
February 6th, 2007, 08:56 PM
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Another thought for SE5 Mods - Governments
I just think it's a little silly how limited the settings influenced by government are, and how little difference there is even between different types. Governments are where things should get really interesting - but instead I just pick whichever gives me really high Research, because frankly the rest of the settings don't seem to matter much in the course of gameplay -- at least, not as much as research.
Wouldn't it be a lot more interesting if each government affected wider ranges of settings? Or if they helped with certain kinds of research/production/resources?
Or, better yet, scrap the preset government types entirely, and just let people pick their "government focus". For example, whatever kind of political system you have is up to you as the player - instead, just pick what you're geared towards. Production of this-or-that? Happiness? Population growth? Extraction of resources? Travel/exploration? Like that!
I dunno. The governments' settings just seem kind of pointless now, and there doesn't seem to be any inherent reason why, for example, one of them should necessarily have any of their settings higher or lower than another -- there are so many variables to consider.
thanks :]

February 6th, 2007, 08:59 PM
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Re: Another thought for SE5 Mods - Governments
Yes, indeed, stock sucks. That's why there are mods
Personally, I dropped the government types entirely, and just used the society types to implement all the options I wanted.
Things you want:

February 6th, 2007, 10:09 PM
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Re: Another thought for SE5 Mods - Governments
Thanks for pointing him to my mod SJ.
Here is my mod for governments . I think you will find it is much better than Stock! 
President Elect Shang; Tal-Re Republic of Free Worlds
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February 6th, 2007, 10:16 PM
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Re: Another thought for SE5 Mods - Governments
Hi! I know there are mods.  I have had the same problem in Kwok's - they're just all kind of too similar and none seem to have decisive/compelling advantages over another. I'll look at yours now PES. 

February 6th, 2007, 10:22 PM
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Re: Another thought for SE5 Mods - Governments
If you want to use my mod in Stock or Kwok Stock you only have to remove the file and drop it into the data folder. It features over 30 governments including Stock.
President Elect Shang; Tal-Re Republic of Free Worlds
Welcome to Super Vegeta’s Big Bang Attack… Welcome to OBLIVION!
“Don Panoz made an awesome car and… an incinerator” Bill Auberlen

February 7th, 2007, 04:56 AM
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Re: Another thought for SE5 Mods - Governments
Agreed, governments are very limited. Maybe their could be special techs for the different government types or something that would make them more fun.

February 7th, 2007, 07:34 AM
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Re: Another thought for SE5 Mods - Governments
MM needs to add a get_govtype() and a get_societytype() function. That would open things up more for modders.

February 9th, 2007, 07:16 AM
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Re: Another thought for SE5 Mods - Governments
oh and once they add that, it would be neat if a war-centric government-type would have "reverse" war-tolerance. Like, if you're NOT at war, your happiness suffers.

February 12th, 2007, 12:25 PM
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Re: Another thought for SE5 Mods - Governments
thebigsilly said:
oh and once they add that, it would be neat if a war-centric government-type would have "reverse" war-tolerance. Like, if you're NOT at war, your happiness suffers.
Actually, you can have that in your races personality or whatever it's called. Aside from governments, I've been playing with that one too.
Psychotic is the most fun. You get big time happiness bonuses if there are enemy troops on the planet. ANYTHING (yours or otherwise) getting blown up nearby creates happiness. Building stuff tends to make people mad.
I'm sewage flavored.

February 12th, 2007, 02:28 PM
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Re: Another thought for SE5 Mods - Governments
I've never seen any option for "Psychotic." Anywhere. < 
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