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Old March 25th, 2008, 10:45 AM
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Default Re: Fomoria Wins!

Pasha thanks for hosting. I would love to see the turn files.
i crossed blades with the mightiest warriors of the golden age. i witnessed with sorrow the schism that led to the passing of legends. now my sword hangs in its scabbard, with nothing but memories to keep it warm.
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Old March 25th, 2008, 12:51 PM

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Default Re: Fomoria Wins!

Quick, someone start a new game before withdrawal sets in!
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Old March 25th, 2008, 03:21 PM
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Default Re: Fomoria Wins!

Micah said:
What gave me away Meglo? Just curious what you picked up on from my play style.
Sheer aggressive style from beginning, middle to end game backed by your impressive win record.

Micah said:How many gems went into your well?
I cast it at base cost.

At that stage you were looking unstoppable, I figured me getting the well of misery up and using it to spam ghost riders, conjure tartarians and hit your armies with leprosy, plus enable me to skele spam + darkness and others attacking you might just give us all a chance.

I at least thought it was a, 'shot to nothing', in that it would last 4 turns and get me my gems back. This is the only MP I have been in where someones gem producing global lasted 1 turn, good play!

Amhazair said:
* Meglobob still thinks I'm awesome.

But not as awesome as Wraithlord, cause he beat you...
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Old March 25th, 2008, 08:01 PM
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Default Re: Fomoria Wins!

I am happy to host another RAND game, but maybe wait until May so Wraithlord can play.

I will look into sending the turns to players who request, but maybe not *all* of the turns, because it would be a huge, huge file. But, I could send maybe a select few over certain intervals, and then if a player wants a specific game turn, then I can send that, too.

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Old March 25th, 2008, 09:11 PM

Jurri Jurri is offline
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Default Re: Fomoria Wins!

Ooh, congrats Micah! I had also placed you at Fomoria way early (before you attacked me), just based on the audacity of your game I also put QM at Abysia since no one else uses that kind of pretenders (although Vanheim also scripted very QM-like to my eye)... The rest, I had no idea about. Indeed, I thought Wraithlord was Sauro, just based on the temperate pattern of expansion.

I had some real big plans before the onslaught. Even when Fomoria attacked, I figured him attacking me was just excellent since that would mean he wouldn't sneak a win by grabbing other capitals when I was busy preparing for my play... Then I saw the Shadow Seers and the Enchantress and knew that was that

A fun game: thanks Pasha for hosting, and all youse for playing! How did you all know I was Ulm?
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Old March 25th, 2008, 09:48 PM

quantum_mechani quantum_mechani is offline
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Default Re: Fomoria Wins!

Jurri said:
How did you all know I was Ulm?
Well, I was reasonably sure you were Sauro, Fomoria or Ulm just from the early graphs. But Sauro used a lot of unorthodox summons I don't think you would have picked, and getting forge rolling seemed more your style than Fomoria's permanent state of rushing.

I'm not sure my pretender was such a bad choice. An awake PoD/Cyclops or blessing would have mopped up C'tis faster, but still not near fast enough that I wouldn't have been left in pretty much the same situation when Van attacked. And the free gems were suprisingly useful.
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Old March 25th, 2008, 10:18 PM
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Default Re: Fomoria Wins!

Definitely a great game, I was in it at the beginning (as Pan), and the end (as a replacement for Meglobob as Sauro). As Pan I fell quickly to Ulm, and it really irked as I had some bad luck in my first few turns (bad strategy, failed to take provinces 2 or 3 times in a row). So when a replacement was needed I figured I'd check it out. Decent position, but I'd never played Sauro before, so I was learning a lot. And damn, Fomoria was a pain to beat, I didn't know which tactics would work best. And I could tell from the graphs he was about to win, so I thought he would go for the Caleum capital. Instead he went for Lanka, and I wasn't prepared for that, and knew it was over. I tried to throw a last ditch strike against Lanka, but the seers and Giant Kings ruled the battle. Great game!!

I definitely can't wait for the next RAND game, hopefully it will start as late as June, only because I will be heading to South Africa for my brother's wedding at the end of May. Never been there (should be fun) and won't have a computer with me. Oh well, if it starts while I'm gone I'll be available as a sub when I get back. Unless of course the game starts now (hehehe). Great game everybody.

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Old March 25th, 2008, 10:29 PM
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Default Re: Fomoria Wins!

Sent a variety of turns to folks. If you have special requests, let me know. I will keep the files for a week or so.

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Old March 26th, 2008, 06:43 PM
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Default Re: Fomoria Wins!

I'm watching the replays now. Got to turn 20.

Boy, Does Micah have one helluva aggressive play style. From the get go he is simply pounding all opposition and somehow seems to ride a razor's edge between victory and defeat. In specific battles he seems to be taking risls but somehow almost always ends up winning. Got to give him credit, for he has got (in a manner of speech) one set of iron balls

I have never yet, in all my experience of playing dominions encountered such an aggressive play style. Nice making your acquaintance Micah, hope to meet you in future games. Though next time when I see a nation madly rushing for victory I'll go to help stop it, instead of selfishly trying to expand my empire
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Old March 26th, 2008, 07:01 PM
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Default Re: Fomoria Wins!

Got to turn 34 which gives a good snapshot of the war between Ulm and Fomoria. This turn shows Jurri to deploy very interesting raiding tactics.

I'm eagerly rushing to the next turns to see the dirty details of how that war goes on.
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