im adding you both, game is at 13 players, and closing it up, hows that for anyone else? hope no qualms with 1 extra
ive sent a request to llama to host the game. once he does ill see what i have to do as setup goes, and then you can all go to and click on the FreshMeat game and check it, read the llamaserver FAQ to see how to send in your pretenders and all that, its here on the forum.
actually, heres the link, for convenience
final issue is that the map still needs to be decided on...
i just looked more closely at parganos and i have one issue with it...the entire eastern plain area bordered by those mountain chains to the north and forest to south is wastes, i think i counted 11 provinces all next toeachother, all wastes....
if anyone lands there, they are going to automatically die i think....
i have 2 solutions to that unless i am wrong about the "landing in wastes and youre screwed" concept.
1) i have a good random map i use in SP (well, have started 2 games with it that havent yet finished hehe), its 200 provinces even, with small amount of water mostly land and well placed borders with mountains. lots of good chokepoints, ample farmland (i turned all swamps into farmland instead of swamps), and a good assortment all over the map of "extra sites" provinces and "large" provinces.
ive put it up as an attachment to the first post for whomever wants to look at it.
2) we just use cradle as previously planned, which i think is easier, though it will give us roughly 17 provinces per player with 13 players (the 200 prov random map gives us 15.x something per player, so its a medium map).
i dont care either way id rather that we get 6 or 7 people to look at the random map, and post their vote real quick and make the decision that way.
EDIT x2: ok i cant see where to add an attachment so, that idea is scrapped until someone can tell me

.... or we just play on cradle....(unless that parganos really isnt a problem with the wastes area)