
July 17th, 2007, 02:01 PM
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Re: New turn
I am in the midst of moving right now. Maybe I can get some screen shots soon, If i cant it will be at least a week.
Quite a battle.
If there was a "second place" it would be Juterea. I guess i would be third.
I wonder who caused the most casualties to sauromatia. Any opionion Rico?

July 17th, 2007, 06:52 PM
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Re: New turn
well, casualty wise.. hmm.. obviously it would be either Abysia or Arco..
Those fire storms of Abysia hurt quite a lot and killed a great many soldiers.. However, I think Arco's defenses must have cost me more... Entire armies were annihilated by the sheer force of lightning and air elementals!
I think if Arco would have been more aggressive, they could have hurt me even more.. My back lands were not heavily guarded most of the time, and may have been taken by their elephants & air queens or teleported mages or something.. The magic advantage may have gone a long way earlier in the game..
I was just going for military power at first, which did not make me very flexible in the beginning. Well, maybe I did not need to with my hydra's.. I do like those!
What kept you from going all out on my inner lands?
So Arco I think killed most of my units, but Abysia gave me more trouble because he was more aggressive.
I guess I was happy being at peace with the water dwellers for so long though...

July 18th, 2007, 06:22 PM
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Re: New turn
Yes! We are number one at something!
As to why I did not push into your undefended lands, i cannot say. I guess I play a very defensive game until I have a clear advantage. I also did not have enough scouts in your lands. towards the end I was pulling them all back home and giving them ethereal crossbows. I guess i just chalk it up to inexperince on my part. Oh yeah, and i could not have brought along my watchers, which I was so fond of.
Early arco does not have elephants, they have chariots, size 5. Which dont pose threat to the Hydras. I found early in the game that i could not deal enough damage to the hydras with spells to really stop them. In retrospect charm would have been really good. I did not start using it until it was too late.

July 18th, 2007, 06:24 PM
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Re: New turn
I have not forgot about the screen shots.... Check back tommorrow evening.

July 19th, 2007, 02:59 AM
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Re: New turn
hmm yes charm with some penetration items could have been nice.. for you :-)
and those seducing commanders, they were too expensive? I was worrying a bit about them in the beginning..
another thing I thought was: why did no one dispel my globals? I can imagine you did not want to waste gems. But actually, they were not verywell protected and could be easily dispelled with 40 astral pearls or so ;-)
defending only I think will never make you more powerful if you do it too long I think.. I got a huge income because I just kept on taking provinces, that way I could buy more mages and fortresses and be strong in all aspects...
(sorry I always like to analyse games a bit ;-) )

July 19th, 2007, 05:16 PM
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Re: New turn
Bad news. I lost the game files, so no pictures.
I agree, agressiveness is rewarded in Dominions. I have played too much Masters of Orion and CIV, where defensive tatics can win the day, I have yet to get out of that mindset.
THe seducing commanders are expensive, I had a few but they where tied up with forging and summoning. They tend to be rather fragile if they are not kitted out. I was afraid of skeley spaming commanders. I should have just scriped them to do summon swarm or creeping doom and not worried about it.
As far as the dispel, I play too conservative. I was afraid of wasting gems. I never had enough astral pearls to go around anyway and there were no commanders to cast it with out boosts.

July 19th, 2007, 05:17 PM
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Re: New turn
This is my last post until I get internet in Hawaii, in a week or two. Aloha!
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