
March 25th, 2008, 05:28 PM
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Update from the Front
So sad to see a Niefelheim giant get leprosy. What a waste!
But despite the sorcerous onslaught of TC that continues to dramatically reduce Niefelheim's magic academy, we are happy to report getting off one icy spell that decimated a small part of TC's army. The western front appears to be lost - only one regiment, The Blizzard Corps, managed to escape the ruins of Niefelheim's western post. Things look a little better in the East, where Niefelheim won its only victory against TC with the help of an unusually cold winter (if only I had more water gems. Note to self: site search early on) and has managed to cross the straits to the North.
(Caveat: have yet to look at latest turn. Good chance some new sorcerous concoction has obliterated us)
i crossed blades with the mightiest warriors of the golden age. i witnessed with sorrow the schism that led to the passing of legends. now my sword hangs in its scabbard, with nothing but memories to keep it warm.

March 25th, 2008, 06:22 PM
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Re: Update from the Front
The occupational health risks of falling giant icy teardrops are unnacceptible, so the Triton Lords march (float?) on TC. Winter comes in greater numbers.

March 27th, 2008, 05:56 AM
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Re: Update from the Front
I am going AI. Useless to fight. Frankly a little disappointed in some of these endgame strategies (exploits?) E.g. TC attacks with his Pretender who has cast Ritual of Returning upon himself and holds Unquenched (creates Heat from Hell).
TC Pretender's first action is to cast Mists of Deception, then I am assuming the Heat from Hell damages his pretender so the Ritual of returning kicks him home. There is a message that says TC is routed. But Niefelheim's entire army runs around fighting the illusionary warriors for what seems like forever amidst the Heat from Hell. Even though TC's pretender vanishes, it seems these spells remain in effect. The battle goes so long I cannot even bear to finish watching it and Niefel giants start dropping from fatigue and eventually get the message Niefelheim is routed. Huge Niefel army is slaughtered.
What kind of battle is that? What is the point of carrying on?
I am going to post this on the main thread and see if there are counters to this or if this is one of those unstoppable slaughter moves. The more I learn of these the more I become somewhat disenchanted with how these games end. If there are no counters then it seems it just is a race to research artifacts / summon tartarians.
btw - seems like a pretty advanced move for a noob game. Nice job >.< if you came up with it on your own.
Bye Capuchin, bye cruel world. I will be sure to distribute gems and magic items to those who wish to fight on.
i crossed blades with the mightiest warriors of the golden age. i witnessed with sorrow the schism that led to the passing of legends. now my sword hangs in its scabbard, with nothing but memories to keep it warm.

March 27th, 2008, 07:15 AM
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Re: Update from the Front
DonCorazon - yes, it's a known exploit. Some people just do anything to win, even if it means spoiling the game for others. I recommend not playing that person in future again.

March 27th, 2008, 08:28 AM
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Re: Update from the Front
That's an exploit which shouldn't be used. Dammit, I wish I'd said that somewhere explicitly.
I guess it's quite likely that T'ien Ch'i either thought of it himself (I'm impressed!) or read the suggestion on the forum without reading the following community digust, in which case he certainly doesn't deserve any harsh words from us. But in any case, it's definitely not a fair move.
I'm actually open to rolling back the turn and asking just T'ien Ch'i to retake his turn but do something else with his pretender. DonCorazon, would you have the stomach to continue the game if I did that? It is indeed a silly way for the game to be finished for you.
Finally, although the end game seems different to the early and mid games and can initially be frustrating, I can reassure you that there is still plenty of strategy and options. It's not as if you have to have artifacts or Tartarians to win, so you shouldn't think that. I almost never bother getting artifacts in fact, and tend to get Tartarians as an afterthought (not that I'm one of the best players, but I've won a few games). It is a bit different though, and requires some thought. Anyway, whoever wins the early and mid games tends to win the late game (assuming they're not ganged up on), because they tend to have more gold, gems and research.

March 27th, 2008, 12:07 PM
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Re: Update from the Front
thanks for the gracious offer, llama. At this point I am feeling somewhat soured / grumpy in Capuchin and ready to move on. I guess seeing my Niefels get slaughtered traumatized me  and a roll back means what few tricks I had up my sleeve were revealed to my enemy.
But as one of the "powerful" nations (at least a couple turns ago), I will continue on with the rollback if at least a few other players have a strong desire to keep playing. I personally hate players to go AI early. But frankly, I have little desire to keep playing and trying to take thoughtful turns in this particular game.
I'd prefer to take the many lessons learned here and start a new game, I guess with more rules outlined up front. Again, I will wait to hear what others have to say.
btw, I think TC would win regardless, it is a shame he felt these types of moves were necessary. If you read the thread above, you can see I certainly don't mind getting slaughtered by "fair" means, or at least I can take it with a smile. But just getting slaughtered with no chance to fight back ? I don't even see how that provides any sense of joy to the victor.
i crossed blades with the mightiest warriors of the golden age. i witnessed with sorrow the schism that led to the passing of legends. now my sword hangs in its scabbard, with nothing but memories to keep it warm.

March 27th, 2008, 12:52 PM
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Re: Update from the Front
He did not know? Whom are you kidding?
This exploit was explicitly described in DangerPudding, when Fomoria, maybe
accidentally, used the sword of storms and the armour of virtue on the same guy.
I know, because my uncle asked my advice on that. And I gave him examples, which
he posted in the thread.
At that time, the Tien Chi player was a participant in the game, and posted after
the discussion. The discussion ended with three people posting that it is on the
short bug list, and should not be used.
So arguing that this is not an exploit is OK (albeit wrong) but saying that
Tien Chi did not know is ... naive?
No good deed goes unpunished...

March 27th, 2008, 01:31 PM
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Re: Update from the Front
>.< is busy with exams...but I have to make some answer.
especially to some guy use his own gray heart to render mine:
This is my first MP game. Unquenched + Mists of Deception is a strategy I carried from my SP experience. Why you called it exploits? If your soldiers are quick enough to kill all phantom warriors in one turn, you will win the battle. It's a good strategy to eliminate army that has no flying troops. Anything wrong?
To the guy above: who is your uncle? I never played any game with you. I was defeated by TC, Niefel in [DangerPudding] and didn't participate in that game for a long time.
Just viewed the discussion of DangerPudding. Haven't read that part of discussion before. My last post there is just to say bye-bye. That guy named Tuidjy seems to be a bug-master. Even his uncle asked him for advice. You should at least check with Fomoria before framing the case against me.
Some people do anything to win. But I play game for fun. Now I can not gain any more interests here. I'm going AI. Gold/gems will be distributed to other nations. My only ally will get more. Good luck for all guys remaining in the game. Sorry for any trouble after TC go AI. You defeat me, Niefelheim. By only a post, you defeat me in all games.
Although there are many hot hearted person here, it's not a civilized forum. Before today I enjoyed the feeling of playing with people, but now I realize that some person are more horrible than AI. I'm leaving and won't touch dom3 any more.
Back to prepare my own exams. Goodbye, everyone.

March 27th, 2008, 02:14 PM
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Re: Update from the Front
Nick was Niefelheim. The quotes are from posts that came a few posts before
your last post. Am I to believe that you do not read threads that you are
posting to?
"Two scenarios:
1. Two units on field. One has "Staff of Storms", casts "Wrathful Skies", and retreats. Other stays and fight.
2. Two units on field. One casts "Mist of Deception" and retreats. Other has "Staff of Storms", casts "Wrathful Skies", and retreats.
Do we allow either? My preference is: "No" on 1, "No" on 2."
[a number of posts that all agree it is an exploit ending with]
well if it is on the bug list, ofcourse it shouldn't be used. No reason to make it such a big deal...
[three posts]
A post by you.
No good deed goes unpunished...

March 27th, 2008, 02:18 PM
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Re: Update from the Front
So far i have been lucky not to be on the receiving end of such exploits (and yes, i consider this one to be an exploit and not a valid strategy). A rollback and a promise by all participants not to use such exploits would be necessary to continue this game, in my opinion.
Btw, it there a collection of known exploits other than the bug shortlist?
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