM
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Default Re: A new Modding challenge!

President_Elect_Shang said:
But it�s not just missiles with a chance to miss. Its missiles with a chance to miss and that P-D can shot down? I wasn�t aware that SE5 P-D could shoot Bolts or Torpedoes?
Bolts and Torpedos seem to be an effect. You can set speeds for them and everything. It isnt just a seeker/direct fire thing anymore. In theory you could say a certain speed is speed of light, and thats how fast your 'laser' beam will travel over a given distance. A FTL ship could move out of the way if it was far enough away from the ship firing the beam if the effect didnt get there in one second or the range was great than the speed of light...

Also there is that energy beam absorbtion ability thingy...
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Old December 7th, 2006, 01:31 PM
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Default Re: A new Modding challenge!

Well the modding folks seem to be in a state of exaltationthese days. Ideas are abound.
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Old December 7th, 2006, 01:59 PM
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Default Re: A new Modding challenge!

Ha-ha-ha, thanks AT you are great!

Now Kana, miss would be to miss and not turn back or veer for another try at all. I see it has been a while since you played StarFire, no problem. The energy absorption thingy is the Overload Dampener. It doesn�t cause a miss it just takes the hit instead of the ship. I have built them in but modeled it more like a type of emissive armor. Following canon would not have of been possible for reasons I won�t bore you with. Anyway why do beams traveling at the speed of light miss in StarFire? For a multitude of reasons one of the more hard core StarFire members gave a few years back. I prefer two explanations, one of his and one of mine.

First his: StarFire ships are enveloped by the engines drive field which causes the range finding lasers of an attacking ship to miss-read the actual physical location of the target. Thus when the calculations are run the firing solution produced is already incorrect before the weapon has even fired.

Now Mine: No matter how good a game is if it is based on future technology it will always have a certain percentage of the mysterious material �handwaveum� as part of its construction. Being composed of this strange material the laws of reality will often fail and thus weapons miss, people are broken down to energy and reassembled thousands of clicks away in a cave hundreds of meters below the surface of a planet. Gravity wells can be made to connect to systems light years away allowing near instant travel and oh crap you get the picture!

Handwaveum; not just for breakfast anymore! Now offered in Minty Fresh flavor.

Why seekers: Bolts and torpedoes still can�t be intercepted by P-D. I was left to decide how I wanted to handle non-sprint missiles. (1) Select a weapon type other than seeker which would allow for the chance to miss and lose the P-D ability along with the entire P-D technology line unless I wanted to restrict it to only firing on small craft including fighters. Or (2) use seekers keeping P-D in full effect and build this TC with the hope that Aaron will allow seekers to miss as an option one day. I picked #2!
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Old December 7th, 2006, 02:08 PM

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Default Re: A new Modding challenge!

More to the point, SF beams are being fired from rather long ranges. Say you're half a LS away. Your targeting information is half a second old, and by the time the laser gets there another half second has passed. Just how much can Starfire ships jink in a second? Quite a lot, I'd think. They're described as being able to pull hairpin turns..

I am not senile. I just talk to myself because the rest of you don't provide adequate conversation.
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Old December 7th, 2006, 02:10 PM
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Default Re: A new Modding challenge!

Yes, wow Phonix I�m impressed! Ever played?
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