
June 14th, 2007, 07:48 PM
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Nonpurchase bug
I upgraded to the Dompatch 308 a week or so ago. It was the latest and my first patch. I have been running straight off the disk.
I had noted on 2 occasions that a province would not give me the buy for a turn. These were undeveloped provinces.
In this latest game my province 21 with a Forrest Rampart has twice in a row failed to give me my buy.
In every case the officer and troops paid for have stayed on the purchased list like it failed to cycle.
I have also noted several times that troops in one province or another have failed to move.
I never saw any of this before I patched the game. I am running windows XP with most of the patches.

June 14th, 2007, 07:55 PM
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Re: Nonpurchase bug
Have a look at the resources that the province provides and how much your units cost. You're probably in the negatives because the province doesn't provide enough resources per turn to produce the units you queued. You can notice that if your units appear transparent in the recruitment screen.
About some commanders/units not moving with the others, they probably have difficulty with the terrain (mixing flying squads with non-fliers) or are slower than the others. If you have even one unit with mapmove 1 in a bunch of mapmove 2 guys (which is the standard for most nationals) then those won't move when at all when combined in a group with other squads which all have mapmove 2 and you decide to move them 2 provinces across. The squad with the mapmove 1 units will stay in the province with "Defend", while the others move.

June 14th, 2007, 08:40 PM
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Re: Nonpurchase bug
If you look at the attached save game you will notice a preacher and a church in province 171. That preacher built the church in province 21. This means it has been 3 turns since he built the church at my Forest Rampart.
If you look at the purchase options for 21, the troops in that province and nearby you will see I have No troops or leaders purchased from that province. Not one single troop. Not one single leader.
I have no deer tribe shamans.
I have no deer tribe warriors.
I have not tried to buy deer tribe archers because I have lots of archers.
This has reached the point that I can not say that it is a simple error on my part. I have not checked the army status in that province because it had such a small production number. I am not sure how many it has missed but it has missed. I though I began production of deer warriors while the castle was building. I know I should have some shaman and warriors.
On nonmovement of units. I am talking about all units in a province. When I checked them after the turn comes up they are set on defend. This has happened several times that I put down to my error no matter how sure I was that I put in move orders. I have not been using flying units.

June 14th, 2007, 09:38 PM
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Re: Nonpurchase bug
It sounds like you have unrest of 100 or more in that province. Unrest over 100 prevents recruitment of units.
It's also possible to have 0 resources. If this happens you will not be able to recruit anything in the province. However, I don't think that this should happen if you have a fortress in the province.
Where were you trying to move the units? If you were moving them into an enemy province and the enemies attacked you from that province on that turn then your troops may have stayed to defend the province. If two provinces attack each other usually only one gets to move and the armies fight with each other.

June 14th, 2007, 10:23 PM
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Re: Nonpurchase bug
Sorry Forrest, but the saved game appears to be unavailable. Attachments have been broken again for some time now on the forums. (Unless it is just me?)
Unit training can be frozen by unrest, lack of resources, or when your fortress is under siege. Check your recruitment queue and look at the "Resources:" field. If it is a negative amount then you have exceeded the available resources to complete all units in the queue that turn.
On movement orders appearing to cancel themselves, I can confirm that I have definitely seen this several times. Very frustrating. Sometimes the same set of commanders over multiple turns of trying to move and this is absolutely, positively with no combat or known events of any kind. In my current game just a few turns ago, I had a scout set to move and next turn he was just hiding. Prior to that, I had a stack of multiple commanders leading huge armies stall. Thank goodness I have not had a situation where part of the army moved and part did not. 

June 14th, 2007, 10:48 PM
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Re: Nonpurchase bug
Looks like you nailed it. Unrest of 357. Thats what I was missing. I always play with order 3 so I don't even look at it. I went order 2 on this game but still there must be some kind of unrest site. I took the province from indies maybe 7 turns ago so it should not be hidden enemies.
On troops, mainly internal moves but some have been attacks on Indies some attacks on pretenders. I have been putting it down to just blowing the orders somehow. I would not have even mentioned it but for the proof the buy was not working. I put it down to personal error but there have been several times that I double checked the moves and they did not happen with no messages. It probably has a simple reason but I just don't see it.
Anyway thanks for clearing up the buy issue.

June 14th, 2007, 11:00 PM
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Re: Nonpurchase bug
Thanks ballbarian. I feel less foolish. It is hard to raise a issue like this if no one else has mentioned it. I have made so many mistakes like sending in my keystone in army under stealth so that my two supporting armies die terrible deaths because I screwed up that it is hard to say there is no way I made a error this time.

June 15th, 2007, 01:39 AM
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Re: Nonpurchase bug
I've done that with stealth armies for Vaettihiem. Bwahahah, I got you now,.. what, where are all my troops? Oh that's right, hiding in the province twiddling their thumbs. Doh.

June 15th, 2007, 02:45 PM
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Re: Nonpurchase bug
Or the famous vanheim attack!
Now, feel the wrath of my Uberbless vanir... wait.. only the fay boars didn't sneak?
Unus vocis. Unus manus. Unus Universitas. Unus Deus. Is est meus fatum praeeo pro totus populus.
Ut est meus fortuna.

June 15th, 2007, 03:01 PM
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Re: Nonpurchase bug
Is the movement bug in the bug list?
I have seen it numerous times in SP games, although thankfully never in MP. In the SP games that it has shown up in, it has been debilitating. In my experience it has been limited to specific provinces. I can not attack out of those provinces, but the AI can definitely attack into them. It does not resolve, and if the provinces in question are important chokepoints (which they have been), the game is simply lost.
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