I recently posted some items on Cragslist.com for sale in my area. Since then I have sold the items but the scam emails keep rolling in.
Most are form messages used to asway concern while expressing "sincere and abundant interest" in the item I am selling. They comment on how they will issue me a check on "any United States Bank" and that craigslist "will garantees the sale."
Any who I got sick of these obviously low brow attempts to con me, so I opted to play their game back.
I opted to open my own yahoo.com account, being as how 99% of the scam mail comes from their. (chriswalker
1@yahoo.com chriswalker
2@yahoo.com etc.)
This is the message I sent them.
Due to excessive fraud complaint reports to our office we have placed you under investigation and has tracked you through through your internet protocols through yahoo.com. You are being advised of this action in accordance to Federal and International Law. At this time an international, federal, and local arrest warrant has been issued for your immediate arrest and extradition to Washington DC for Federal prosecution for internet fraud, wire service fraud, mail fraud, and violation of Revised International Commerce Statutes (RICS). Do Not attempt to run, you will only be captured tired.
Trooper Bill Conrad
Federal Investigation Agency (FIA)
District of Malaboo
Washington DC
Since this is a bogus agency, I have committed no violation of any law.