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Old March 3rd, 2008, 05:47 PM

Aezeal Aezeal is offline
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Default Re: Preferences & opinions R personal.

you are all cheaters and that includes KO

yeah... that'll teach you...

PS KermNelson should go play another game
"In fact one thing I find very boring in playing is that I have to constantly re-input unit building (or item forging) instructions and constantly move units to the front." --> this is dominions 3 in a nutshell
Want a blend of fantasy and sci-fi? Try the total conversion Dominions 3000 mod with a new and fully modded solar system map.
Dragons wanted? Try the Dragons, Magic Incarnate nation.
New and different undead nation? Try Souls of Shiar. Including new powerfull holy magic.
In for a whole new sort of game? Then try my scenario map Gang Wars.
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Old March 4th, 2008, 12:07 AM
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Default Re: Preferences & opinions R personal.

KermNelson said:
Yes it is your opinion. You’ve simply restated it. If I saved/replayed a turn I’d be changing the path of the game(as I’ve stated I don’t do this in Dom3 but I will freely admit I do it in many games with the savegame option.) I am providing myself with an advantage during the game in this case only against the AI. I don’t consider it “unfair” or “cheating” because I’m not playing a being.

Just because you are not playing a being doesn't mean it's not possible to cheat. And since changing the future for only your benefit is not "unfair" then let your next 10 games provide the save/reload benefit to the AI opponents. It's not "unfair" in your opinion... so from now on use the save/reload only when the AI's lose major battles.


KermNelson said:
The game has no set of rules. The game only has code. Dom3 allows Mods and I use them as I wish. I use them according to the game’s code. The game’s code is the nearest thing it has to rules and I follow it.

You follow game code?? How would someone not follow game code?? The game's programming code cannot be changed.

KermNelson said:
On your generalization to whether I think it is impossible to cheat a singleplayer game, I’d prefer to see the specific game. As I’ve already said I use some game’s ‘cheat codes’ I could debate whether I really thought it was cheating but I am willing to accept some game author’s characterization of them as ‘cheats’.

Basically this all comes down to you believing it's impossible to cheat in singleplayer games. On this note... you might as well start your games with 10 wraith lords and 200 demon knights at your capital. Seriously it would save you time.

KermNelson said:
Your speculation on my playing darts ignores that it is a parlor/pub game with well known rules and I would not be playing “according to the rules” which is a definition of fair. Therefore I would be not be playing fair.
Changing an already decided future within a game is just as fair as changing an already decided future of a thrown dart. The little grand kids call this a "re-do", yet usually by highschool they've grown out of this weakness.

And if changing the future via the save/reload was a legit fair action in singleplayer games then why has this NEVER been documented as saying, "use the save/reload if your opponent has won a major battle"??

KermNelson said:
But as I’ve stated I play Dom3 by the code while Dom3 doesn’t have rules. So I am playing by the code which is literal computer (instruction) rules(?) in Dom3 and therefore I think I am playing fair not unfair.

Well if you're playing fair then play a different type of playing fair. The next time you win a major battle, use the save/reload and change your actions.

KermNelson said:
So I provide myself with a permanent/continuous advantage, but I don’t consider it ‘unfair’.

Considering all the games you own, how many of these games do you plan on providing the AI opponents the exact same save/reload advantage??

KermNelson said:
I also am quite aware that I am taking additional strengthening measures to make it easier for me to learn a game I am fairly new at and I’ve admitted here so I’m neither “lying to” myself or deceiving others on this board.
Using the save/reload after losing a major battle is an UNFAIR ADVANTAGE because the AI opponents do not have the option to use the save/reload. If the developers of any game expected gamers to use the save/reload to change the future then for a more balanced game they would have provided a secret method for AI opponents on harder difficulty levels. The developers would have also written documentation advising to use the save/reload to change already decided game results.

KermNelson said:
I have no problem losing except that I don’t want to waste my time at learning the game. I have at no time denied that in other games that I did reload that I didn’t lose either a battle or that I was unfortunately effected some random event. The event happened – it existed. I simply choose (in some other game) where I do save and reload to replay those turns or event having learned from the experience how to do it better if possible or in the case of random events I’ve eliminated the random bad result.
Unfortunately by using such an advantage during games you never learn to deal with important major losses, you never learn strategic ways of rebuilding a crushed empire, you never develop strategic escape methods.

KermNelson said:
I’ve repeatedly freely admitted I Mod to increase my position: “I simply prefer to have the AI play consistently and increase my starting strength to decrease the learning curve and enjoy the learning process.” And I elaborated that many game companies allow setting adjustment: “Games are created with AI difficulty settings precisely to allow players to choose how hard a learning curve they experience.”
There's actually no reason to use mods for making the DOM_3 game easier. I provided a great example where without mods the player could learn the game without any danger of being killed for at least a hundred turns.

KermNelson said:
Illwinter does this in Dom3’s settings. So your suggestion that I increase my difficulty by intentionally losing battles ignores part of my stated goals: to decrease my learning curve.
Here you don't understand what can be learned from losing major battles. You've always leaned on your experiences being from ways of improving your winning battles. Hence if you were ever faced in a scenario where you've lost major units/places you'd have little to zero experience on trying to stop a strong marching enemy.
You're not the first to hide from dealing with major losses and even losing. Anyone can play a game and give themselves advantages to win, yet only some can play a game they are losing all the way to the end.

KermNelson said:
But in fact in a few games I’ve quite thoroughly learned I do restart battles to see how few troops I can win with. But this is rare and I’m usually getting quite bored with the game because I so thoroughly understand its mechanics.

This is improving your offensive strategies yet if you continue playing a game you are losing then you learn to improve your defensive strategies. I can tell you from my own personal experiences it takes courage to keep playing when you know you will be losing the game.

KermNelson said:
I tend to prefer to buy a new game and learn fresh experiences rather than waste my time on almost trivial refinement.
By using major constant advantages you're always on the winning edge... and as I've written earlier there's more to learn/experience within a game then just winning.

KermNelson said:
NT Jedi posted:
“Mods actually aren't needed even for the worst players. Simply play a very large map requiring 40% of the victory points, choose land nations for AI opponents(not ERMOR, Atlantis or Argatha), human plays a water nation, map has 40% water with no lakes and set AI difficulty on easy. No mods needed and a very easy game for the human player.”

Actually this would be quite boring because it extremely limits my interaction with the AI opponents. I’m too weak on land and they are too weak in the sea.
Actually having the AI opponents on easy and Independents set on strength 8 will allow most of the water nations plenty of time to get a strong holding on the land. Ask any members on the forum and they will provide other legit examples for an easy game without using mods.

KermNelson said:
You have repeatedly indication directly or indirectly that I somehow am pursuing an easy victory and avoiding a loss.
Well if you cannot remember the last SP game where you were losing and played to the end then you have a history of avoiding loss and seeking easy victories. Review your gaming history.

KermNelson said:
However one thing is still perfectly clear to me – we have different opinions including even your continued insistence that your statements are somehow more than simply your opinion (in my opinion).
Yes, you believe it's not possible to cheat in an SP game which I've never heard or read until your posts. I suggest gathering an opinion from other individuals from your other games by asking:
"If I use the save/reload to change an already decided future within a singleplayer game to provide myself an advantage over AI opponents is it cheating?"
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Old March 4th, 2008, 08:15 AM

Sombre Sombre is offline
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Default Re: Preferences & opinions R personal.

Talk about missing the point.
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Old March 4th, 2008, 08:36 AM

llamabeast llamabeast is offline
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Default Re: Preferences & opinions R personal.

I just hope you don't see this forum as an unfriendly place after all this KermNelson! This sure is one crazy discussion.
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Old March 4th, 2008, 12:58 PM
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Default Re: Preferences & opinions R personal.

It's funny how MMORPeger abord games.

It reminds me hundreds of threads by WoW fans asking for no corpse retrieval on Vanguard forums.

Finally the Vanguard death system was made cooler than first planned, a decision disgusting most hardcore old-EQ fans.

But their reaction on the forums gave Vanguard the image of an hardcore game, so the WoW generation avoided it too.

And Vanguard was one of the biggest failures in MMO history.
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Old March 4th, 2008, 05:29 PM
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Default Re: Preferences & opinions R personal.

llamabeast said:
I just hope you don't see this forum as an unfriendly place after all this KermNelson!
KermNelson has been on these forums even longer than me... and few can say this, I'm sure he knows our community.
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Old March 4th, 2008, 06:25 PM
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Default Re: Preferences & opinions R personal.

Hi guys … Hey Llamabeast: I may not post often but I’ve been around since at least 2002. I first bought Shrapnel – Breakaway’s Austerlitz: Napoleon’s Greatest Victory and I bought Shrapnel - Malfador Machination’s SE IV as well. So I’ve seen a lot of board posts here as well as in beta boards for EQ, AC, and SWGs. So Foodstamp & Twan: I’m used to long quoting posts from us beta testers debating where the game should go; I hope you’ll keep indulging us. Aezeal – it’s enjoyment versus boredom and enjoyment is still winning and I’m still optimizing where I can. (Might someone have made something like a batch file mod to re-enter standard builds at the capital at least?)

On to at least one more clarification …

NT Jedi posted:
1)“And if changing the future via the save/reload was a legit fair action in single player games then why has this NEVER been documented as saying, "use the save/reload if your opponent has won a major battle"??”
2) “Considering all the games you own, how many of these games do you plan on providing the AI opponents the exact same save/reload advantage??”
3)“Using the save/reload after losing a major battle is an UNFAIR ADVANTAGE because the AI opponents do not have the option to use the save/reload. If the developers of any game expected gamers to use the save/reload to change the future then for a more balanced game they would have provided a secret method for AI opponents on harder difficulty levels. The developers would have also written documentation advising to use the save/reload to change already decided game results.” (end NT Jedi posts).

Hmm NT Jedi you seem to be saying everything a player can do the AI should be able to do: that to be “fair” we should have the same game capabilities. Unfortunately since the AI can’t think like a human player game builders rarely if ever make the player and AI equal. In fact usually there are several strong pluses for the AI so it’s strategic and tactical blunders don’t cause it to lose immediately. So the player and AI aren’t fairly balanced or ‘empowered’ to begin with. The developer also knows the strengths and weaknesses of their game rules and units so they can code an extreme familiarity with the game that the novice player doesn’t possess. Therefore since obviously the game is not designed with ‘identical’ abilities on each side it would be ‘unfair’ by design if you insist on equal/identical abilities for player and AI.

As for documentation: the save/reload is a known feature. Many players are quite aware of its use. It is rare for developers to document all possible uses of all their features. In fact one of Illwinter’s strengths is that they have that beautiful 300 page manual that many modern games don’t bother with. I still remember fondly the early Civilization and MOO manuals with lots of hints and advice. I don’t know if some developers haven’t mentioned using the save/reload feature and if I go by memory I think I can remember reading some mentioning its use. You certainly haven’t proven none have done it and I’m not going to reread a few dozen manuals and pdfs I’ve got around my computer to cite them.

On to talk about losing and defense:

NT Jedi posted:
1)”Unfortunately by using such an advantage during games you never learn to deal with important major losses, you never learn strategic ways of rebuilding a crushed empire, you never develop strategic escape methods.”

2)”Here you don't understand what can be learned from losing major battles. You've always leaned on your experiences being from ways of improving your winning battles. Hence if you were ever faced in a scenario where you've lost major units/places you'd have little to zero experience on trying to stop a strong marching enemy.
You're not the first to hide from dealing with major losses and even losing. Anyone can play a game and give themselves advantages to win, yet only some can play a game they are losing all the way to the end.”

3)”if you continue playing a game you are losing then you learn to improve your defensive strategies. I can tell you from my own personal experiences it takes courage to keep playing when you know you will be losing the game.”

4)”Well if you cannot remember the last SP game where you were losing and played to the end then you have a history of avoiding loss and seeking easy victories. Review your gaming history.” (end NT Jedi posts)

While I’ve clearly stated I reduce the steepness of my learning curve and that I give myself a strong starting advantage, I’ve never said I didn’t play losing games or in tough defensive positions. I’ve lost lots of battles and fought in many tough defensive positions in games. MMORPGs as multiplayer and online games constantly strive to prevent cheating – while I certainly optimize my strategy and tactics for my personal enjoyment, I’ve never even tried to ‘cheat’ (do something that the online company: Microsoft (Turbine) or Sony would consider cheating.) I did have some very powerful tools and characters when I was part of a special test team for Turbine in AC but we were expected to optimize our time and accomplish certain goals in testing new patches (on a test server). I played other games on Microsoft’s multiplayer system including: Birth of the Federation (BotF – Star Trek) where I played games at least until I thought them hopeless versus the caliber of player I was playing and then I politely resigned and congratulated my opponents. Finally as long ago as the early 70’s I played chess both in high school and at a local chess club receiving a rating just over 1800. That included losing but it also included playing versus players that I resigned to before the end because I knew and respected their quality of play. It also included a few amazing comebacks when I felt the player could still be beat. I do the same in playing versus the AI in single player gaming.

I simply already know when I start a new game that I want an advantage. Also after learning some games thoroughly I want to do some mindless exploration for fun sometimes and will start in a position that is probably impossible to lose. I play in my style for my enjoyment. In competition with other players I never cheat and the existence and style of the other’s mind provides fascinating exploration of the game that I thoroughly enjoy even while losing.

(aside 1)
NT Jedi posted:
“Changing an already decided future within a game is just as fair as changing an already decided future of a thrown dart. The little grand kids call this a "re-do", yet usually by high school they've grown out of this weakness. “

The game is not a simple linear experience to me. If the game allows save/reload I make use of it. In a non-tournament game of chess I would frequently allow an opponent to change their move if it was a significant blunder that threatened the “challenge” of the game. In fact there is a common practice where a player would say ‘en guard’ if the opponent was exposing their queen to being taken. This in effect allows them to review their play sometimes even allowing a player to change their move. I would politely allow this ‘re-do’ and it made the game more interesting rather than simply ending it for the other player by his blunder.

It’s also interesting that you impugn the idea of a ‘re-do.’ As a senior US Army Captain I went to Fort Leavenworth for a staff school called CAS3 (cubed), the school picked up the nickname “Re-Do” U because the US Army felt it was more important to have us senior captains redo our finished work so we could learn and perfect our skills.

(aside 2)
NT Jedi posted:
“You follow game code?? How would someone not follow game code?? The game's programming code cannot be changed.”

It depends on how you define ‘game code’. As early as the gold boxed series of AD&D games, certainly in Civ and MOO, I hexedited games. In the gold boxed games I examined the games files including the exe and find out which hexcodes were used for the various AD&D items. The writers literally input items in the order they were in the hardback AD&D books and so you could guess from known hexcode what other items’ hexcodes were. Experience points were also in hexcode so find your current exp pts in hex and change it to what you wanted. I found this exploration of the hexcode added fun and enjoyment to the gold box games I’d already beat. Also Paradox games like the EU series and Hearts of Iron series had savegame files in English that you could easily modify to change all sorts of conditions (these games also have cheat codes well documented in their game manuals.) Some players also did very elaborate mods including the “CORE” mods for Hearts of Iron. Hexcode is a form of code … was I following game code when I edited these games? Or was I changing the games code? Is editing a savegame OK while changing other gamefiles not OK? In Medieval Total War there were building and unit files that if changed effected all gameplay even new games – is changing them following game code? I read someone else’s public work on these files in modding a game and have done this too.

I still am reading what I consider your opinions, NT Jedi. I beginning to wonder if you’re the one in denial. But at least for now I find this exploration interesting.

Thanks all for your patience!
Take care,
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Old March 4th, 2008, 06:30 PM

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Default Re: Preferences & opinions R personal.

Aha, I had assumed you were new, KermNelson. Apologies.
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Old March 4th, 2008, 07:47 PM
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Default Re: Preferences & opinions R personal.

No problem ... Llamabeast

... details ... I boo boo'd badly ...

I've just checked EU/HOI manuals and arrggh! They don't show the cheatcodes. That's what I get for relying on memory. I got this sudden fact checking panic attack and I was wrong - no listed cheat codes even if they are in the gamecode.

However since I was boring myself with manuals:
pg 47 of Rome Total War manual:

"Load Game and Save Game allow you to save your position and reload it later (or even undo some terrible calamity by stepping back to an earlier game date, not that you'd ever cheat like this, oh no)."

While clearing labeling this tactic as a 'cheat' the humorous response (sarcasm) obviously indicates the manual's expectation of use for exactly this purpose.

On usable codes to change your stats in Neverwinter Nights manual (pg 171): gives a table of "Common Commands"

Some are: ModAge # or SetAge #, also a series ModSTR # thru ModCHA #, and SetSTR # thru SetCHA #, GiveXP #, GiveLevel #.

This is the D&D system so this allows the player to quite effectively change (cheat?) his character stats and level. There are other useful commands. My point being that some games do release in their manual cheatcodes and/or modcodes that can be used to radically change gamebalance.
Take care,
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Old March 6th, 2008, 05:29 AM
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Default Re: Preferences & opinions R personal.

KermNelson said:
Hmm NT Jedi you seem to be saying everything a player can do the AI should be able to do: that to be “fair” we should have the same game capabilities. Unfortunately since the AI can’t think like a human player game builders rarely if ever make the player and AI equal. In fact usually there are several strong pluses for the AI so it’s strategic and tactical blunders don’t cause it to lose immediately. So the player and AI aren’t fairly balanced or ‘empowered’ to begin with.
Very very few PC_games are balanced between all players when the game starts, the closest games would be chess and checkers. Each PC_game has many random variables providing some opponents with stronger starting positions. Every game has either in-game options, windows_OS options or outside hacks which can provide changes during the game. When these changes alter an existing future for one opponent then the game's natural history has ended. In the case of DOM_3 using the save/reload to change an already decided future for an important battle(s) the game's natural history has ended... it's no longer a game where each opponent is battling for godhood because it's clear one opponent is controlling the future.
The same would be true if you had your own personal slot machine where no real money was being used and changed the results when losing a major bet.

KermNelson said:
The developer also knows the strengths and weaknesses of their game rules and units so they can code an extreme familiarity with the game that the novice player doesn’t possess. Therefore since obviously the game is not designed with ‘identical’ abilities on each side it would be ‘unfair’ by design if you insist on equal/identical abilities for player and AI.
As mentioned earlier, very few PC_games are balanced between all players at the start of a game. However there is a major difference between having a strong advantage and controlling the future! For any game the individual controlling the future will win(if he chooses) and thus the game is now within a controlled environment of the individual controlling the future.
EVERY GAME involves a risk of losing, thus if you remove the risk of losing by changing/controlling the future it's no longer a game and just a controlled environment.

KermNelson said:
As for documentation: the save/reload is a known feature. Many players are quite aware of its use. It is rare for developers to document all possible uses of all their features. ... You certainly haven’t proven none have done it and I’m not going to reread a few dozen manuals and pdfs I’ve got around my computer to cite them.
Of course save/reload is a known feature... hence if your computer crashes while playing the reload option prevents losing hours and hours of time. Unfortunately it's just as easy to use this great tool for cheating and thus allowing a player to control the future. The developers/publishers don't have time to list the hundreds or thousands of different ways it's possible to cheat within todays complex games.

KermNelson said:
On to talk about losing and defense:
While I’ve clearly stated I reduce the steepness of my learning curve and that I give myself a strong starting advantage, I’ve never said I didn’t play losing games or in tough defensive positions. I’ve lost lots of battles and fought in many tough defensive positions in games. MMORPGs as multiplayer and online games constantly strive to prevent cheating – while I certainly optimize my strategy and tactics for my personal enjoyment, I’ve never even tried to ‘cheat’ (do something that the online company: Microsoft (Turbine) or Sony would consider cheating.) I did have some very powerful tools and characters when I was part of a special test team for Turbine in AC but we were expected to optimize our time and accomplish certain goals in testing new patches (on a test server). I played other games on Microsoft’s multiplayer system including: Birth of the Federation (BotF – Star Trek) where I played games at least until I thought them hopeless versus the caliber of player I was playing and then I politely resigned and congratulated my opponents. Finally as long ago as the early 70’s I played chess both in high school and at a local chess club receiving a rating just over 1800. That included losing but it also included playing versus players that I resigned to before the end because I knew and respected their quality of play. It also included a few amazing comebacks when I felt the player could still be beat. I do the same in playing versus the AI in single player gaming.
As mentioned earlier, there's no need to use mods for providing yourself an advantage for the learning curve. If you place a topic on the main forum asking for an easy game without mods, you'll receive at least 5 good responses. Based on the past history you've mentioned I'm surprised you would even remotely consider providing yourself such a massive unbalanced advantage such as controlling the future via the save/reload for any game... unless you don't consider that current game a test of your skills and you are purposely controlling the environment for preparation of some other existing game or future game.

KermNelson said:
I simply already know when I start a new game that I want an advantage.
Tipping the scales to your advantage via mods or map edit commands is a smaller type of cheating depending on how much tipping was done. Controlling the future via save/relaod is a major type of cheating. Another sign using save/reload to change the future is cheating is because even 80,000 years from today no AI opponents will control an already decided future within a game.
The_Gameominions_505 ____Released: May19th___Year_82,008
Battle Results: You've killed the AI pretender and it's prophet after a 42_turn battle... wait it's changing the future upon next turn they will be alive again and your pretender and army will be dead.

KermNelson said:
Also after learning some games thoroughly I want to do some mindless exploration for fun sometimes and will start in a position that is probably impossible to lose. I play in my style for my enjoyment.
I do testing for a mod I'm developing, another type of game exploration. Playing for fun is why the gaming industry has exceeded the movie industry. Exploring and testing can be fun exercises. To start a game an actually consider the game a test of your skills means playing without controlling the future.

KermNelson said:
In competition with other players I never cheat and the existence and style of the other’s mind provides fascinating exploration of the game that I thoroughly enjoy even while losing.
It's hard for many to continue playing even in MP games, I frequently have read and seen players just toss in the towel after losing a major battle. As a result the games need substitutes or the nation is turned into an AI. Personally I've always fought to the bitter end during games unless someone was cheating or I was provided an unfair major disadvantage.

KermNelson said:
It’s also interesting that you impugn the idea of a ‘re-do.’ As a senior US Army Captain I went to Fort Leavenworth for a staff school called CAS3 (cubed), the school picked up the nickname “Re-Do” U because the US Army felt it was more important to have us senior captains redo our finished work so we could learn and perfect our skills.
Yes reloading to perfect skills can be important and fun, controlled environments are typically used for learning and perfecting skills.
KermNelson said:
(aside 2)
NT Jedi posted:
“You follow game code?? How would someone not follow game code?? The game's programming code cannot be changed.”

It depends on how you define ‘game code’. As early as the gold boxed series of AD&D games, certainly in Civ and MOO, I hexedited games. In the gold boxed games I examined the games files including the exe and find out which hexcodes were used for the various AD&D items. The writers literally input items in the order they were in the hardback AD&D books and so you could guess from known hexcode what other items’ hexcodes were. Experience points were also in hexcode so find your current exp pts in hex and change it to what you wanted. I found this exploration of the hexcode added fun and enjoyment to the gold box games I’d already beat. Also Paradox games like the EU series and Hearts of Iron series had savegame files in English that you could easily modify to change all sorts of conditions (these games also have cheat codes well documented in their game manuals.) Some players also did very elaborate mods including the “CORE” mods for Hearts of Iron. Hexcode is a form of code … was I following game code when I edited these games? Or was I changing the games code? Is editing a savegame OK while changing other gamefiles not OK?
If you edited game code to make the game easier then it's a type of cheating depending on how much you've tipped the game into your advantage. Editing any existing game to provide yourself an advantage is cheating... the greater the advantage the greater the cheating. Editing a game to workaround a bug or improve game performance/quality is not cheating since the risk of losing has not been tampered.

KermNelson said:

I've just checked EU/HOI manuals and arrggh! They don't show the cheatcodes. That's what I get for relying on memory. I got this sudden fact checking panic attack and I was wrong - no listed cheat codes even if they are in the gamecode.

Cheat codes exist because developers use them for testing the game, the cheat codes remain for two reasons. First it would take time to remove them which can be spent improving the game elsewhere. Second hardcore cheaters will hack into the game or find a friend to hack the game and develop the cheats.

KermNelson said:
pg 47 of Rome Total War manual:

"Load Game and Save Game allow you to save your position and reload it later (or even undo some terrible calamity by stepping back to an earlier game date, not that you'd ever cheat like this, oh no)."

While clearing labeling this tactic as a 'cheat' the humorous response (sarcasm) obviously indicates the manual's expectation of use for exactly this purpose.

On usable codes to change your stats in Neverwinter Nights manual (pg 171): gives a table of "Common Commands"

Some are: ModAge # or SetAge #, also a series ModSTR # thru ModCHA #, and SetSTR # thru SetCHA #, GiveXP #, GiveLevel #.

This is the D&D system so this allows the player to quite effectively change (cheat?) his character stats and level. There are other useful commands. My point being that some games do release in their manual cheatcodes and/or modcodes that can be used to radically change gamebalance.

Even the developers from Rome Total War state using the save/reload to undo a decided future is cheating... as I've been saying from the beginning. Their comment is sarcasm because they know SOME gamers will cheat, it's inevitable... but it's still cheating.
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