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Old August 4th, 2007, 10:37 PM
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Default Re: Game: Outriders (open)

"I strode into the decadent hall of the foul Marigons. False practitions of fire and blood magic. My Abyssian Plate boots echoed loudly in the great hall. I was escorted by 20 men at arms to a chamber filled with old men in robes. My hands held tightly onto the red rubie my master had given me. His words came into my mind. "keep this stone safe. Use it when your life is in peril. To use it you must crush it and cry out the name of our Lord."

One of the old men spoke. "Abyssian, why have you come here seeking an audience with us? Speak"

I spoke that which my master had commanded of me. My voice echoed in the small chamber. "Know this, I am Cremnian, herald to the great prophet Vapula. Our Lord and master, Asmodeus, considers the men of Marigon weak practitioners of Fire and Blood magic. Asmodeus declares that the men of Marigon will die. The women will be used as slaves and your childeren will be sacrificed to the Abyss. Your lands will burn, your false prophets and gods shall be play-things for the Horrors of the Abyss. PREPARE FOR THE END"

The chamber was still. The old men started to rise from their chair crying out in rage. From a dark alcove that I did not notice before there came a hiss "Kill him" The men at arms rushed forward, broad swords drawn for the kill. Some of the old men were chanting some words of power. A flash screamed in my chest and I realize a crossbow bolt had pierced my plate armor. Then I remembered the gem. I crushed it with my remaing strength and cried out "ASMODEUS"--- Darkness, then a blinding light of the void. Right before I passed out I saw the familiar form of my master bending over me...

--A page from the journal of Cremnian, herald of Vapula the eyeless who is prophet to the Great Asmodeus, rightful ruler of the world--
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Old August 5th, 2007, 08:07 PM

Lazy_Perfectionist Lazy_Perfectionist is offline
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Default Re: Game: Outriders (open)


R'lyeh shows their treacherous nature yet again, they show the true nature behind their offer of peace when they send their spawn to mark my god for the horrors of the astral voids.

The only thing keeping me from retaliating against this filth is the lack of water breathing. These dire circumstances have forced me to skin one of their mindless Shamblers and forge a minor magical artifact.

Out of Character
I'm willing to take out loans in 200/400 gold chunks to assist in a temple push back out to sea, to give me much needed mr dominion bonuses. I'm willing to trade water forged items or gems for magic resistance boosters or reinvigoration items. I'm also willing to pay a lease fee for the rental of the same.

R'lyeh did make an offer of peace if I stopped raiding while they attacked Arcosephale. I didn't respond but did cease raiding while I ramped up and achieved construction two for a fighting chance. My pretenders' probably been horror marked eight times. In this game, I consider R'lyeh untrustworthy, especially since they already expressed a desire for the extinction of any races that can go beneath.
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Old August 5th, 2007, 08:16 PM
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Default Re: Game: Outriders (open)

We made an ovature of peace, and noticed that you had received our message but not responded. Unfortunately for you silence is as good as an answer of no.

Let your God's many, many horror marks be a lesson to that. The people of Ry'leh do not take kindly to being ignored.

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Old August 5th, 2007, 08:33 PM

Lazy_Perfectionist Lazy_Perfectionist is offline
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Default Re: Game: Outriders (open)

Personally, I do not take sincerely any offer of peace that comes after declarations of genocidal intentions.
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Old August 6th, 2007, 03:02 AM

Izzyz Izzyz is offline
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Default Re: Game: Outriders (open)

The old man, clad all in black, gazes steadily at the younger man before him, swathed in red and gold.
"So, it has come to this at the last?"
"And now?"
"I leave immediately to take to the field with the army."
"And the enemy?"
"They are foul, twisted mockeries of humanity. The taint within them will be their undoing. The power of the Divine will unmake them!"
"You have always been devout."
"As you taught me to be."
"Indeed I did. Did I never teach you to doubt your haste, or to question?"
"Never on matters of faith, or right and wrong."
"So you will destroy them?"
"What else is there to do?"
The silence hangs between them, and lengthens.
"And yet, I pity them," says the old man at last.
"I do not! They are evil incarnate, bathed in the flames of hell, who march upon our borders even now, bearing the blood of demons in their veins! I go to deliver them from their loathsome existence and render unto them Divine justice!"
"My blessing upon you, then."
Another silence, which ends as the younger man inclines his head, backs to the door and leaves. The black, iron-bound door is heavy, but makes no sound as it swings shut.
"And that is why I pity them."
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Old August 10th, 2007, 06:28 PM
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Default Re: Game: Outriders (started)

I believe that Man has staled the last few turns. Can we set him to AI?

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Old August 11th, 2007, 02:23 AM

Lazy_Perfectionist Lazy_Perfectionist is offline
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Default Re: Game: Outriders (started)

Yea! I finally have a dominion foothold in the sea. If I keep it up, I'll weaken their dominion and freespawn. They fortunately won't have any easy time setting up dominion walls thanks to the lack of chokepoints.

I have some military strategies to try against him that I'd never dare risk against other nations, but perhaps will be just what the calamari calls for.

In Veturi, I got rather familiar with Atlantis, though I didn't face any astral nations, let alone Rlyeh. They were surprisingly effective against Ctis - though I'll probably have to think in the opposite direction against R'lyeh.

In Jaguar, I faced R'lyeh, (albeit MA), and became familiar with many of their troops and playstyle- though had an entirely different set of tools as Agartha.

So, I haven't been in this exact situation, but I'm not coming in completely cold, either. Pun not intended.
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Old August 11th, 2007, 02:35 AM
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Default Re: Game: Outriders (started)

Don't worry, the mad dreamers of Ry'leh have beguin a temple construction program. Money well spent! Get in line for your lobotomies now instead of later.

And do let us know which foul horror besets your God. I believe we marked him over 30 times.

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Old August 11th, 2007, 06:38 PM

Lazy_Perfectionist Lazy_Perfectionist is offline
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Default Re: Game: Outriders (started)

And that's a horror? Yawn. What a bore. Dead in one swing. I've heard there are more impressive ones later on, but come on... are you trying to make me die laughing?

I'm quaking in my boots. 30 hitpoints? Guess how much strength I have? Here's a hint- while you may have seen my titan pretender in another thread, he's got +10 dominion bonus to strength while in my own capital. I could wipe out that horror with a frigging qtip or Nerf(tm) or wiffle bat, let alone the great sword I come equipped with...

I'll be sure to catalog my kills for your enjoyment.

Kill #1, dead in one turn
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Old August 13th, 2007, 10:30 PM

Lazy_Perfectionist Lazy_Perfectionist is offline
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Default Re: Game: Outriders (started)

I was reminded lately, so I just wanted to say to our hoster, Zachariah, thank you.

In other news, I'm quite glad to hear you've started a temple construction program, Jazzepi. Your Illithids are surprisingly cheap, but every temple you build is quite a bit less mind-blasting for me. Now if my raiders just manage to take a few temples out, instead of dying after the first province.
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