Edit: the game is now in signups, answers to discussion points are on the 5th post, mine. Though feel free to weigh in on them.
my first game, so pardon any irregularities in my post.
hopefully, this will be the first in my Freaklords series, each one having some special mods to do something interesting and different.
This game will be about equipment. which are the best ones? which comboes are best? of course tactics and diplomacy cna matter a good deal as always.
All nations will be created mod nations.
There will be no magic commanders, so all about troops.
There will also be no gem income, or magic sites.
There will be no recruitable indies; so you only have the units you chose to have.
Each nation will have 4 infantry and 2 cavalry chassis.
Each nation will also have 1 scout, 1 commander, 1 mounted commander, and 1 H1 priest commander.
For each unit you can choose its equipment from the equipment lists for generic equipment.
Infantry cost 10 gold, 1 resource +equipment resource costs.
Cavalry cost 25 gold, 1 resource + equipment resource costs. (there will be a size multiplier of 1.5 for cav equipment costs; to account for the horse barding; the game already does this in a more complicated way, just be aware of it when designing your units)
Equip List for the game
(trident was deleted for having oddly good stats for being onehanded low cost. possibly cuz trident is mostly used by underwater units, and costing may be different for them. There will be no other weapon deletions, i've checked all the others stats for normalcy)
short sword
broad sword
great sword
long spear
lance (cavalry only)
(this is the special lance attack of cav that's only once a battle and with the charge bonus, as per the way units are equipped in the game, this lance doesn't count as using a hand)
(also, all cav will have a hoof attack as per the normal game)
short bow
long bow
kite shield
tower shield - not for cav
leather cuirass
ring mail cuirass
scale mail cuirass
chain mail cuirass
plate cuirass
leather hauberk
ring mail hauberk
scale mail hauberk
chain mail hauberk
plate hauberk
full leather armor
full ring mail
full scale mail
full chain mail
full plate mail
iron cap
full helmet
half helmet
reinforced leather cap
As humans, each unit has 2 arms, but will use the standards used in the game for typical unit equipment; that is, units using both hands for a missile weapon can also have a one-handed melee weapon. Units with a 1h melee and a shield can also use javelins, as javelins are onehanded.
Edited to clarify: units using a 2-handed missile weapon can also use a 1-hand melee weapon ONLY. they cannot use a 2-handed melee weapon, nor can they use a 1-hand weapon and a shield; nor can they simply use a shield.
All cavalry units will also have a hoof attack from the horse.
All units are normal humans; with the same stats as a normal generic human unit of its type.
Which is mostly 10s; with 12 base for ap. encumbrance 3 for foot, 5 for cav.
Foot are mapmove 2; cav are mapmove 3.
There are also some points to be discussed for signup.
First, what to do about SC pretenders; they will be somewhat weakened by the lack of research and equipment only coming from random events; however that also means fewer counters for them will be available, as spells are basically non-existent.
Second, other spell-casting by pretenders; while research will be quite slow with only the pretenders to research, it would still be possible for them to get some useable battle spells. It's already a lot of modding for me to make the nations; modding out all the spells (other than the holies) would be time-consuming.
For both of these issues, they could be simply banned by declaration, with violators punished by removal from the game. Are there any existing mods which could take care of the issues? that could also cover it.
Third issue, scales; since magic is mostly useless, alot of people may take drain 3; it may be that everyone has so many points that everyone takes the same picks for scales. Should we try to avoid this, or will it simply not be a problem in the first place?
Fourth issue, gold. the need for gold will be somewhat reduced since there will be no need to accumulate mage commanders. Should the base gold multiplier be changed from the standard game settings or not?
Would anyone like to dispute the available equipment list, or nominate other options? i've been over the domdb so i'm unlikely to add anything, but if enough people want it that is possible.
It is unclear how to choose sprites for all the units people may come with. If nothing else, units will be copied from existing nations/indies with comparable equipment. but if we hvae alot of nations there may be some overlap. It would be nice if it was visible roughly what kind of equipment and weapons a unit had.
Map will depend on how many people we have.
As to hosting method and times, those are open for discussion and on whether we can find a server for a tcp/ip game. if not, then it'd have to be pbem.
If you signup, you are free to keep your equipment choicse secret from other players; so ya don't need to post em in here.
I need to know them to mod them into the game of course; but i won't be playing in it.
So, let the signups and discussion begin,