It may have been a dream. I remember seeing the Abysia
National Hero as a demon. I've tried all 3 abysia era's
and all I get is the living version. Has the hero who
brought Abysia's doom been changed or is there some
trick to getting him to show his true colours.
If you kill his first form in combat, you get to see his second form. He is like an end boss for Final Fantasy. The first time I saw that, after a year of playing, I thought it was a particularly neat way of revealing a more of Abysia's backstory.
Yeah, Ba'al is just a particularily badass Abysian and has always been. He's not a fake like Malphas!
I remember how they switched his first magic skill to something else... Astral/Fire I think, but I can't remember which replaced which. I just remember being a bit worried about it in a game back in the day.