
December 9th, 2006, 04:45 PM
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Re: Updated mod: The Babylon Project
Not sure about the black hole thing, tried reproducing it myself, haven't seen it crop up yet. But if it does have to do with the double bauble effect, that shouldn't be a problem with next release.
Which quests still aren't working? I've been doing some cleaning up and may have fixed it by now.
Graeme out.

December 10th, 2006, 07:52 PM
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Re: Updated mod: The Babylon Project
I can confirm some glitches that Jamiri found: Excalibur firing the main gun like behind the ship, and I had the Neutrino Array which supposed to reveal cloacked ships (eg.: Shadow Mothership) but I could not see it coming (Rest In Peaces...)
And I wonder: do you think if it would be a good /possible idea to have Bester/Lyta or any telepath as a solution to defeat/stop the Shadow Mothership (if it is already there- delete this part) to have a little chance for surviving the encounter?

December 10th, 2006, 10:57 PM
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Re: Updated mod: The Babylon Project
Yea, saw the Victory class glitch and have taken care of that. Oddly enough, I didn't change anything about that and just carried it right over from Shadowfall. Turns out the OFFS variable for that beam effect was set to -200, which apparently is whyt its behind the ship, I just don't know why it didn't do that before. I'm still thinking it has to do with 1.2 update(?)
With the neutrino array sensor, I think that the only way for an item to have hypervision is if it is an item in your cargo hold, otherwise if a ship's systems or even passengers have it it won't have any effect. So I've just turned the neutrino array into a normal sensor and added something else that might help level the playing field a little.
I don't know that there's really anything that would specifically help against the Battle crabs (apart from the thing I talked about last paragraph). There *might* be a way to send them away to another star system, but I don't think there's a way to just outright destroy them or weaken them with an item... Perhaps the First Ones can be of assistance. I'm wanting to do something with Lorien to send them away, but the problem with that is you have to actually go to Z'ha'dum first. Meh, I'll figure something out.
2.35 update should be available here in a little bit, just doing some minor tweaking with quests and then I'll upload it.
btw I have no idea what the procedure is for version numbers so if they don't make sense that's why. I mean, how do you tell the difference between 2.35 or 2.4 or 2.5?
Graeme out.

December 16th, 2006, 03:28 AM
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Re: Updated mod: The Babylon Project
Couple issues other than the ones mentioned...
1. When Delenn enters her special chrysalis event, the text box w/her pic that comes up is screwed up. The bottom half is blurred or something to that affect.
2. I've had problems getting the Narn to join with the Narn book in my hold. They did finally join me once when entering a star system while they were battling another race. Game before that, I met them in 3 seperate star systems and each time they would not join me. They were not in battle either time. Dunno if that matters.

December 16th, 2006, 09:41 AM
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Re: Updated mod: The Babylon Project
1) With the Delenn thing I believe the problem was that I didn't have that pic at the correct size (128x128), it should be corrected with the next update.
2) The events for both the narn and the centauri are both in need of a major overhaul and I think thats next on my to-do list b/c its been bugging me for awhile now too. With the narn book not working it may be a problem with some of the code i added. To keep from having too many allies at once I made certain allies mutually exclusive from others, don't know if thats the case here, but it sounds like it.
While I'm at it, things to look forward to next update:
* Big change to the Victory class and I think you know what I'm talking about (along with something you might not).
* Mission-specific quests. Not a big deal for now, but I may expand on it later on.
* Changes to some alien fleet set-ups that were just plain weird/stupid
* Merged the shadows and the drakh together into one uber race to keep them from battling it out (tsk tsk senseless violence), may have to bump up the number of fleets now.
Graeme out.

December 17th, 2006, 10:37 AM
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Re: Updated mod: The Babylon Project
An idea- or question- hit me: would it be possible to use more beacons? Or use the existing one to summon an ally of choice? It would be cool if in case you have allies like the centaury or narn etc. they could be summoned to fight eg. the Shadow Battlecrab. This would be more like in the series and it would be more fun to play. Only small ships could be added to the fleet. Of course it would cut the possibility to upgrade those capital ships, but with race specific permanent weaponry could spice up the B5 feeling.

December 17th, 2006, 03:13 PM
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Re: Updated mod: The Babylon Project
It's an interesting idea and it may actually help with another problem I've encountered. Maybe do the beacons as trade-offs: Each race would have its own item that would befriend them and get their beacons.
The only thing is that the command to get those beaconed allies to come is a SUMN command which I think just summons the nearest <race> fleet to your position. In the regular game this is just fine with the klakar because they only have just one fleet. So if I wanted specific allies I think I'd need to make new races for each one. Not too hard, but I'll think about it some more and play around with it.
Graeme out.

December 18th, 2006, 06:54 AM
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Re: Updated mod: The Babylon Project
I like the idea as well. And I don't have a problem with summoning the closest of the fleets (as this is the most logical anyway, although MIND that no races besides the Centauri, Minbari, Vorlon and Shadows/Drakh have the Jump Drives, so actually no other race could jump in instantly).
The Shadows will take out even larger fleets easily so you shouldn't worry to much about having to make extra fleets for each race that are sort of scaled down. But make the beacon single use only, cause otherwise you could summon in a fleet, back out if it is destroyed, go back in and summon another fleet again and so on.
B.t.w. when do we see the next update??

December 18th, 2006, 07:39 AM
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Re: Updated mod: The Babylon Project
Actually I just uploaded the new update, you can find it at the top of the thread.
Two somewhat big changes:
1) Victory main gun is now a one shot (per combat) deal, with a "gong" type activation. Only fires straight in front of the ship, so make sure you're locked on to target. Also, b/c of this I had to remove any allies to the Victory mission (other missions unaffected), otherwise other ships in the flotilla would fire the victory gun. However, the ally beacon idea may very well solve this problem, so I'll mess around with it and see what I can do with it. Though, now that I think about it, no allies for the Victory (science) mission might make more sense as not having allies would give you less incentive to attack, although I might have to create an 'aethric mirror' type item(?) for non-violent scorers. Maybe I could finally do something with jumpgates!
2) Ship sizes/armor/speeds/turns have been altered after I reviewed info on the B5-tech manual. Not sure how that page rates as far accuracy, but I wanted to make everything consistent (ie the drakh cruiser should be the biggest ship at 3300m, while the Victory is 2990m, and the Omega is 1700m; whereas previously the drakh cruiser and the Victory were both smaller than the Omega). This may or may not completely F up gameplay, let me know and I'll fudge some more numbers.
Graeme out.

December 18th, 2006, 10:33 AM
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Re: Updated mod: The Babylon Project
Love the idea of having Victory only firing once per combat. Much more aligned to the weapon's characteristics in the series. Just d/l now. Looking forward to trying this latest version out.
Want to compliment you on this mod. Hands down, this is the very best mod out there. I'm not even slightly inclined to switch back to the vanilla after playing this one for a few weeks...
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