I need a sub for a week from September 29th through October 6th for R'lyeh.
It's still early in the game but I think that it is safe to say that I am completely and totally dominating the game, so it will be very fun to play R'lyeh in this position. In fact, this might be the very best position that you have ever seen in a game and you could learn a lot, especially if you have been playing dominions for decades because this is the most unique and amazing situation ever. It is almost an axiom that you will be completely enlightened by this experience and that it will carry throughout your life and will be something that you can tell your great great great grandchildren (or pet hamsters) about and some might say that play R'lyeh in this spot for a week will produce genetic mutations that will extend your life and possibly increase your prowess in intimate situations.
Thanks and good luck to getting your magic gold ticket to play the game of your life (for a week).