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Old July 15th, 2007, 03:01 PM
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Default Re: RanDom v2.03 - Map gen & Semirandomizer... Upd

Great tool, Ballbarian! I've been using it since it was only the Semirandomizer. The fiddle XP was what I was really waiting for since I was doing it by hand before. But I haven't been able to get the semirandomizer to work the xp toggle. I tried doing by hand again but I keep getting at least one random Indy on the scoreboard with a couple of hundred XP. Any tips?
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Old July 15th, 2007, 03:18 PM

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Default Re: RanDom v2.03 - Map gen & Semirandomizer... Upd

Yeah, I'm actually regretting putting so much XP in my GANs, I think I have like 900 xp on some of those guys.. I miss heroic abilities

I've only played on 2 maps so far, but haven't had any luck with fiddle xp working either.
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Old July 15th, 2007, 04:00 PM
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Default Re: RanDom v2.03 - Map gen & Semirandomizer... Upd

I have checked several runs and I have not seen a single #xp line sneak through. I believe that you are seeing independents that have been placed by Dom3 and not SemiRandom. In my current game, the only non-Dom3 placed independent in the hall of fame is Tharizdun, who has 306 kills.

Hopefully the poor naming of the xp check box hasn't caused confusion? If you want to block #xp lines from being written to the map file by SemiRandom, uncheck "Fiddle XP".

To insure that experience points have been blocked, open the SR'd map file and search for "xp". You should see "--XP blocked" instead of "#xp 100" (for example). Let me know if this is not the case.

(Oh, and thank you for the positive feedback! )
RanDom v2 - Map gen & Semirandomizer.
Province Editor - Custom province creation made easier.
God Editor - Custom pretender creation made easier.
Map Forge - Map editor
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Old July 15th, 2007, 05:30 PM

TienIsCoolX TienIsCoolX is offline
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Default Re: RanDom v2.03 - Map gen & Semirandomizer... Upd

Ok, now do one with 1500 provinces!
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Old July 18th, 2007, 03:18 PM

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Default Re: RanDom v2.03 - Map gen & Semirandomizer... Upd

Looking for instructions on how to develop GOD files, include them in the GOD_BIN and then most importantly which settings on RanDom affect how god's are chosen.

For example, I set a small 80 map to 50% fiddle, 2 land, 3 seastarting locations, 2 Land AI, 2 Sea AI. The gods somehow broke it, seems it chose 4 versions of the same god (Arco) and then since it was random when it didn't pick arco it CTD'd. Manually chose Arco and it still popped. Had to delete all god files and it worked fine (although it only made 4 starting locations and started MA Ry'leh out on land)

Still brutalizing the AI so buffing them with good scales + an awake pretender with magic/items would be a nice boost. I figure I'll make a few, give em all one major weakness (like Death 3, or drain 3) and boost the heck out of everything else.

Also, Anyone found a way to stimulate AI site searching? Or a way to make an AI conquered province always reveal on kill or "always known"?

Would it break the game to have every site in the world pre-known? I'm figuring it would simplify things a bit, but would boost the AI more than humans since humans (or at least me) make it a priority to site search anyway? Would also reduce Micro quite a bit. Going to try a test game and find/replace all #feature with #knownfeature and see what happens.
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Old July 18th, 2007, 09:54 PM
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Default Re: RanDom v2.03 - Map gen & Semirandomizer... Upd

Looking for instructions on how to develop GOD files, include them in the GOD_BIN and then most importantly which settings on RanDom affect how god's are chosen.
Developing GOD files is very similar to developing GAN files. Let's say you wanted to create a custom god for early era Arcoscephale...

Create a text file and rename it to:

The format is:

A little more explanation:
--> self explanatory.

--> Whatever works for you, but I started with '1', then if I created a 2nd god for a nation, I advanced this to 2. You can use whatever system works best for you. It is really just a way to help insure a unique name for the file.

--> A valid nation number. Gandalf has posted a list of nations & numbers here:

--> '_A_' = add the units included in this god file to this nation's starting province. '_R_' = replace the nations's starting units with those included in this god file.

--> '_EA_' = early era, '_MA_' = middle era, '_LA_' = late era.

To fill your shiny new file with meaty god-like goodness, you can use the Province Editor to help with some of the coding if you would like to use it to add bodyguards &/or units, magic items, additional magic sites, etc, and then just copy the code from there and paste it into your god file. You will still have to do some manual editing however.

An example Arcoscephale god file follows:

#god 0 156 -- Arcoscephale CYCLOPS
#mag_fire 4
#mag_earth 5
#additem "Shield of Gleaming Gold" -- hand slot
#additem "Frost Brand" -- hand slot
#additem "Horror Helmet" -- head slot
#additem "Copper Plate" -- body slot
#additem "Birch Boots" -- feet slot
#additem "Girdle of Might" -- misc slot
#additem "Amulet of Missile Protection" -- misc slot
#dominionstr 0 10
#scale_chaos 0 -2
#scale_lazy 0 -1
-- #scale_cold 0 0
#scale_death 0 -2
-- #scale_unluck 0 0
#scale_unmagic 0 2
-- 4 points left if we were dormant...

The key line above is the first line.
#god 0 156
#god <nation#> <unit#>

And the dominion & scale lines:
#dominionstr 0 10
#dominionstr <nation#> <dominion strength>

#scale_chaos 0 -2
#scale_<scale> <nation#> <value>

(Note that this looks confusing, but it really isn't that bad once you figure it out. See the dom3 map editing manual and other god files to get a better feel for how it works.)

The lines that start with '--' are just comment lines, and are ignored by dom3.

A more complex god file with a little bit of additional boost follows:


#knownfeature 340 -- The Crypt Underneath

#god 1 994 -- Ermor Special: EATER OF THE DEAD
--#mag_fire 0
--#mag_air 0
--#mag_earth 0
#mag_astral 9
#mag_death 9
--#mag_nature 0
#additem "Bane Venom Charm" -- misc slot
#additem "Amulet of Antimagic" -- misc slot
#dominionstr 1 10
#scale_chaos 1 1
#scale_lazy 1 -1
#scale_cold 1 1
#scale_death 1 3
#scale_unluck 1 -2
#scale_unmagic 1 -3
-- Unpredictable prelude of things to come...

#bodyguards 10 185 -- Bane
#units 20 185 -- Bane
#units 20 185 -- Bane

Notice how it includes an additional magic site & bodyguards & units... how the eater of the dead will act over time, well, that remains to be seen.

Finally, you need to add the god file name to '\SemiRandom\LIST_CRATE\GodList.txt' file so that SR knows that it is there.

On the 2nd part of your question:
1. #start locations are placed for human players. (desired num players - aiplayers)

2. #specstart locations (nation specific) locations are placed randomly for ai nations. Random location is picked, and then a random nation from the enabled ai nations, then finally a random god from the available god files for that nation.

For example, I set a small 80 map to 50% fiddle, 2 land, 3 seastarting locations, 2 Land AI, 2 Sea AI. The gods somehow broke it, seems it chose 4 versions of the same god (Arco) and then since it was random when it didn't pick arco it CTD'd. Manually chose Arco and it still popped. Had to delete all god files and it worked fine (although it only made 4 starting locations and started MA Ry'leh out on land)
I'm not sure what happened, but here are some gotchas:

1. Make sure you are using 'EA' (early era) for now as there are no god files for other eras yet (afaik!). Also, make sure that all of the nations that you are setting to AI have a god file. (Tir na n'Og is the only EA nation that I have not created a god file for yet.)

2. Make sure that you are setting 'Max Sea Starts' to a value equal to or greater than the number of sea nations you want. This is automatic if you have the 'Lock Player Counts to Nat Cfg' check box checked and are using the Nation Cfg sliders.

Let me know if that doesn't help, and if you are still having problems, attach the SR'd map file and TESTDUMP.txt.

Also, Anyone found a way to stimulate AI site searching? Or a way to make an AI conquered province always reveal on kill or "always known"?
Not to my knowledge.

Would it break the game to have every site in the world pre-known? I'm figuring it would simplify things a bit, but would boost the AI more than humans since humans (or at least me) make it a priority to site search anyway? Would also reduce Micro quite a bit. Going to try a test game and find/replace all #feature with #knownfeature and see what happens.
I wouldn't think that it would break the game, but not to my taste.
I like a little mystery & micro. (Ok, very little micro... ) I would think it would certainly boost the AI somewhat, but the human would benefit as well, so it probably would even out?
RanDom v2 - Map gen & Semirandomizer.
Province Editor - Custom province creation made easier.
God Editor - Custom pretender creation made easier.
Map Forge - Map editor
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Old July 19th, 2007, 01:15 AM
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Default Re: RanDom v2.03 - Map gen & Semirandomizer... Upd

If you ever want to test a god, or always have it used every time, then you can just add those lines to a map. Such as...

copy eye.map to eye2.map

then append

#god 0 156 -- Arcoscephale CYCLOPS
#mag_fire 4
#mag_earth 5
#additem "Shield of Gleaming Gold" -- hand slot
#additem "Frost Brand" -- hand slot
#additem "Horror Helmet" -- head slot
#additem "Copper Plate" -- body slot
#additem "Birch Boots" -- feet slot
#additem "Girdle of Might" -- misc slot
#additem "Amulet of Missile Protection" -- misc slot
#dominionstr 0 10
#scale_chaos 0 -2
#scale_lazy 0 -1
-- #scale_cold 0 0
#scale_death 0 -2
-- #scale_unluck 0 0
#scale_unmagic 0 2
-- 4 points left if we were dormant...

the only line that isnt going to work is the RANDOM one which could be replaced with
#comname "Bozo"
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Old July 20th, 2007, 01:07 PM
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Default Re: RanDom v2.03 - Map gen & Semirandomizer... Upd

I would like to try this out, but it seems I'm missing some GAN files and it won't run. I was trying it on a cradle map file. Is the readme up to date on the current attached version? Do I need to install something else to get it to work?
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Old July 20th, 2007, 02:43 PM
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Default Re: RanDom v2.03 - Map gen & Semirandomizer... Upd

Are you using the RanDom gui? or trying to just use SemiRandom separately? Are you a windows user? XP? Vista?

What kind of error are you getting?

I am on my lunch hour right now, so it may be tonight before I am able to check the forums again.

Thanks for trying it out Morkilus!
RanDom v2 - Map gen & Semirandomizer.
Province Editor - Custom province creation made easier.
God Editor - Custom pretender creation made easier.
Map Forge - Map editor
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Old July 21st, 2007, 03:44 AM

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Default Re: RanDom v2.03 - Map gen & Semirandomizer... Upd

Random note: Is it WAD that when a unique summon is placed in a GAN it is unavailable for summoning? I had assumed that if you summoned a unit not in control by another player they would just *poof* and appear.

Last game ran against the GAN that had an air queen in it. The one who summons spring hawks, Arielle or something? Anyway, I summoned the first 2 fine and could not summon the third and figured my opponent had her. Then a turn or two later ran into her in an Indy site.
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custom, generator, gods, independents, map, provinces, random, semirandom, starts

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