Thanks guys!
Playing ermor is/was a lot of fun and a lot of micromanagement too.
I needed so much time to relocate commanders to provinces without leadership, give them guards, grouping all the units and changing tactics for upcoming battles. I'm sure i'll never play LA ermor on a map bigger than this one.
The fun part is really outstanding:
- Flood you enemies with bulks of undead armies
- Water provinces are perfect nearly save transit streets
- build up new castles/temples in enemy territory to get new troops
- Cast all the crippling globals
- Disease whole armies with burden of time backup
- without utterdark start using black death/raven fist combo which works quite well in high population provinces
- using your few mages for wailing wind, burden of time and some other suitables
Well, the downside of playing ermor from my sight:
- You're really clumsy, its very difficult to counter some special threats.
- Big armies often dies like flies.
- i don't find the national summon spells beside the starting spells good. They don't help to compensate ermorian weaknesses. I mean i get 14 Wailing Ladies for 66(!) gems at it best. This women can do a lot of damage but they die very fast to a counter army like every other undead trooper. Maybe CB could fix some of the spells here to make it castable.
- Difficult to find sites beside death and in this game astral (sages)
- every single mage cost gems
My funniest battle in the game was against ulm where 6 sages and 3 fortune teller attacked my 1 PD province + 1 skeleton commander without troops. The mages casted twist fate and astral shield and than spamed star fire. 3 from 5 undeads died and a single longdead legionnaire killed one after one of the mages. To be fair utterdark made the precísion down to 3. But its fun to replay this fight!