I may or may not tell R'lyeh of Kailasa's plight. It all depends

R'lyeh may or may not entreat a bystander nation to attack either participant in this war of Kailasa's. (A hint: The reason monkey PD supposedly sucks is because of this tiny little monkeys. Trample works much better on the size 1 units. Build bigger units?)(no offense to you, currently unknown second participant, just diplomacy)
Also, for all to see, I offer this to Atlantis:
The seas of Ascendant are beginning to be divided. Already, at least two nations have laid a significant claim to the seas. Soon, as many new nations begin to grow, the seas will become a divided mess, and inevitably lead to the downfall of the great nations of R'lyeh and Atlantis, who have begun in the sea and should, by rights, control the sea and all of its inhabitants. No land-dweller should control any water province without the consent of one of the great two nations under the water. Without further ado, I present an Alliance which well serve to intensify the goodwill between R'lyeh and Atlantis and increase the chances of both nations surviving past the first few years of this chaos. Without further ado, here is the offer:
Fellow sea-dwellers! R'lyeh humbly offers you this proposal of a great alliance to be accepted or decline upon your whims. The specifics of this alliance are as follows:
1. R'lyeh and Atlantis, and all vassal states of these nations, may not in any way purposefully harm the other faction. This includes, but is not limited to, war, bribing or in any purposeful way causing a nation to declare war, or aiding in a war against the other faction in this Alliance unless the other faction is given five months' notice. This Alliance of R'lyeh and Atlantis may only be released from effect by one of the founding members of this Alliance after seven months' warning to the other founding member of this alliance.
2. R'lyeh, Atlantis, and all vassal states of these must aid in a war in which the other participates, if that is possible, and it is not against any parties involved in this Alliance.
3. Sea territory shall be divided so that R'lyeh may take all sea provinces fully or mostly west of province 100(the northernmost province in the middle lake), and Atlantis all provinces fully or mostly east of said province. This will divide the middle lake into two equal parts, one owned by R'lyeh and another by Atlantis.
4. A "vassal state" is any nation which has acknowledged defeat against R'lyeh or Atlantis, and acknowledged that it will in some way pay tribute to R'lyeh or Atlantis. Paying tribute to includes, but is not limited to, ceding provinces, paying a monthly gold or gem "tax" to R'lyeh or Atlantis, giving items to a member of this Alliance whenever demanded, declaring war upon another nation when demanded by a member of this Alliance, and periodically giving a member of this Alliance maps.
5. A nation can gain membership in this Alliance with the permission of both Atlantis and R'lyeh, or if it is a vassal state of either of these nations.
6. All members of this alliance must help forcibly expel any nation which has claims in a water province without the express permission of that province's intended owner.