Re: Q: How many Forts do you build? How many Templ
In my SP game with Pangaea, I tend to put temple (200 cost) a lot. Mainly because haunted forest is so nice, that it's always worth it to spread my dominion has fast has possible.
I tend to find choke point around my starting position, rush to them... consolidate with forts and lab (to recruit Pan), always recruiting pan and pandomium (sp? the blood pan at capitol only) at each of those choke point. Manead help a lot to defend castle.
After that my territory are protected with forts, manead and pan in research. It is costly but really worth my mid and late game. After that, if I got more money, I either recruit more unit to renew strength of my expansions team... and I tend to have 1 expansion team by fort constructed.
Then, I start recruiting Dryad for temple construction and sneak/preach around border.
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With Ermor, I tend to do more forts for the freespawn. I try to have positive dominion on all my buffer province (those that border my wall of defense of my territory). That way I can abuse my death/cold dominion to kill supply in those provinces... and in that time, those bordering province tend to be less appealing because less population are there.