
December 16th, 2007, 09:32 AM
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Re: Worthy Heroes 1.8
For the hanged king (IV), I think a little more powerfull magic path (or priest). Some mobile heroes are more powerfull. I think equally he must have access to head and misceallenous slot because he cant't really use down part(under the neck) of his body.
Background for the black ape(I): he can be an ex-slave from a blood nation. They use him as a gladiator for game, corrupted him with blood magic to made him in berserker state. He escaped and return to Lanka, with the idea to revenge. In this case he can be a berserker, with some skills (1 or 2) in blood magic. The corruption make him very more stronger and resilient than a normal ape (more strength, PV and maybe protection/regeneration?) with poisonned claw?

December 16th, 2007, 10:29 PM
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Re: Worthy Heroes 1.8
When I saw the graphics for number 5, my initial thought was that they looked like they could be the hero for EA Ulm, something along the lines of children brought to the wheel of Pain just like the Steel Warriors but who escaped and grew up wild, and have returned as berserk legends, or something. They all look great though!

December 22nd, 2007, 06:28 PM
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Re: Worthy Heroes 1.8
Okay, today I decided to amuse myself by making some stats and descriptions for the hero pics I've made. I'm no expert at balance and thematical correctness, so these are 100% under the whims of the all mighty Quantum, the one who has the final word.
The grammar on these is unchecked. Expect to see some typoes.
- Hero for EA Atlantis. The claw is a copystats issue for darkvision, but that won't be a issue in 3.12. Hurrah!
- Hero for LA Atlantis.
- Hero for EA Helheim and perhaps MA VAnheim (don't they have Valkyries too?). I'm going to give the sprite a helmet on a later date (copystatting a Strom warrior gave her a helmet I can't get rid of, so he can't go around bareheaded). The "Death from Above" is a once-in-battle charge attack, supposing to give her a single attack with massive damage with her ridicilious ap, but charge damage bonus seems to be capped at 5 damage or just otherwise bugged. I was thinking that she could #onebattlespell Storm - I copystatted her to be able to fly at storms.
- Hero for all ages of Bandar Log. I admit the backround is a bit odd, but I kinda hate the way how Rakhashas, Palanakhanas.. etc just go "boof" in MA. They should have somekind of presence beyond some nigh uncastable spells. Besides, heroes are supposed to be extraordinary and slightly wierd.
With #onebattlespell, I was thinking that the Black Terror could summon about 5-10 of these at the start of battle, to make more effective assasin.
- Hero for EA Kailaisa. I'm going to add chains to graph later. I hereby admit that it has references to King Kong, but when making a backround for a huge badass ape, you can't just ignore the most famous ape fo them all. Thanks for Tyrian for giving me a kick start. It could also be possible to move him around a bit. Give him as "gladiator" type hero for EA Mictlan and have him escape between EA and MA. and give him to MA Bandar Log
- Hero for all ages of Bandar Log. Nothing special to say about about him. Just your basic multihero all around.
EDIT: The Attachment contains the mod I use to work these heroes. It contains the graphics and the code for the afro-mentioned units.
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December 23rd, 2007, 06:56 AM
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Re: Worthy Heroes 1.8
Good job for these heroes. The idea for the first, using him at different age with different background is very good.

December 26th, 2007, 05:24 AM
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Re: Worthy Heroes 1.8
The white ape could be a bandar silverback, a sort of wise man/tribal leader concept. Increased strength and attack skill over base bandar stats, and perhaps some minor magic skills. Nature 1, 100% NEWS? Lanka could do something similar, but N1, 100%ANDB.

December 27th, 2007, 03:52 AM
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Re: Worthy Heroes 1.8
Okay, I've been working on some more hero graphics. Comments welcome.
I've also a,used myself a bit more by working stats. QM will most likely tinker/finetune/completely revamp these ideas into something workable.
- Let's start with the "odd" one for EA R'lyeh. I didn't feel like doing your friendly neighbourhood mage hero with some extra pics, and I was itching to make use of that creepy white-eye stare that I managed put into the graphic. "Doom is Nigh!" (should be "End is Nigh!", I admit) is a range 25 attack that brings fear like a wail from 3 banshees. "Follow Me" is a range 25 attack that tries to enslave three guys. In my testing, he seemed to pretty good at expanging into independents, but will porabably roll over to anything with mr >12. He summons 6 of these per turn. I was also amusing myself with the tought of him casting "Doom" that also affects your guys. He'd then be followed by a mixed rag-tag bunch of enslaved and cursed followers.
Basic mage hero for EA/MA oceania. It seems that I forgot to give +2 encumberance for being mounted..
The forgebonus is 10%. He is the "price hero" for EA/MA oceania, giving good access to astral magic.
Basic melee hero for EA/MA oceania. I gave him 20% regeneration to prevent total suckage. If he needs further boosting, he could perhaps cast a wide area regeneration at the start of battle. Or have reinvogration.
Melee hero for EA and MA Caelum. Autosummons one Great Eagle every turn.
If the Storm Knight happens to die, this will be wrecking havoc for the rest of the battle.
Since the storm knight can't be in LA (LA caelum doesn't have temple guards), I quickly whipped this one up. The grapic is cheap, being basically a Ziz with the amulet slapped onto it.
Hero for LA Pythium. His base magic is F1D1W1N2H2 and he has 100% chance for one more in either F/D/W. He has gold cost of 600 gold (for upkeep purposes).
I'll be around for a week more, so if you have any ideas for ME Shinyama, ME Mictlan and LA Agartha heroes, speak up and I might do something about it  .
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December 27th, 2007, 11:38 AM
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Re: Worthy Heroes 1.8
Awesome stuff! If QM doesn´t incorporate those in the next version I´ll have to go back to updating worthy heroes myself  .

December 27th, 2007, 04:54 PM
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Re: Worthy Heroes 1.8
Turin said:
Awesome stuff! If QM doesn´t incorporate those in the next version I´ll have to go back to updating worthy heroes myself .
You liked the backrounds I whipped up for them? Even the Markata hero? I kinda feel that I overdid it. The stats are pretty much done "spur in the moment" are most likely unbalanced. QM is much more expirenced in that area. I'd just be glad to give him a solid backround for the heroes, since that's most likely the hardest part, IMHO. I'd like to keep QM's workload as small as possible.
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December 27th, 2007, 05:33 PM
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Re: Worthy Heroes 1.8
Especially the Markata Hero! I wanted to add one of them for a long time, but could never create a cool backstory.
I didn´t see much stuff, which could be considered overpowered. I rather think you made some of them a bit too weak, e. g. Daughter of storms could gain some air magic, Old age should be avoided on heroes, unless absolutely necessary for backstory, the impostor could gain a magic level somewhere. That´s all really minor stuff though, I think you hit the desired balance level pretty much exactly.
I noticed some typos though, e.g. storm hero "standarts" , descend upon his enemies.

December 27th, 2007, 06:58 PM
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Re: Worthy Heroes 1.8
Yeah, I'll have to spellcheck them. I have one more hero on the makings and then I'll release my heroes as an unofficial add-on to WH 1.8 (fixing typoes, making the monster/weapon/armor numbers match to WH linings.. That sort of thing). It'll be easy for QM to tinker stuff on that and will satisfy the ones needy for new content.
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