
May 20th, 2007, 12:19 PM
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Re: Obsidian Medium(Endoperez)
One of the best descr. and ideas in the Epic Heroes Mod was contributed by Endoperez. The Obsidian Medium:

"War is an art and as such is not susceptible of explanation by fixed formula."
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May 21st, 2007, 01:25 AM
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Re: Obsidian Medium(Endoperez)
The MA Ermor hero strikes me as somewhat underpowered - although still nice to have. I like his schtick.
Since he's an Angel, maybe he should fire and air as well as death and astral? Since he's an angel of death now, maybe stealth and assassinate?
If you read his speech at Rice, all his arguments for going to the moon work equally well as arguments for blowing up the moon, sending cloned dinosaurs into space, or constructing a towering *****-shaped obelisk on Mars. --Randall Munroe

May 21st, 2007, 02:06 AM
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Re: Obsidian Medium(Endoperez)
Ermor is very powerful as is, and perhaps I was too cautious in making its hero. I added 3 hps, 1 att, a crown, robe, and 3 fire. And corrected a typo in its descr.
Version 1.2 will add these, and will be the version we use for the mp game.
"War is an art and as such is not susceptible of explanation by fixed formula."
- General George Patton Jr.

May 21st, 2007, 12:22 PM
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Re: A Significant change
Also in version 1.2, which will be used for the upcoming mp game, I have decided to make all mortal epic heroes have recuperation(ability to self heal their own afflictions).
While this may reward those who take rash risks with their epic heroes, the intent when i added this feature across the board is not to deprive any race of their epic hero due to bad luck.
Sometimes your troops wander into a province that spreads disease. Say your epic hero gets diseased early in the game. He is dead. Say one of the evil air races does seeking arrow to your caster epic hero-5 enc wound.
Recuperation is a very powerful ability, but given the uniqueness and importance of the epic hero, i think the ability is warranted. While your pretender may have afflictions he cannot get rid of, nothing short of death will be able to cripple your epic hero.
"War is an art and as such is not susceptible of explanation by fixed formula."
- General George Patton Jr.

May 21st, 2007, 06:59 PM
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Re: Version 1.2 for mp game
The board is not letting me attach the newest version. Gandalf, however, being a kind soul is going to host it.
OK it can be downloaded at
The Shin. Epic Hero got a major boost, as he can now stealth, spy, and assassinate. The Ancient Master also got forest and mountain survival, as did the Black Duke of Ulm. Both of these heroes also got a resist bonus.
If the Ancient Master is a ninja, it did not make sense that he could not stealth and assassinate. And if he has animal awe, and calls animals to fight for him, it makes sense he has forest survival. And, since he resides on Mount Shin., it also makes sense that he has mountain survival.
"War is an art and as such is not susceptible of explanation by fixed formula."
- General George Patton Jr.

May 23rd, 2007, 12:08 AM
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Re: Version 1.2 for mp game
I am recruiting now for a mp game. See the details on the multiplayer forum, as well as the map and EH Mod 1.2 download links.
"War is an art and as such is not susceptible of explanation by fixed formula."
- General George Patton Jr.

May 23rd, 2007, 03:07 PM
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Some feedback
I usually focus on the aspects I donīt like when giving feedback, so if I come across as too harsh, please keep this in mind. Overall itīs a great mod and highly recommended for SP.
So here is the feedback in nation order:
The elephant hero seems fine mostly, but 18 MR is over the top, thatīs something only the very best archmages have and a big part of the unit is an animal, which always have low MR. In addition Iīd reduce his MR to 18, so he can keep formation with normal elephant units.
Ermor: The description is a bit weird: what are the unintended effects? And recuperation and misshapen donīt really fit together.
Pythium: Nothing to critize.
Man: nothing to critize
Ulm: Cool hero, but the death magic is weird. In addition Iīd give him a regular lance, since the lance in the picture isnīt black and you donīt have to use the weird ambidextrous 8. Iīd also give him the regular black steel plate, since a prot 22 0 def 0 enc plate really doesnīt fit into the dom3 world. And where does teh poison and fire resistance come from?
Marignon: Misses the head slot, since he doesnīt wear armor you could give him mapmove 3
Mictlan: Iīd lose the bow, since he doesnīt have on in the picture and it doesnīt really fit to a jaguar. The awe effect doesnīt really fit the unit as well.
Tienīchi: Holy mother of overpoweredness, this guy puts any rainbow pretender to shame. You could maybe keep the powerlevel if you make him immobile and give him a research malus. But a combined total of 16 magiclevels( a standard high mage type unit gets 5 and the best base game heroes get 12) 4 holy + immortality make him one of the most powerful units, if not the most powerful in the game.
Machaka: Why is he ethereal and doesnīt need his eyes? Powerlevelwise he is fine compared to the other heroes, but some backstory explanation would be nice.
Argatha: Maybe add a research bonus? would fit with the sage theme of the statue.
Abysia: awesome!
Caelum: Very cool, typo in the mod file though stealth should be stealthy and shouldnīt he get the animal tag?
Atlantis: Death magic doesnīt really make sense to be forbidden in rīlyeh, since the starspawns get it as randoms, blood magic would be a lot more fitting. Iīd also remove the wraith sword since itīs not shown in the pic. His ethearelness is questionable too.
Thatīs it for now, havenīt played with them yet, so no comment on the attack sprites and detailed powerlevels.

May 23rd, 2007, 03:35 PM
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Re: Some feedback
Just wanted to add to the comments a bit.
Played 1 SP game so far with MA Mict - the nation really is boring. The hero on the other hand kicked serious butt. Possibly almost too much. I finally lost him to a 3-in-a-row smite. This was after solo-ing about 8 provinces though with nary a scratch (1 affliction, recup'd).
The bow is nice, I'd rather not see it leave but possibly something similar yet a bit more thematic? Toned down version of storm of thorns? I'm good with the awe as well.
Possibly jack the hp's a bit and drop the protection to 18-20? That starting 23(?) protection is pretty tough. Although the lowish HP + high prot works well - good for indys, scarier vs nations.
The summons were strangely underwhelming compared to his solo power, but that's to be expected. It was useful for sitting on top of a castle and bringing in allies to actually siege it.
Going to try him as a prophet and see how it effects him. Will his claws be affected by an F9 bless?
All in all he made what seems to be a pretty boring nation pretty fun. Never played Mictlan, but the lack of blood was still wierd..especially with the national blood spells just sitting there.

May 23rd, 2007, 04:43 PM
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Re: Some feedback
Li Bo does put out a tremendous heap of research - but he mostly has paths you get on your mages anyway, and MA T'ien Ch'i would not be inclined to take a rainbow pretender for that reason. He's got a lot of *total* picks, but not a single 4, and the only magic diversity he adds is fire.
If he had 4F3E3D he'd be much more powerful even though he had six fewer magic picks.
MA T'ien Ch'i is also generally regarded as something of a weak position, so it "deserves" a strong hero. So if all he does is crank out science, I think that's fair.
That said, he could easily lose the crazy weaponry, which I didn't put on him. With that armament you can use him as a SC leader on turn 2 to take provinces.
If you read his speech at Rice, all his arguments for going to the moon work equally well as arguments for blowing up the moon, sending cloned dinosaurs into space, or constructing a towering *****-shaped obelisk on Mars. --Randall Munroe

May 23rd, 2007, 06:28 PM
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Re: Some feedback
Good comments. I really appreciate the in depth comments Turin. I really do. And they are all accurate, though i will
not make all of the changes.
The hero for Arcos will have a high mr. As do all of the heroes. I know elephants have low mr, but he is just riding the beast. If it dies he will ride another. He has better moves than most elephants because that is consistent with his descr. An added bonus is it allows him to fire his 3 crossbows, then still catch up with the pack to attack!
Ermor-the unintended effect is he does not look like an angel! He is a sad sight compared to an angel. He is small and shrunken. His radiant aura is gone! Air Magic? Gone!
As to the recuperation, I decided that all epic heroes that are not immortal get that ability. Arcos. does not, but he has priestesses that can heal his afflictions. Thematic or not, I made the decision that we will not have crippled Epic Heroes.
"Machaka: Why is he ethereal and doesnīt need his eyes? Powerlevelwise he is fine compared to the other heroes, but some backstory explanation would be nice."
He does not need eyes because he has acute night vision being an assassin trained by black sorcerors. The best magical assassins do not need flashlights! He is ethereal
because many dom III assassins are ethereal AND his skin was burned away and reformed thousands of times, making it less substantive.
"Argatha: Maybe add a research bonus? would fit with the sage theme of the statue." Agreed and done.
"Abysia: awesome!" Thank you.
"Caelum: Very cool, typo in the mod file though stealth should be stealthy and shouldnīt he get the animal tag?"
yes and yes.
"Atlantis: Death magic doesnīt really make sense to be forbidden in rīlyeh, since the starspawns get it as randoms, blood magic would be a lot more fitting. Iīd also remove the wraith sword since itīs not shown in the pic. His etherealness's is questionable too."
You cannot show everything in his picture. Just because you do not see a wraith sword, does not mean he does not own one. And the fact that starspawns do death magic makes his death magic more thematic then blood. It is more natural for a starspawn to have death magic. The descr says he was banned for casting spells even the rlyeh forbid. Just because the rlyeh have limited death magic, does not mean they are open to all of its potential uses. He was not outcast for knowing death magic, but putting it to forbidden uses.
Atlantis is another of those "weaker" races, and that is why he is ethereal. It is not that big a deal, as he has astral magic and can cast it anyway. Maybe he found a way to keep it up permanently.
I renamed Ulm's lance and removed his poison resist. He has death magic because of his dark past that is hinted at in his descr. He has partial fire resist because he is a master smith and works around forges a lot.
I added a more thematic ranged attack for the Blood-Cursed Champion.
Tien Chi's weapons/armor were removed. We are getting ready to play a mp game, and the good Dr. is playing Tien Chi. So we can get a better idea of his abilities in a mp setting soon.
Marignon slots fixed, and he was given the 3 map moves.
"War is an art and as such is not susceptible of explanation by fixed formula."
- General George Patton Jr.
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