darkchampion3d said:
Never even thought of using the arena as a cheap way to screw enemy SCs foolish enough to enter though
To quote Terry Pratchett: "That's because you're not a bastard."
I normally skip the Deathmatches, but I decided to throw someone into the ring in my current game. I sent a Jotun Jarl (
not a Niefel Jarl, even though I'm playing Niefelheim) with Chain Mail of Displacement and Boots of Quickness. He was scripted to cast Bless (E9N6 bless!) and then Attack Closest. I figured I had a decent chance at snagging the prize, but I wouldn't miss the guy too badly if he lost.
Next thing I know, my end-of-turn report has an angry message from Marverni: "Hello, my name is Chief Vitalstatistix. You killed my goddess. Prepare to die!"
(Well, words to that effect, anyway....)
The AI sent in a Lady of Love pretender with Nature and Water magic. Unfortunately, she was also equipped with Full Black Steel Plate and a Shield of Valor. Instead of being a sensible goddess and using her magic, she tried to beat my giant to death with her fist. Now, the Lady of Love isn't all that skilled in battle. I think she had an attack value of 13 or so. With his shiny gear, my Jarl had a defense value in the mid-20s. Yeah.
I think she hit my Jarl once before passing out from fatigue, thanks to her heavy armor. His regeneration healed the damage in one turn. Meanwhile, he just stood there and chopped away at her. Many (many!) turns later, she died. I got the Shield, and she got to sleep in Tartarus until her priests call her back to the mortal plane....
The next competitor was the C'tissian prophet, some silly lizard in a chariot who kept smiting my Jarl. He actually did more damage than the Marverni pretender did ... but the regeneration was up to the challenge. And a Jotun Jarl with Boots of Quickness can cover ground in a hurry, so the lizzie didn't have too many smiting opportunities before he was split open like a pumpkin on the day after Halloween.
End result:
My Jotun Jarl got three stars, instant membership in the Hall of Fame, and a spiffy trident.
One dead pretender.
One dead prophet.
Special bonus:
When he claimed the Champion's Trident, my hero thoughtfully put the Shield of Valor into my laboratory! So there's a free magic shield for one of my Niefel Jarls....