I'll try to explain my point of view but english isn't my native language so I hope you will understand what I say:
- this game was a lot of fun. It was my first MP game on this forum ( I've already played 3 MP games on a french forum ) and it was the first time I survived long enough to see the late game ( tartarian everywhere, quite scary! ).
I also discovered a nation that I never played even in SP game: pangaea. Their late game sucks but they have wonderful troops, I should have taken an other pretender.
- I understand both tharsonius and holyfrog's point of view about diplomacy so I won't try to reconcile you

- anyway, I'm losing interest in this game: I know that that I don't have a single chance to win ( I got a glimpse at utgard's capital and it's really impressive ) but I still have a great empire and my turns take a lot of time to play. Utgard send me approximatively 2 horrors and 4 disease demons each turn and the greatest part of my commanders are horror marked or insane. With astral corruption up, I fear that this game will become more and more frustrating.
So, I'm very close to set myself to AI but I don't want to leave c'tis. What can I do? I'm ready to admit that utgard won.