well damn, now if you look at this last page its all just complaining (of stuff thats already been resolved from previous complaining)...
renojustin, really, i dont enjoy the idea of playing with you in this game anymore at this point. i am going to ask that you leave this game and the reasons i think are justified:
1) i had already gotten some private messages warning me of your habits and had said i would keep an eye out but that otherwise i really didnt think anything would be a problem. I didnt think it would be a problem.
2) ever since your first post here you have complained about something. I even changed settings a bit just for you. nobody else wanted to change anything. on this same subject, i will say that discussing/complaining a setting is quite fine, i even asked people to do so, however it got a bit "nit picky" from you, wanting specific settings then saying if they werent EXACTLY that way, it was unfairly favoring me/my play style. which is absurd. furthermore on this subject, your requests at first were quite fine i must add...you gave good reasons etc and it was constructive, however every post thereafter became more and more demanding (changing the hosting server i think takes the cake) to change the game the way you wanted it.
finally resulting in you even trying to "logically debatefully force" us to change hosting server.
3) as far as hosting server, really, i am up for anything. HOWEVER, since this thread was started, certain things were set in stone. llamaserver is hosting, thats set in stone. EA for example, thats also set in stone. its a newbie game, that as well...set in stone. there are certain "attributes" if you will to games that people setup that are sortof, you know, the whole concept of what that game is going to be. coming along and wanting to change these 'attributes' is idiotic (read: non-logical

4) this reason is i would say my main motivation for asking you to leave, and that is, you are not a newbie. because of the whole non stop complaining i decided to investigate what some of those other players had told me in PM and read up a few other game threads they pointed me to where you had gotten into some issues with players as well. i learned 2 things from this. a) getting into issues isnt new to you, but more importantly, b) you have played alot of MP and obviously with 380+ posts youve been active here awhile. this game is dedicated for those who havent played MP much and havent been here awhile.
these things i have all stated from the very beginning, and repeated myself numerous times.
thank you for your contributions, they have, in fact, been constructive. i will look into network hosting later. i dont agree with your more or less one-sided favoring of network games, though i do agree that, given a perfect world with a perfect network server (that adds perhaps some backup stuff and functionality that would try to match the bonuses of playing PBEM), then network playing would be obviously superior to non-network. as another player has said though, and as ive read on these boards more often than not, network games tend to not be reliable.
maybe one day ill set one up, with a hosting server. for now, no.
conclusion to all this nonsense that i didnt want to type:
this game isnt for you, and theres nothing negative about that, i just think its quite obvious.
when im not a newb so much myself it will be interesting to play a game with you, youre obviously an active player who is quite into all the workings and balances of the game, and want to make games run better/efficiently etc (which is good!) so until that time, ciao...
this game, i repeat, for everyone, is for newbies who dont much have a clue. its not going to be any important game, and no it wont be going towards hall of honor/fame whatever its called.
lets get playing everyone