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Old May 17th, 2008, 06:05 AM
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Default Re: The Wisdom of Panakeia

Ok, so no one bit on the earth gems. Oh well, no big deal, and it pissed Agartha off anyway, so offer is withdrawn.

But Ermor now offers glossy black death gems for nature gems. What a deal! Get rid of your lackluster nature gems for ultra-useful death gems. Hurry, this offer won't last long.

PM me for details.
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Old May 17th, 2008, 12:22 PM

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Default Re: The Wisdom of Panakeia

Pythium has so many d gems that they resemble a slag yard.
To what use can they be put again? Perhaps to summon a tartarian with a Shattered Soul? The key question is will a hopelessly insane Tartarian recognize friend from foe? Or will he have any friends at all?
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Old May 19th, 2008, 12:48 AM
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Default Re: The Wisdom of Panakeia

Whewie, gotta love that. The turn you step in to sub you see a fight where you lose 69/104 mages. Blech! Anyway, I'm running Caelum now, so send any messages my way. And R'yleh is a weenie.
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Old May 19th, 2008, 03:01 AM
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Default Re: The Wisdom of Panakeia

Wow. Caelum has been through, like 3 players now. That is truly a schizophrenic nation.

Caelum... calling Caelum. This is Ermor. Yes, Ermor. We are at peace. Repeat, we are at peace.

Hope that got through.
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Old May 19th, 2008, 06:42 AM
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Default Re: The Wisdom of Panakeia

I am guessing there was a server reset?

When are we going to go to a 72 hours hosting period for this game? Hopefully around the same time the new mega game gets busy.
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Old May 21st, 2008, 12:30 PM
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Default Re: The Wisdom of Panakeia

Looks like we are on a 72 hosting period already.

A warning to all nations: Pythium is going to take two of my castles very soon. There is a large army of Tartarians and other large HP units rampaging my lands with plenty of High level astral mages. He is casting plenty of Ghost Riders; many Harbingers and other assorted SC's are flying around my lands as well.

As he takes more of my provinces the more he grows in power. If you don't stop him now it will probably be too late.
If you are willing to let him be the winner, so be it.

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Old May 21st, 2008, 01:00 PM

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Default Re: The Wisdom of Panakeia

Actually, we did lose a province to Pangaea last turn(: So it was not all roses and wine.

In fact we have steadily lost all but 2 of the provinces we have taken from Pangaea, as our sc's have not fared well against the sleep vines of the carrion crap.

And I think Ctis, and his allies are still the most powerful block of nations, though it was Shinuyama's unopposed rise to the top of the graphs that forced Pythium to get involved in the first instance.

The bad thing about being Pythium is we are all alone(: No one likes us.

And those high hp tartarians, i just needed to get them out of my lands before they go insane. If you look closely most are blind, feebleminded, and have other afflictions.

Also, Pythium is quite nervous as there appears to be many warmongering nations surrounding us. On one turn we notice we have caelum as a neighbor, and on the next the Ryleh.

Then even the settled boundaries of the water provinces appear to have changed, unless our memory deserts us.
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Old May 21st, 2008, 01:29 PM
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Default Re: The Wisdom of Panakeia

The web summary don't reflect the new hosting period.
I wish it was corrected as there will probably be some stale turns sooner or later.
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Old May 21st, 2008, 02:27 PM

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Default List of suspects is quite narrow

With Machaka, Ulm, and Tien Chi already dead, I would be quite careful with this sort of stuff as Panakeia was not born yesterday, and deals quite harshly with unprovoked attacks.
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Old May 22nd, 2008, 04:25 PM

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Default Re: List of suspects is quite narrow

Is there a single nation that Shinuyama has not asked to attack the Peaceful People Of Pythium? Folks, take a look at the score graphs. When Pythium attacked Shinuyama the foul demons were far and away the strongest nation.

Pythium's so-called flying forces consist of 3 harbingers. Yes, there are a few s mages, but shinuyama has his own wizards and adepts of the golden order. And we saw how far s mages got poor Arcoscephale, whose peaceful civilization was savaged by Shinuyama.

And yes, Pythium also has 3 gor tartarians in Shin's lands. Other nations have many times the number of gor tartarians that pythium has.

And let us not mourn poor Shinuyama prematurely. He has yet to lose a single fort, and has more provinces, forts and capitals than most of you from whom he is seeking aid.

He can also recruit high hp mages that can cast summon earthpower, then spam banefire at every fort, and he has many national summons that consist of foul demons that throw lightning and fire. Be glad that Pythium has sacrificed many men, and spent many gems to hold this foul menace at bay.

Due to the vast distances that Shin.'s Empire spans, literally hundreds of gems were used to transport troops to remote corners of the globe. Pythium, unlike certain other nations, will not beg for help, but we will not turn away donations from other enlightened nations that do not want to see the Demons rule the Earth.

Pythium-A Name you Trust.
"War is an art and as such is not susceptible of explanation by fixed formula."
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