
August 11th, 2007, 01:26 AM
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Re: Chupacabra - EA game for newish players - sign
If you really wish negotiate, send me a PM and tell me what you are offering for this "security".
Power is an illusion...

August 13th, 2007, 02:14 AM
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Re: Chupacabra - EA game for newish players - sign
You were told our terms. You will learn that we mean what we say. Yout initiated this conflict. We will end it. The time for talking is over.
The Celestial Masters of T’ien Ch’i all upon all to witness their declaration: we do hereby declare war everlasting upon C’tis because of his continued acts and threats of aggression, and his refusal to make just and fair amends for his unproved attacks on our people. There will never be peace between us.
No matter what else happens in this land we will see C’tis utterly destroyed, even if it means that destruction results in our mutual demise.
In our dialog he intimated that he had other enemies. We are not surprised. Join us or stand and observe the outcome will be the same. We will stand in the midst of the smoking ruin his capitol, atop stinking heaps of lizard carcasses, and the brittle bones of his despicable undead servants.
Power is an illusion...

August 13th, 2007, 02:43 AM
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Re: Chupacabra - EA game for newish players - sign
Tien Chi speaks of aggresions. After a minor skirmish, he demanded gold in recompensation. Gold was sent, 200 pieces of it, for the lizards of C'tis are wise, and love peace.
We have been told that we initiated continued acts of aggresion. Rather, there was one border skirmish. We have instead received threat upon threat, followed by an extortionate demand for gold.
C'tis sent the gold this last turn.
Tien Chi, now having received the gold, declares war, in the midst of negotiations. I call him oath breaker and coward, a dishonorable and greedy nation. I call upon the nations of the world to unite against this bloated threat with us. He shall not stand.
Seriously though. Declaring war in the middle of negotiations- right after making a demand- is not cool. I had sent the gold, as you gave no indication of refusing the offer, and had you insisted that I up the second payment, left room for that scenario.
Not nice.
I'd like it if the gold came back.

August 13th, 2007, 03:42 AM
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Re: Chupacabra - EA game for newish players - sign
For the record, we do not consider an invasion of our lands (after you were warned to withdraw) to be a "skirmish". Especially when you devulged that the only reason you were backing off was because an ally you had expected to join you did not show up (read our own post).
You were told that if our terms were not met we would consider you hostile, and that you should "defend yourself accordingly". You chose to send a lessor amount. My delclaration of war on you was not the above post, rather it was my attack on you, which occured symultaneously with the arrival of your gold, not "after". The post was only intended to inform the other nations that your time was at an end.
We were not in the midst of negotiaitons. As stated above, my terms were non-negotiatble. You refused those terms (I believe your exact words were you had enough power to "pound" me), and so you were attacked. There have never been any "oaths" between us. Your penchant for twisting the truth to fit your purpose is another reason there can be no peace between us; we cannot trust you.
"Seriously though", you will have nothing from us you do not take. You want your gold? Come and get it. Actually, you don't even have to leave your capitol; I'll be there very soon...
Power is an illusion...

August 13th, 2007, 03:54 AM
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Re: Chupacabra - EA game for newish players - sign
We do not negotiate with terrorists!
Actually, the bit about twisting words is odd- it wasn't an ally I was expecting. I got asked for aid, to be perfectly upfront. I'm starting to suspect that said individual didn't actually need aid, and was trying to stir up a war.

August 13th, 2007, 04:11 AM
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Re: Chupacabra - EA game for newish players - sign
There you go again...even if that were true, you are accountable for the choices you make.
Power is an illusion...

August 20th, 2007, 03:31 PM
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Re: Chupacabra - EA game for newish players - sign
could we wait with hosting ?
There is a problem with my turn
the fate of us all
lies deep in the dark
when time stands still
in the iron hill

August 20th, 2007, 03:34 PM
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Re: Chupacabra - EA game for newish players - sign
How long? I _think_ I've been given the admin password for this game while Llamabeast is away.
Edit: Ah, yes... I have. I've postponed it for an additional eight hours at the moment, so I can check again at midnight my time.

August 20th, 2007, 03:52 PM
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Re: Chupacabra - EA game for newish players - sign
can you also resend a turn?
I wrote llamabeast a msg but he didn´t answer yet.
the fate of us all
lies deep in the dark
when time stands still
in the iron hill

August 20th, 2007, 04:56 PM
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Re: Chupacabra - EA game for newish players - sign
he's traveling overseas. I'll resend turns now.
Actually, you can request a turn resend yourself, w/o admin passwords. What nation are you?
Edit the third. Turn resent to pangaea. Should be there in a few minutes. let me know if all is right.
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