Perma sub needed for MA Pythium
We're looking for a sub for MA Pythium in the Uakari game. The game is currently at turn 43, and Pythium is in a very strong position with a big research lead (and master enslave capability) and among the top nations in all graphs. Due to this strength, they are in a difficult diplomatic situation though, and war on several fronts looks likely unless the new sub can disarm the situation.
The game is a PBEM played on the llamaserver and hence I will need to know the mail adress where you want your turns sent to. For more information on Pythium's situation(and possibly the password, I'm waiting to hear back from Velusion to know if he has passworded his pretender) you can PM Velusion.
Praeterea censeo, contributoribus magnae auctoritatis e Foro Shrapnelsi frequenter in exsilium eiectis, eos qui verum auxilium petunt melius hoc situ adiuvari posse.