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Old April 17th, 2007, 11:52 PM

Sombre Sombre is offline
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Default A copy of the modlist -- UPDATED

I don't know how many of you are interested in mods for dom3, but I thoguht some of you might have been put off by the mod babble in there and missed the chance to play some very nice stuff.

So here's a copy of the modlist that's stickied in the mod forum. It's not a complete guide to everything that's there, but it's a good start, gives you working links and whatnot.

This might also be a good place to discuss casual use of mods.


The purpose of this thread is to (eventually) create a list of all the available dom3 mods, linking to the original thread, features, whether it's balanced to use with vanilla dom3, if it works with 3.08 or not, etc.

I'll start out simple by listing the new nation and replacement nation mods. I'd appreciate people's help getting these right and filling in the blanks.

Oh and check out the Dom3 Mod Index which was an earlier attempt to keep track of all the mods available. It has some stuff that this list doesn't (although it's now a touch out of date) and Singularity24601 deserves props for doing it.



These are combinations of mods you can enable for one game which I have confirmed work together without any clear problems. I personally really enjoy using the first listed Late Era combination. It's also fun to fight against Amos' 4 LA nations as AI enemies, using a vanilla nation. I'm considering making CBM versions of the 6 LA nations that I've listed working together so that they can be used with the Conceptual Balance Mod in one big CBM balanced combo.


Worthy Heroes, Conceptual Balance Mod


Worthy Heroes, Conceptual Balance Mod

---LATE ERA---

Teutanion, Sylvania, Kharamdzu, Sanguinia, Vaettihiem SE 1.5, Ulm Reborn 0.7, Worthy Heroes

Worthy Heroes, Conceptual Balance Mod, CBM Nations

Reign of the Vampiri, Stigian Corruption, Trade Confederation, Blood Elves



Final: ?
3.08 Compatible: ?
Balanced for vanilla: ?


Name: Gaea, Cradle of Forests
Version: 1.01
Final: No.
Author: Foodstamp
Desc: Cradle of Gaea adds a new playable nation known as Gaea to the early age of Dominions 3. This nation plays very different from other nations, and should be a real challenge for players of all skill levels. Most units must be summoned or are received free according to dominion strength. All but a couple of commanders are bound to their home province; the player must use special units to seduce enemy commanders to lead their army.
3.08 Compatible: Not yet.
Balanced for vanilla: Apparently not.

Name: Dinnas'Arval,
Version: 1.01
Final: ?
Author: Juzza
Desc: A new Nation mod which adds the barbaric nation of Dinnas'Arval to the early age.
3.08 Compatible: Yes.
Balanced for vanilla: ?

Name: Padmassa, the Black Coven
Version: 0.11
Final: Not yet.
Author: DrPraetorious
Desc: A mod introducing a really evil nation into the early era. It replaces *mid-period* Ermor (for technical reasons.) The current generation of the mod is lacking in artwork, Frank is working on some of it but if anyone else wants to draw some, it'd be schweet. Padmassa is a blend of classic villainy, but the immediate influences are Shadow of Ararat (by Thomas Harlan), Bazil Broketail (by Christopher Rowley), The Ring of Five Dragons (Eric van Lustbader) and The Dark Crystal (by Jim Henson.) By TNDP - art by Amos and Frank Trollman.
3.08 Compatible: ?
Balanced for vanilla: Yes.

Name: Magoserium, Mana Starved Mages
Version: 0.3
Final: ?
Author: Uh-Nu-Buh
Desc: Extremely powerful mages in a mana starved land spread their influence to find and dominate magic gem sites to ensure their way of life.
3.08 Compatible: ?
Balanced for vanilla: Yes.

Name: Haida Gwaii, Reunified Tribes
Version: 1.00
Final: Nearly.
Author: Foodstamp
Desc: The Haida Gwaii mod adds a new playable nation to the early age of Dominions 3. Haida Gwaii is loosely based on the first nations of the northwest pacific coast of North America. This is not meant to be a historical representation of these people and many fantastic fictional ideas are thrown into the mod to round out the nation..
3.08 Compatible: ?
Balanced for vanilla: Yes.

Name: Seraphim, Angelic Crusade
Version: 0.15
Final: ?
Author: Amos
Desc: Holy Angelic Crusade is on the way to crush the opposition and convert the unbelievers.
3.08 Compatible: Yes.
Balanced for vanilla: No.

Name: Insectoids, The Blight
Version: 0.1
Final: ?
Author: Amos
Desc: There are three main races of Insectoids united by the Insect god: the Nest, the Hive and the Swarm. Insectoids exist with the single purpose- to feed.
3.08 Compatible: Yes.
Balanced for vanilla: Possibly?

Name: Machaka, Spider Cult
Version: 1.1
Final: ?
Author: Twan
Desc: A human kingdom ruled by very powerful priests. All spiders are sacred to the Machakans.They only have ultra-light or super-heavy troops as they only know Spider Armors.
3.08 Compatible: ?
Balanced for vanilla: Yes.

Name:Sar Elad, Age of Miracles
Version: 0.60
Final: No.
Author: Nerfix
Desc: Sar Elad is a kingdom of men who were led from slavery to freedom by a great Prophet.
3.08 Compatible: NO - overwrites Lanka
Balanced for vanilla: Yes.


Name: Mushroom Kingdom
Version: 1.01
Final: ?
Author: UninspiredName
Desc: An emerging race of turtle-men. The Mushroom Kingdom armies are comprised of Toad and Koopa light infantry, Yoshi cavalry, and the mighty Pirahna Plant artillery. They do not use bows. They can, however, field a good variety of mages.
3.08 Compatible: ?
Balanced for vanilla: I have no idea.

Name: Tasilondren, Sphere Binders
Version: 0.11
Final: ?
Author: DrPraetorious
Desc: Introduces an experimental nation to the mid-era. You can't recruit any mages, you have to summon them, but you find magic sites very efficiently, you have very powerful sacred units, and once your mages get going, they're very good, for the price. Strong anime influences (Kurau, Haruhi Suzumiya).
3.08 Compatible: ?
Balanced for vanilla: Yes.

Name: Commonwealth, Landfall
Version: 0.06
Final: ?
Author: Amos
Desc: Aliens from another world, the Commonwealth races are mostly resistant to cold, use weapons and armor shaped from enchanted ice and dont use ranged units. Their scientists are proficient in Water and Astral disciplines.
3.08 Compatible: Yes.
Balanced for vanilla: Nope.

Name: Theran Empire, Horror Scourge
Version: 0.13
Final: ?
Author: Amos
Desc: Overwhelmed by the Scourge the Theran Empire begins worshiping the invading Horrors.
3.08 Compatible: Yes.
Balanced for vanilla: No.

Name: The Hoburg Alliance, Beer and Apples
Version: 3.0
Final: ?
Author: Teraswaerto
Desc: This is a reworked Dominions 3 version of my (with some help from Adept and Nekov) Hoburg Alliance Special Edition mod originally released for Dominions 2. Based on Illwinter's sample mod.
3.08 Compatible: ?
Balanced for vanilla: Yes.
Sombre says: A must for longtime dom fans and also a good starting point for people new to mods. This nation presents a good challenge and has some major obstacles to force you to mix up your strategy (such as awful PD). Crossbows a gogo!

Name: Avernum, the Awakening
Version: 1.0
Final: Very nearly.
Author: Sombre
Desc: A nation of Vahnatai, Nephils (catmen), Humans and Slith (lizardmen) based on the Exile series.
3.08 Compatible: ?
Balanced for vanilla: Yes. A strong nation though.
Sombre says: My first mod nation. I'm quite proud of how it's turning out. It's certainly packed with content, graphics etc.

Name: Fallen Empire, Chaos Wars
Version: 0.12
Final: ?
Author: Amos
Desc: Nephilim are descendants of a schism within Angelic Seraphim Crusade. They come to this world in search of a new home.
3.08 Compatible: Yes.
Balanced for vanilla: No.

Name: Tarent, Rise of Technology
Version: 1.01
Final: ?
Author: Juzza
Desc: Based on the game Arcanum by Troika. Tarent is a great nation full of technology and awe, Tarent evolved from a man named Gilbert Bates, the proclaimed inventor of the steam engine after the steam engine was invented Tarent prospered greatly though with greatness and power comes enemies, a rivaling nation named Cumbria is against Tarent and all Technology, Cumbria and Tarent are at constant war with one another, yet time passes and war still continues, yet now there is some peace between the nations with the ascension wars claiming more lives every day Tarent and Cumbria stand alone, but now rather than resorting to technology or magic Tarent has turned to the reigning religion, The Panarii Religion for their self proclaimed reincarnation of Nasrudin has returned to vanquish the evil. The evil, he claims, are the other pretenders of the world and he says the world will not be safe for Tarent until all the pretenders are vanquished.
3.08 Compatible: ?
Balanced for vanilla: ?


Name: The Hoburg Kingdom, Crossbows and Butter
Version: 0.8
Final: ?
Author: Normalphil
Desc: A late era nation of militaristic hoburgs. They are the 17th and 18th century come 'round again as farce. Only not funny at all. Created by Normalphil, heavily based off of Teraswarto/Nekov/Adept/Illwinter's Hoburg Alliance mod, lifts some graphics.
3.08 Compatible: ?
Balanced for vanilla: Yes.
Sombre Says: I really like this nation a lot. It's got bags of character, it's well balanced and it's fun to play. The Late Era really is stacked with nice mods now.

Name: Teutanion, Age of Honor
Version: 1.11
Final: ?
Author: Zepath
Desc: Clinging to a code of chivalric virtue, a nation led by knightly humans stands firm against the evils on their borders. The wizards of Teutanion are quite skilled in elemental magics.
3.08 Compatible: ?
Balanced for vanilla: Yes.
Sombre Says: This is a purposely 'standard' medieval fantasy nation which in the world of Dom3 makes it quite unusual. If you've ever wanted to play as 'the good guys', now you can. Also one of the prettier nations thanks to Zepath's artistic skills.

Name: Kharamdzu, Hoist the Black Flag
Version: 1.00
Final: ?
Author: Zepath.
Desc: A nation of dwarves driven from their underground homelands have become pirates.
3.08 Compatible: ?
Balanced for vanilla: Yes.
Sombre says: A unique nation which really emphasises fun - not your typical tolkienesque dwarves. Of the usual Zepath quality.

Name: Sanguinia, Vampire Counts
Version: 1.1
Final: ?
Author: Zepath
Desc: From their stark mountainside castles a race of vampires has enthralled an unsuspecting human kingdom and risen to power. The vampires of Sanguinia are powerful blood mages who can perform blood sacrifices.
3.08 Compatible: ?
Balanced for vanilla: Yes.
Sombre Says: Very different playstyle needed here - you'd think so many immortal leaders would be overpowering, but it balances out ok. Another great zepath nation.

Name: Sylvania, The Last New Dawn
Version: 1.1
Final: ?
Desc: In a secret city hidden deep within verdant forests lives a race of lithe, beautiful beings: the Sylvankind. The Elves. Elves are powerful nature mages with strange gods.
3.08 Compatible: ?
Balanced for vanilla: Yes.
Sombre Says: All the usual Zepath quality and the aspect archers in particular are great fun. This is probably my favourite nation thusfar. They are as cool to play against as with,.. if that makes any sense.

Name: Vaettihiem, Exiled Tribes
Version: 1.65
Final: Nearly.
Author: Sombre
Desc: Exiled Vaetti and Gygjas with wolven, draconian and troll allies. Based on a sample mod by Illwinter / QM.
3.08 Compatible: Not yet.
Balanced for vanilla: Yes.
Sombre Says: Probably a good nation to try if you're new to mods.

Name: New Ulm, Iron Faith Reborn
Version: 0.9
Final: No.
Author: Sombre
Desc: Thematically replaces Late Era 'Ulm, Black Forest' by adding 'New Ulm, Iron Faith Reborn', a priest heavy nation with powerful sacreds. Essentially Ulm finally got religion.
3.08 Compatible: Not yet.
Balanced for vanilla: Yes.
Sombre Says: This nation is fairly tricky to play and requires some tough choices regarding blesses and scales.

Name: New Jomon, Broken Swords
Version: 0.65
Final: No.
Author: Sombre
Desc: Thematically replaces Late Era Jomon by adding 'New Jomon, Broken Swords'. Jomon has suffered a catastrophe and is now controlled by malevolent female demons and undead.
3.08 Compatible: Not yet.
Balanced for vanilla: Yes.
Sombre Says: This mod is now really taking shape. I few more versions and it should be final. I'm proud of the graphics ;]

Name: Trade Confederation, New Dawn
Version: 0.21
Final: ?
Author: Amos
Desc: Trade Confederation is a corporation controlling trade in many worlds of the multiverse. Now their expansion is becoming a religious crusade.
3.08 Compatible: Yes.
Balanced for vanilla: No.

Name: Blood Elves, Ultimate Corruption
Version: 0.26
Final: ?
Author: Amos
Desc: Massive assault of the corrupted Blood Elves will engulf the world.
3.08 Compatible: Yes.
Balanced for vanilla: No.

Name: Fallen Nation, Stigian Corruption
Version: 0.34
Final: ?
Author: Amos
Desc: Nephilim are descendants of a schism within Angelic Seraphim Crusade. Now they have become corrupted by Despoilers.
3.08 Compatible: Yes.
Balanced for vanilla: No.

Name: Theran Empire, Reign of the Vampiri
Version: 0.22
Final: ?
Author: Amos
Desc: Passing of the Scourge causes power shift in the Theran Empire.
3.08 Compatible: Yes.
Balanced for vanilla: No.

Name: Themiskyra, Amazon queens
Version: 1.041
Final: ?
Author: Frank Trollman.
Desc: A mod adapting Peter von Kleinsmid's Amazon Empire mod for Dominions 2 into Dominions 3.
3.08 comptaible: ?
Balanced for Vanilla: Yes.
Sombre Says: Another good nation for those who are new to mods.

Name: Barbarian Hordes, Reunified Tribes
Version: 0.5
Final: No.
Author: Bandarlover.
Desc: The various barbarian tribes have unified in the face of the inpending doom brought about by the various 'civilized'nations of Evershy.
3.08 Compatible: ?
Balanced for vanilla: Should be.
Sombre says: A solid first effort from first time modder, forum mascot and walking 'how to mod' guide provoker Bandarlover. Give it a go and show your support.





Name: Marignon, Realm of the Twiceborn
Version: 1.3
Final: ?
Author: Teraswaerto
Desc: Marignon with recruitable Twiceborn elite troops. Powerful expensive priests. Mages of fire, death and sorcery.
3.08 Compatible: ?
Balanced for vanilla: Yes.
Sombre says: A really nice concept and good execution. I'd love to see more replacement nations like this.

Name: Ulm Update
Version: 0.90
Final: Yes, unless bugs appear
Author: Endoperez
Desc: This mod makes MA Ulm slightly more powerful. All Black Plate untis get better armor for the same cost (22 instead of 20 protection, helm doesn't have -1 def), most of their commanders get Standard, some of their commanders can levy militia, and they get two new commanders. One of the new commanders is a good archer, other basically Lord Guardian recruitable everywhere.
In short, Ulm gets more protection, a way to keep their forces from routing, cheap light infantry, an archer chassis and a thug chassis.
3.08 Compatible: ?
Balanced for vanilla: yes

Name: Black Steel of Ulm
Version: 2.1
Final: ?
Author: Arralen
Desc: The /other/ balance update for MA Ulm. It makes numerous changes designed to make MA Ulm less underpowered.
3.08 Compatible: ?
Balanced for vanilla: That's the point.


Name: Rebalanced Pangaea
Version: 1.00
Final: ?
Author: Arralen
Desc: Late Era Pangaea with rebalancing changes to improve gameplay.
3.08 Compatible: ?
Balanced for vanilla: That would be the point.

Name: Jomon, Blademaster Era
Version: 1.00?
Final: ?
Author: UninspiredName
Desc: A different take on Jomon, a Late Age nation. When the humans of Jomon overthrew the Bakemono, they began experimenting with new weapons.
3.08 Compatible: ?
Balanced for vanilla: ?
Sombre Says: I have yet to test it, but it's pretty tongue-in-cheek so some of you might find it spoils your immersion.



Name: Single Age mod
Type: crazy games
Version: 1.00
Final: might update it for new nations
Author: Gandalf Parker
Desc: This places all of the early, mid, and late era nations into the early era. With this mod enabled you can play early Ulm against late Ulm. Or you can put all 77 nations into one game. Great for playing on a giant 1500 province map.
3.08 Compatible: ?
Balanced for vanilla: yes
note:It also includes the empty slots which are named "filler" and their slot number.
note2:Will not work for starting a game on servers.

Name: Mytheology
Type: Pretenders and spells
Version: 1.6
Final: Getting there.
Author: Psientist
Desc: Seventeen new Pretenders including six brand new deities and eleven Pretenders formally available only as Summons. Also, three new Blood spells, an Astral spell and two new Water spells. There are a few Super Combatants and some very powerful magic-users. The new Pretenders include: Desire (New - Middle Man), Fallen Archangel (Marignon Middle and Late), Grim Reaper (New: Ermor, All Ages), Heliophagus (Abysia Late), King of Banefires (Yomi Early), King of Deeper Earth (Argatha Early), Lord of the Plague Wind (Machaka Middle), Monkey King (New - Kailasa Early, Bandar Log Middle, Patala Late), Morpheus (New - Arcocephale Late), Pantokrator (New - All), Queen of the Sea (Oceania Early), Queen of Thunder (Caelum Early), Shah of Djinn and Ifreet (custom graphic - Marignon Middle), Tarrasque (New - Maverni Early), Teratos Rex (New - C'Tis Early), Treelord (custom graphic - Pangea Early), Vastness (Ryleh Middle)
3.08 Compatible: ?
Balanced for vanilla: Yes

Name: Nova Deus II
Type: Pretenders
Version: 1.22
Final: ?
Author: Zepath
Desc: New artwork and some new descriptions for 20 generic pretenders and 16 new pretenders for select nations. Also contains the Pythian Iconoclast mod adding a new priest commander to Pythium.
3.08 Compatible: ?
Balanced for vanilla: Yes

Name: The High Guild
Type: Unit addon
Version: 0.01
Final: ?
Author: Twan
Desc: This mod adds two recruitable human mages for each nation of the middle era, one with (A,E,F,W) magic, one with (D,S,N,B). They have 2 x 100% random + 1 random 50% and 1 random 10% but cost far more than national mages of the same power (275gp) and are #noleader. The high guild mages have special capacities if the nation need some (amphibian for sea nations, swamp survival for C'tis) but are a little more expensive or restricted for those nations (the high guild mages of sea nations have water 1 instead of one of their picks).
3.08 Compatible: ?
Balanced for vanilla: Yes.

Name: Worthy Heroes
Type: National Heroes
Version: 1.6
Final: No.
Author: Turin
Desc: The mod improves most heros and enables a couple of additional heros which are in the game but seem to be disabled(bug?). It also adds new multiheroes for a lot of nations. Most of them are fairly generic high mage type heroes, but all of them should be useful and thematic. Almost all nations have a Multihero with the mod and every nation has at least 2.
3.08 Compatible: ?
Balanced for vanilla: Yes
Sombre Says: Seems really good - obviously a lot of hard work and thought went into it.

Name: Epic Hero Mod MA
Version: 0.1
Final: ?
Author: Xietor, community.
Desc: Adds a new hero to each nation in the middle era, replacing their starting scout.
3.08 Compatible: ?
Balanced for vanilla: ?

Name: Streamers and Standards
Type: Flag graphics
Version: 3.12
Final: Yes?
Author: Zepath
Desc: Replaces all the vanilla national flags with better looking and more detailed versions.
3.08 Compatible: Yes - but the new nations need new flags.
Balanced for vanilla: Yes
Sombre says: Excellent mod. I can't see any reason not to use it all the time.

Name: New GUI
Type: GUI Change
Version: 1.00
Final: Yes?
Author: Flecha_das_Sombras
Desc: Changes the vanilla GUI for a more stylish and somewhat darker look.
3.08 Compatible: Should be.
Balanced for vanilla: Heh. Yes.
Sombre says: I use this. It's great for a change. Remember to backup the old look in case you don't like it.

Name: Pretender: Ultimate Tyrant
Type: Pretenders
Version: 1.00
Final: ?
Author: Ragnarok-X
Desc: Adds the general pretender 'Ultimate Tyrant', a super powerful Beholder, to Dom3.
3.08 Compatible: ?
Balanced for vanilla: ?

Name: Conceptual Balance Mod
Type: Balance modification
Version: 1.00
Final: ?
Author: quantum_mechani
Desc: Makes a huge number of changes to vanilla Dom3 in order to create a better balance and provoke the use of more varied strategies.
3.08 Compatible: Not really. Awaiting new version.
Balanced for vanilla: Not at all - it's a rebalance after all.
Sombre Says: A lot of effort has gone into this extensive rebalancing mod. If you think some Dom3 vanilla units or spells are basically useless, there's a good chance this mod addresses that issue. It also seems quite popular amongst the MP crowd.
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Old April 17th, 2007, 11:55 PM
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Default Re: A copy of the modlist

Thanks Sombre! I hope this helps introduce the wide, wild world of mods to those who are unfamiliar with the really outstanding, fantastically creative work that's being done (for free! no less) in the Mod forum.
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Old April 19th, 2007, 02:34 PM
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Default Re: A copy of the modlist

This post helped and encouraged this poor novice player to give a shot to mods, and I really loved the experience!

Very good stuff indeed, thanks a lot guys for those jaw-dropping creations!!

It'll be interesting if a more exprerienced player could also recommend some mod combinations for casual (or serious) play.
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Old April 19th, 2007, 05:24 PM
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Default Re: A copy of the modlist

Great work Sombre! I have only tried very few mods so far, been mainly playing lots of MP games. I am going to stop joining MP's and give some of those mods a go.

Thanks again for the excellent guide.
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Old May 5th, 2007, 06:22 AM

Sombre Sombre is offline
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Default Re: A copy of the modlist

I updated this in the mod forum, so I thought I'd bump the thread and update it here.

Whole lotta great mods out there, although 3.08 has given a lot of monsters two heads unintentionally.
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