By the way, Sauromatia has clearly proved that logic can be used any way you want. He clearly described his own strategy either forgetting that it isn't the only one possible or just wishing that others forget it. Claire has clearly shown why it would be eeroneous for others to pursue the similar strategy now.
BTW, Tien Chi's attack on me was another example against Sauromatia's argument - he attacked a strongly positioned nation before it would become stronger still instead of attacking Caelum whom he can eat at any time.. If I had all my lands for these turns I could have research comparable to his by now & my main army would return from vanquishing Fomors. (as for my own mistake it was probably using to much force against Fomoria while don't leaving enough against other neighbors - but I honestly didn't expect them to crumble so easily. Also this was another example of the similar approach - Fomoria had no other route of expansion except through my lands & if they had time for research they could get quite fine thugs/SCs to fight me - attacking them before this I gained a position which I could defend while if I had to fight both them & Tien Chi I would be dead long before now.)
Possibly others can continue this with examples from other wars.. In fact I ask for such examples now - even from my enemies in the interest of knowledge of all.
As far as I know, Kailasa used a similar approach to that recommended by Sauromatia when making peace with Caelum & getting more territory from neutrals. This brought them what they have now - though they were in an unenviable position between 2 major powers, so this isn't probably a good example.
So it looks that while Sauromatia's approach worked for them just fine, it didn't work for others & furthermore, others were relatively successful with just the opposite. Again, just as in real life..

And banding together against major power also brought results quite often both in game & real life.

Also, I think that from the pure mathematical poin of view (i.e., barring some inspired strategy which opponent won't find a recipe against in time) Sauromatia now will "grow strong" much faster than any opponent whom they offer to hope for this - they have more territory, money (which translate into castles) & gems, so they: a) will recruit troops faster than anyone else; b) will recruit mages faster & so will eventually have the fastest research & the fastest item production - which, of course, translates into globals & SCs...