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Old July 20th, 2008, 05:23 PM
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Default Re: Paging the Giants Jotunheim

Considering that there was an enormous force of his capital only sacreds in the south, then no, I don't think he was really "defending his lands" from you in anything but a token sense.

And I turned my army around when the leader of my former ally informed me (somewhat rudely) that you had avoided the capital, and that heading there to kill the pretender was a higher priority than facing off with the army in the south.

I have cast a powerful global spell, sure. Someone dispelled one of my others, which I rather much fancied having up. Due to the actions of this thoughtless nation who has spent a small fortune in Pearls only to hinder the growth of such a peaceful people as mine - I certainly am not going to accept your ridiculous demands. I am sure you understand how the Nexus works, it steals nothing. You'd never see the gems that I get, it just happens that I run the bank now, nothing changes in your life at all.

I have offered twice now to return Pearls to the *two* entire people who donated for the dispel. Neither has responded affirmatively, so while I understand that you and some others may be concerned, then I will point out some facts.

~ I've only taken 8 provinces from other nations this entire game - 3 of those were returned to Marignon.

~ I did not start this war myself, but was asked by two nations to join in, your own and Marignon.

~ R'lyeh on the other hand has been quite the little warmonger, and has become quite the little magemonger as well - some people may be a little disturbed by poor Agartha having the Nexus up - maybe they should be more worried what happens if R'lyeh annexes Agartha and recasts the Nexus themselves.

It seems to me that fear of the unknown is the only motivating factor for most people, as regards Agartha. Perhaps they should be more afraid of what IS known - about R'lyeh.
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Old July 20th, 2008, 05:32 PM
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Default Re: Paging the Giants Jotunheim

Well, what I know is both of you are good neighbors, at least to me.
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Old July 21st, 2008, 03:36 AM
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Default The Agarthean Offensive

Why would R'Lyeh cast the Nexus? We have been kind and generous to our neighbours, giving aid when needed without demands for compensation. Casting the nexus would be quite out of character given how controversial it is, instead I shall work with my neighbours to take down these globals rather than hogging every single slot like you seem intent on doing..
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Old July 21st, 2008, 03:53 AM
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Default Re: Paging the Giants Jotunheim

Well in about twenty minutes we will know what happened... waiting for a new war in the west. What new methods of killing will be displayed? Will Rylah gain a bunch of new thralls? Will Argatha blade wind rylah to death? Stay tuned, folks more news coming...
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Old July 21st, 2008, 07:37 AM
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Default Re: The Agarthean Offensive

Niarg said:
...We have been kind and generous to our neighbours, giving aid when needed without demands for compensation...
Ummm, wait, what?

From: Niarg
And so the battle against Oceania is almost over and it comes to divide the spoils of war.

I request that the lands 92 and 77 be left to me and you may take all of the seas to the south of there. Having given you the death gems you asked for to begin your campaign, it would be nice if you ceded these lands to me at the end of the campaign.
I would be amused if you claimed this was not a "demand". I can unveil your angry reply to my refusal. If a denied request is met with violence, doesn't that classify that request as a demand?

BTW, you are so polite when you demand things. I also liked how in your perturbation, you called the D gems "gifts in good faith". I'm having a hard time fathoming how one gives a gift, and then demands compensation.

But you're right, you're a pillar of the community, making war on numerous neighbors, and demanding payment for gifts. Definitely far more respectable behavior than that of Agartha, whose crimes include trying to protect their ally, and making good use of neglected or wasted resources.
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Old July 21st, 2008, 03:52 PM
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Default Re: The Agarthean Offensive

I hardly see that as a demand, it was a request that you do not take the provinces that I left Oceania to take so that I could go after his capital.

Other than the blatant slander you are writing here I think the best proof that you are the poor neighbour is that your allies will not aid you and even those halfway across the map go out of their way to harm you.

I wonder if I will be attacked by anyone for "warmongering" or my harsh "demands" or if you are merely ensuring your isolation in this world.
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Old July 21st, 2008, 04:16 PM

chrispedersen chrispedersen is offline
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Default Gems

The Marignon pawnbroker

Demand exceeds supply - I've had far more people requesting gems than selling them. Soooo following basic supply side economics we'll try raising the prices to see if we can stimulate production.

So, as of this next turn Marignon will pay
25 for fire gems.
20 for Nature, Earth, Death
17.5 for water, air
15 for blood slaves (must be in quantities of 50)

Surely, someone needs a castle built somewhere? Troops to pay? Gambling losses to cover?

RSVP, via pm please.

Edit: Ah we've had some very nice interest. Thank you all very much. I can still cover a few more orders. Don't let your neighbor be the only one to get these great prices.

Due to quantities received, I can tell you that FIRE and EARTH will be down next turn.
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Old July 21st, 2008, 05:18 PM
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Default Re: The Agarthean Offensive

Niarg said:
I hardly see that as a demand, it was a request that you do not take the provinces that I left Oceania to take so that I could go after his capital.

Other than the blatant slander you are writing here I think the best proof that you are the poor neighbour is that your allies will not aid you and even those halfway across the map go out of their way to harm you.

I wonder if I will be attacked by anyone for "warmongering" or my harsh "demands" or if you are merely ensuring your isolation in this world.

No no, not really. First, you were on Oceania's capital already, you weren't "going after" it, you were sieging it. And while one of those provinces was neutral, the other was my only way south, after Marignon had his coastal provinces back.

And perhaps if my ally had offered the same deals in gold for gems from my Deep Well that he offers everyone else, we'd still be allies. Seems all I get in Glory are demands - sweetly wrapped up looking like polite requests, but in the end, demands that bear heavy consequences if not met.

That is fine, play it off ham-handed. I am pretty sure that people are only a bit scared of my spells, not of my nation. Agartha is clearly the smallest nation who is not currently being trounced (sorry Eriu and TC <3). I am just trying to be competitive, but apparently having a couple of nice globals is far superior to province count, income, gem income, army size, and research. I will keep that in mind next time, I was unaware that having nothing but Arcane Nexus, was superior to having everything but Arcane Nexus. So if it's so powerful, why doesn't everyone just concede? I am soooo scary over here.

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Old July 22nd, 2008, 12:34 AM

chrispedersen chrispedersen is offline
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Default Sorry Guys:

A 24 hour delay has been requested. I'm leaving quickhost on in case john can process a turn.
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Old July 22nd, 2008, 08:33 AM
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Default Re: Sorry Guys:

Well Jim, live and learn.

You should now know that
a)Yes all of those graphs are worthless, most people already know that
b)Casting Arcane nexus will annoy everyone
c)Hogging all the global slots is also a bad idea

And I now know that any requests I receive from you in the future should be treated as unfair demands since my requests are dealt with in that way.

But enough of this battle of words, we shall be at war soon enough...
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