
March 21st, 2008, 01:04 AM
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Which undersea summons are worthwhile?
I've been reading up on the Vanilla Summons thread, and it started me wondering which undersea summons are worthwhile. I've noticed blood summons seem pretty powerful, but water summons in general don't seem that great. I suppose there are a number of undead death summons worth considering too. Anyone have suggestions?

March 21st, 2008, 01:24 AM
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Re: Which undersea summons are worthwhile?
edited. Will refill later.

March 21st, 2008, 01:37 AM
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Re: Which undersea summons are worthwhile?
Hmm, thanks for the input. Are any of the water path summons worthwhile by the way? Death magic is looking a bit stronger.

March 21st, 2008, 01:47 AM
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Re: Which undersea summons are worthwhile?
Contact Naiad is great for boosting your magical paths, but there really aren't any great conventional water unit summons. Sea Trolls are good, but very expensive. Queens of Elemental Water are good, but only 1 can leave the sea. The powerful death summons are definitely the way to go.

March 21st, 2008, 02:05 AM
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Re: Which undersea summons are worthwhile?
Hmm, any suggestions on what are good uses for water gems then? Maybe saving for the Queens of Elemental Water, forging, or combat summons / rituals? I'm getting the feeling that death is a better path than water in general. 

March 21st, 2008, 02:15 AM
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Re: Which undersea summons are worthwhile?
Underwater Combat 101:
1) You must have Shark Attack. Beeline toward it. It is your early Atom Bomb.
2) Summon Asp Turtle. Oh my... yes, summon some Asp Turtles. They are extremely nasty.
3) Summon Water Queens. They regenerate all hit points each turn. Equip them well.
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March 21st, 2008, 04:11 AM
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Re: Which undersea summons are worthwhile?
The Classic use for water gems is to forge Clams of Pearls. Building enough of these will give you an enormous end game advantage. If you don't have recruitable water/nature mage, then summon a Naiad to do it. Water gems also have several items great for thugs: frostbrand and boots of quickness come to my mind.

March 21st, 2008, 04:18 AM
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Re: Which undersea summons are worthwhile?
Lingchih said:
Underwater Combat 101:
1) You must have Shark Attack. Beeline toward it. It is your early Atom Bomb.
2) Summon Asp Turtle. Oh my... yes, summon some Asp Turtles. They are extremely nasty.
3) Summon Water Queens. They regenerate all hit points each turn. Equip them well.
I would avoid fighting an undersea battle without both shark attack and friendly currents cast. You can get a trident from construction 4, I think, that casts currents each battle for free. You'll have to cast shark attack, but it's well worth it.

March 21st, 2008, 06:47 AM
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Re: Which undersea summons are worthwhile?
I only really use sea trolls and battle summoned water elementals (living water) when fighting underwater. I always try using shark attack and friendly currents with them.
If you can get the 3 water queens then they should be your priority for your water gems.
Items like boots of quickness, jade armour, bottles of living water, water braclet and robe of the sea are good items to forge with water gems.
Finally, the global Maelstrom is perhaps the best gem producing global in the game, as it produces the most gems, 27 gems per turn in total. The drawback is 15 of them are water gems and its Evo 8.

March 21st, 2008, 07:25 AM
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Re: Which undersea summons are worthwhile?
Leviathans worth their price if you have death/water.
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