i sent a PM to llama to request a restart.
oh well
then another thing came up with me, and it might in the next week or two not allow me to put in a turn. haha. i think the fates dont want me to play MP just yet.
first im having a problem with my dom3, its happening mostly just with this MP game....i posted a bug in the forum about it but there is no reply or fix for it yet (it does however make the game unplayable as all input aside from dragging the map with mouse totally disappears)...
second thing was that i thought i would be living in one place for awhile with a new job, but, i stopped the job yesterday after some issues that were apparent and instead i think ill be moving back to sweden (im in spain now).
this being said i want someone else to host. also i will be dropping, so, maybe you all want to change map as well and/or wait for another few players?
hosting really doesnt involve much, there is an admin options menu where you can configure a few things but its not even necessary...otherwise its just moving the game along more or less, as far as i can see.
someone who knows how to use a computer and copy files though, preferably ;-)....i think its rather comical (no offense) that a few of you are seriously having problems copying a friggin file which is stopping you from playing or whatnot.
seriously. computers are not magic boxes. we live in a technology age, get with the program!

(im a software engineer now, but, then again, i still figured out computers when i was no more than maybe 10 years old, and i was cracking apart games to make cheat programs or mods by the time i was 14....if a 10 year old can do it, so can you!