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Old June 17th, 2008, 05:52 PM
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Default Re: Warhammer \"Chaos Undivided\" race mod

Wasn't somebody working on an orcs (WAAAGH!) mod at one time?
You've sailed off the edge of the map--here there be badgers!
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Old June 18th, 2008, 07:18 AM
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Default Re: Warhammer \"Chaos Undivided\" race mod

I haven't heard of the orc mod for other a year I think, so we can presume it is dead. It is sad, he had made some nice units.
I've made a search, and the modder was okiN, as he disappeared ? Or can we expect a comeback ? (hopefully with his pockets full of greenies)
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Old June 18th, 2008, 09:26 AM
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Default Re: Warhammer \"Chaos Undivided\" race mod

okiN is still active on the IRC. You could go there and prod him to the right direction. With an iron rod.
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Old June 18th, 2008, 11:24 AM
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Default Re: Warhammer \"Chaos Undivided\" race mod

I don't go on the IRC, 'cause I have no internet at home, and I can't install what is needed at work.
And since the time I played fallout, I only use electric prods. Fried modder...Hmmm...
10 times more numerous, by nigth and backstabbing.

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Old June 29th, 2008, 06:56 PM

Panpiper Panpiper is offline
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Default Re: Warhammer \"Chaos Undivided\" race mod

Version 0.51 is up.

I've noticed during extensive play of this mod, that despite all the names I've created, I still fairly regularly see the same names on two commanders in the same province. I find the thematic names for Chaos one of the particularly enjoyable, immersive aspects of this mod and would prefer to avoid such duplication. However after coming up with as many as I already have, I find myself rather tapped out for inspiration.

On the off chance anyone feels inspired, if anyone wants to contribute names for any or all of the Chaos powers that could be included, by all means do so.
Chaos Undivided Race Mod
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Old June 30th, 2008, 03:02 AM

Tyrian Tyrian is offline
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Default Re: Warhammer \"Chaos Undivided\" race mod

This site may be help you:

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Old July 1st, 2008, 08:01 AM
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Default Re: Warhammer \"Chaos Undivided\" race mod

I noticed that you have names like (example) "Soldier, W Flail&shield" that looks grossly unprofessional if you ask me, it's pretty clear to see what they have, it looks messy and isn't nessisairy. I suggest it should be changed, if you say need notes to help you remember where they are in the mods coding you should put notes above the creature named "Soldier" or what not.

Other then that this mod seems to be well constructed, despite the immensely powerful "Chaos Armor" but that looks like it has it's costs.
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Old July 1st, 2008, 11:05 AM

Panpiper Panpiper is offline
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Default Re: Warhammer \"Chaos Undivided\" race mod

I wasn't referring to the unit titles when I mentioned names. However yours is a good point and I've modified the unit titles for the basic Chaos warriors which mentioned their weapons types.

Here is the list of the current Choas name types. This is what I want to add to:

-- Nurgle Names

#selectnametype 127
#addname "Rippuke"
#addname "Slugeye"
#addname "Gutrabid"
#addname "Rendrabid"
#addname "Slugflesh"
#addname "Chewgross"
#addname "Lashscab"
#addname "Splitsore"
#addname "Scumbucket"
#addname "Spikerotten"
#addname "Plaguebear"
#addname "Witherfume"
#addname "Ichorscum"
#addname "Fumefang"
#addname "Fartface"
#addname "Scabflesh"
#addname "Bilepuss"
#addname "Wormfilth"
#addname "Plagueprey"
#addname "Goblob"
#addname "Vomitfiend"
#addname "Gangrene"
#addname "Blistergore"
#addname "Spasmfoul"
#addname "Sucksore"
#addname "Rabidfroth"
#addname "Pusvomit"
#addname "Slugwart"
#addname "Leperwither"
#addname "Bilepump"
#addname "Spewspurt"
#addname "Locust"
#addname "Sicksight"
#addname "Grabspittle"
#addname "Quiverbowel"
#addname "Gutscum"
#addname "Puspop"
#addname "Rotgobble"
#addname "Spoorpox"
#addname "Rottenvex"
#addname "Hackspew"
#addname "Hacklung"
#addname "Ebola"
#addname "Spiderfilth"
#addname "Vomitdung"
#addname "Blightscrape"
#addname "Droolsting"
#addname "Bileslob"
#addname "Festermouth"
#addname "Gristlemaw"
#addname "Soresplit"
#addname "Mucusbowel"
#addname "Pukebag"
#addname "Ichorspot"
#addname "Vilemouth"
#addname "Chewspasm"
#addname "Pilespoor"
#addname "Bloodpus"
#addname "Mucusfroth"
#addname "Blightclaw"
#addname "Oozerip"
#addname "Sorefester"
#addname "Flyswarm"
#addname "Rotspoor"
#addname "Grimpox"
#addname "Spasmscum"
#addname "Wormsuck"
#addname "Poxmire"
#addname "Festerkill"
#addname "Dreadmucus"
#addname "Spittlemaggot"
#addname "Ichordoom"

-- Slaanesh Names

#selectnametype 128
#addname "Bloodlust"
#addname "Deepthrust"
#addname "Gutblood"
#addname "Necronheat"
#addname "Slicecaress"
#addname "Slaylove"
#addname "Deathlust"
#addname "Killjoy"
#addname "Lustmurder"
#addname "Sindeep"
#addname "Deathcaress"
#addname "Loveblood"
#addname "Deepslice"
#addname "Hotblood"
#addname "Reamslice"
#addname "Gorelust"
#addname "Lovepain"
#addname "Bloodcaress"
#addname "Necrobabe"
#addname "Plungedeep"
#addname "KillLover"
#addname "Deadpile"
#addname "Deathdrinker"
#addname "Sweetdeath"
#addname "Deadblood"
#addname "Murdersweet"
#addname "Moregore"
#addname "Gorethrust"
#addname "Gutlust"
#addname "Loveslayer"
#addname "Deathkiss"
#addname "Deathtouch"
#addname "Battlelust"
#addname "Fleshrend"
#addname "BlackWidow"
#addname "Gutslover"
#addname "Painkiss"
#addname "Lovedeath"
#addname "Bellyslice"
#addname "Fleshthrob"
#addname "Necrobanger"
#addname "Fleshpierce"
#addname "Sinheart"
#addname "Slicehowl"
#addname "Sinpain"
#addname "Heartgore"
#addname "Grinfang"
#addname "Killkill"
#addname "Painlust"
#addname "Loonpest"
#addname "Banegrasp"
#addname "Darkheart"
#addname "Screechlick"
#addname "Deathlove"
#addname "Fleshspit"
#addname "Lipsword"
#addname "Hotflesh"
#addname "Bellyrip"
#addname "Hotquake"
#addname "Cutflesh"
#addname "Thrusttremble"
#addname "Bloodbite"
#addname "Bellypop"
#addname "Deathwish"
#addname "Lewdfang"
#addname "Painlove"
#addname "Warptongue"
#addname "Limbsuck"
#addname "Fiendthrob"
#addname "Lipspittle"
#addname "Lewdbeast"
#addname "Skinwhip"
#addname "Lustspite"
#addname "Heartvex"
#addname "Gristlewhip"
#addname "Suckflesh"

-- Tzeentch Names

#selectnametype 146
#addname "Redfist"
#addname "Brutespider"
#addname "Dreadpest"
#addname "Spotash"
#addname "Flamewhip"
#addname "Livereat"
#addname "Grimcraze"
#addname "Warpflame"
#addname "Starfire"
#addname "Flameblast"
#addname "Warwarp"
#addname "Firestorm"
#addname "Gruntfire"
#addname "Taintmark"
#addname "Killfire"
#addname "Flashfire"
#addname "Fleshtremble"
#addname "Ashcry"
#addname "Redfire"
#addname "Wrackkill"
#addname "Crazespider"
#addname "Blackflame"
#addname "Pilemange"
#addname "Hotwarp"
#addname "Venomwhine"
#addname "Taintfire"
#addname "Hellheat"
#addname "Starfury"
#addname "Greenblood"
#addname "Violetfire"
#addname "Chaosgnash"
#addname "Furygristle"
#addname "Flamelick"
#addname "Brimstone"
#addname "Blackreap"
#addname "Scrapeblast"
#addname "Killflame"
#addname "Warwarp"
#addname "Fanglick"
#addname "Eatbrute"
#addname "Flickflame"
#addname "Spiderslake"
#addname "Warprend"
#addname "Blastfurnace"
#addname "Firetoad"
#addname "Furydoom"
#addname "Flamestorm"
#addname "Shinewarp"
#addname "Vortex"
#addname "Redflame"
#addname "Wardreg"
#addname "Warpgnash"
#addname "Quasar"
#addname "Flushred"
#addname "Ashbeetle"
#addname "Whiteflame"
#addname "Blueheart"
#addname "Blackfire"
#addname "Markspike"
#addname "Hellfire"
#addname "Vexgnaw"
#addname "Warpfire"
#addname "Firecold"
#addname "Twisttremble"
#addname "Doomflame"
#addname "Blackbog"
#addname "Fluxdrink"
#addname "Astralfire"
#addname "Redwarp"
#addname "Twistquake"
#addname "Bloodfire"
#addname "Bloodhack"
#addname "Dreadfire"
#addname "Hotblast"

-- Khorne Names

#selectnametype 147
#addname "Hotmaim"
#addname "Banerip"
#addname "Dreadbeast"
#addname "Mauldoom"
#addname "Haterend"
#addname "Vilerip"
#addname "Grimblade"
#addname "Baneblade"
#addname "Fangwarp"
#addname "Howlhammer"
#addname "Battlerage"
#addname "Thrashhelm"
#addname "Ripshred"
#addname "Hothead"
#addname "Gnawblade"
#addname "Sharpbreak"
#addname "Waraxe"
#addname "Bladekeen"
#addname "Taintfist"
#addname "Sharpfroth"
#addname "Greatcleave"
#addname "Scrapequiver"
#addname "Axelick"
#addname "Deathgrim"
#addname "Sharpedge"
#addname "Gnawloon"
#addname "Banecleave"
#addname "Goregrind"
#addname "Bladeblood"
#addname "Gruntrip"
#addname "Beastslice"
#addname "Fistcraze"
#addname "Reapthrash"
#addname "Hammerheart"
#addname "Whipsharp"
#addname "Feastflesh"
#addname "Dreadblade"
#addname "Hothate"
#addname "Beastgnash"
#addname "Furymaul"
#addname "Whiplash"
#addname "Bladefury"
#addname "Crushslice"
#addname "Warblade"
#addname "Edgeknife"
#addname "Howlhack"
#addname "Twaincut"
#addname "Rendsharp"
#addname "Meatmash"
#addname "Doombeast"
#addname "Axemaul"
#addname "Bladehate"
#addname "Bloodfury"
#addname "Lickblade"
#addname "Gruntcrush"
#addname "Ripsmash"
#addname "Fistfiend"
#addname "Blademange"
#addname "Warmaul"
#addname "Whipsword"
#addname "Bladestorm"
#addname "Fistblade"
#addname "Ripwreck"
#addname "Gutwrench"
#addname "Greatslice"
#addname "Beastwhip"
#addname "Heartrend"
#addname "Crushblunt"
#addname "Furyblade"
#addname "Doomslice"
#addname "Fearmonger"
#addname "Battleaxe"
#addname "Ripgnash"
#addname "Grimbane"
#addname "Fistcraze"
#addname "Bladeblast"
#addname "Clawgore"
#addname "Wighthelm"
#addname "Bladefire"
#addname "Howlfiend"
#addname "Hearttear"
#addname "Slicesword"
#addname "Helmblade"
#addname "Gruntwhip"
#addname "Doomblade"
#addname "Dreadrend"
Chaos Undivided Race Mod
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Old July 30th, 2008, 05:17 PM
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Default Re: Warhammer \"Chaos Undivided\" race mod

I have installed this wery good mod but all the recruitable mages don't have any magic level. Am I doing something wrong?

I have the last patch installed.
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Old July 31st, 2008, 02:02 AM

Panpiper Panpiper is offline
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Default Re: Warhammer \"Chaos Undivided\" race mod

Hmm... Concerned that perhaps I had uploaded an incorrect built (it wouldn't be the first time), I downloaded the zip file from this thread. Using that file, I played a test game. I recruited all the various mages that Chaos is allowed, including getting the mage hero, and all of them had their magic path levels.

I expect what is happening is that you have more than one mod enabled and one of them is conflicting with the unit numbers for the mages. You are ordering the construction of what you think is a Chaos Sorcerer and the game is giving you some other unit that happens to have the same ID number in another mod. Try disabling the other mods and see what happens.
Chaos Undivided Race Mod
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