
February 5th, 2007, 06:22 PM
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Re: New bug in 3.06
Kamamura said:
When playing for relatively short time (1/2 hours), the game suddenly stops displaying any objects. Armies, names, all disappear, but you can move it and zoom in and out. if you try to invoke menus with ESC of F keys, you will receive empty page with the picture of the hand (background), but no menu. The game is not quittable, process must be killed. Bug is reproducible, happens every time now with 3.06 (never happened with 3.04), on two different computers with very different configurations, both WinXP SP2.
I have had this problem occur one one MP game I started playing since the 3.06 patch. It occurs semi-sporadically; it's definitely triggered when I hit the Esc key (on my Mac), probably hitting it one too many times.
When it happens, everything vanishes except the map image itself; further pressings of Esc will switch between that and the hand background.

February 6th, 2007, 08:54 PM
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Mac bug in 3.06
I originally posted this as a support form through the Gamer's Front--apparently not the best place to post a bug report!
This occurs in 3.04 in full-screen (G3 running 10.3.9), and probably in 3.06. If I leave the machine without clicking on the rolling credits that appear after the quit command and return a couple hours later, a click no longer dismisses the credits. In fact there's no response. A force-quit doesn't work either, and I have to reboot. (From a design perspective, it seems that a program should quit when you issue the quit command! Many Mac programs have a button in the About Dominions 3 window that you can click for the credits.) Most important, this shouldn't crash my computer!

February 6th, 2007, 09:06 PM
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Mac update comments
The update process that requires you to move the application to the desktop and then move it back is cumbersome. I have the app on a different volume, so this means copying the file each time. Most Mac programs use Apple's installer, which can be set up search for applications and patch them in place.
Also, the Info.plist file should be maintained with the correct version, mod date, and copyright information. This information is displayed in the Finder with a Get Info command and in some window views.

February 6th, 2007, 09:09 PM
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Mac crash bug in 3.06
Mac v. 3.06 (G3 running OS X 10.3.9)
I don't remember exactly what I was doing, but I think I right-clicked on one of the commander icons. The program quit without any message. The only evidence I could find was in the console.log file:
NÂgot gick fel!
cltu: bad mnr
NÂgot gick fel!
cltu: bad mnr
2007-02-06 18:06:22.162 System Events[487] Command: Hidden.doAction
Direct Parameter: /
Receivers: (null)
Arguments: {"" = "/"; code = 1718579310; }
2007-02-06 18:06:22.181 System Events[487] Result: (null)

February 7th, 2007, 05:55 PM
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Re: crash during hosting, in a battle
Using the latest patch 3.06, on a win2k box, this attached game consistently fails with a nagot gick fel message:
acc: bad unr
All the players bought via shrapnel games, and we have been playing this game with the patch for at least a couple turns (i'm out of the game, but i host).

February 7th, 2007, 08:04 PM
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Navigator Can\'t Move to Water Locations *DELETED*
Post deleted by Ranger

February 7th, 2007, 11:46 PM
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Re: Navigator Can\'t Move to Water Locations
Ranger said:
Navigator with army will move to land, but not to water locations.
Navigators are for crossing water provinces... not for entering water provinces. If you want them to enter a province you have to provide him an item of water breathing.
Please delete the text from your non-bug post.
There can be only one.

February 8th, 2007, 10:57 AM
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Re: New bug in 3.06
Ewierl said:
I have had this problem occur one one MP game I started playing since the 3.06 patch. It occurs semi-sporadically; it's definitely triggered when I hit the Esc key (on my Mac), probably hitting it one too many times.
When it happens, everything vanishes except the map image itself; further pressings of Esc will switch between that and the hand background.
the hand background is the menu background when you normally press the esc key - all the menus and things are still there, but invisible. I've stuck some labels on the edge of my monitor to let me know where the options are that let me quit the game properly when this happens on my PC.

February 9th, 2007, 12:54 AM
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Bug - battle report does not agree with strategic
Ewierl says there is an inconsistency with the battle report he saw and the strategic outcome.
I expect he will explain in more detail.
If you read his speech at Rice, all his arguments for going to the moon work equally well as arguments for blowing up the moon, sending cloned dinosaurs into space, or constructing a towering *****-shaped obelisk on Mars. --Randall Munroe

February 9th, 2007, 01:20 AM
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Re: Bug - battle report does not agree with strate
DrPraetorious said:
Ewierl says there is an inconsistency with the battle report he saw and the strategic outcome.
I expect he will explain in more detail.
The battle between Agartha and Tien Chi in province 146 (Tirannea) shows a serious discrepancy between the two versions of the battle outcome, the battle replay and message/strategic map.
If you watch the battle replay, Agartha takes serious casualties but eventually wins, its last handful of soldiers driving Tien Chi's entire army off the map. As any viewer with patience can see, there is a "The armies of Tien Chi are routed" message, and no such message for Agartha.
However, according to the Message-window battle report, Tien Chi was victorious and defended the province successfully. The casualty counts in that message are reasonable, though difficult to verify precisely.
Stranger yet, after the battle, 146 shows a large force of Tien Chi soldiers, as if the forces hadn't actually routed during the battle.
All this is from Agartha's perspective; possibly Tien Chi's version of the battle replay turned out differently? That too would certainly be a bug.
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